Iranian woman faces stoning for adultery (1 Viewer)

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Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
thats exactly whats happening....the Jews try and steer people's attention to other issues while they are killing and commiting mass murders in PALESTINE. why are the jews on this forum so racist? its australia...a multi-racial , tolerant counrty. if you dont like this, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY you trouble making jews (and that's not israel because you took it from palestine) !
Mass murder is not being committed in Palestine. The Israel Defense Forces does not go into the Occupied territories and blow up whole communities or entiire buses, restaurants, cafes etc. Alternately, Palestinian extremists have infiltrated Israel and detonated bombs on buses, in cafes and in popular night clubs - this is mass murder.

I resent your accusation that I am racist. I am not racist, and it equally saddens me to see some of the other Jews or rather people that claim to be Jewish or representing Judaism or the Australian Jewish community who speak with such ignorant insolant bigotry of another people. The Islamic community is a minority in Australia just as the Jewish community. If the Jewish community is to learn something, it's that a minority in threat can easily spread to another minority: it happened in World War II. I sympathise with the Palestinian cause: I seek a two-state solution, I seek the withdrawl of Israel's occupation but I appreciate that Israel's actions are legitimate acts of self-defense.

I feel for the children who have no childhood - marred by constant Israeli action. I feel for the innocent Palestinians who strive to live in peace and security just as Israel, but are led astray by a small minority with a loud voice who call for the destruction of Israel and the annhilation of the Jewish people. I feel for the children of Israel whose towns are constantly bombarded by rockets from Gaza, who cannot go to school or who live in bomb shelters during the summer months and wars.

I am a Right Wing Zionist North Shore Snob yet I appreciate plight of the Arab people who live in a fear of crazed clerics who incite hatred and murder into the children.

Israel was not taken from Palestine, portions were administered under the UN Partition Plan that our country, Australia wholeheartedly supported. Beofe Israel it was simply a Mandate of Britain.

I apologise for the bigoted ignorance of some of the members here who incorrectly represent the Australian Jewish community.


Mar 21, 2007
queenrayan said:
thats exactly whats happening....the Jews try and steer people's attention to other issues while they are killing and commiting mass murders in PALESTINE. why are the jews on this forum so racist? its australia...a multi-racial , tolerant counrty. if you dont like this, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY you trouble making jews (and that's not israel because you took it from palestine):mad1: !
Hello Maniella, me miss you long time :rofl:


Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
PrinceHarry said:
You don't and its all about what you think is nt it? How about what the prisoners think of the punishment? Hundreds of prisoners serving life sentences in Italy have called on President Giorgio Napolitano to bring back the death penalty.

Actually, it is. It was the Cleric ruler Ayatollah and his co-horts that imposed Islamic Law, any attempted reform to limit their powers are vetoed by Ayatollah himself or his Guardian Council half of them from Islamic cleric. What other issues are there making Iranians flee their countries other than them fleeing the Islamic regime itself.

No there is no freedom to have consentual sex between adults in Iran unless they are married. All sex outside marriage is a crime punishable by death sentence.
Does iranian women think twice before making their commitment, apparently not. Your assumption that if there is a harsh law people will obey is simply not true.
Some prisoners (and not even close to all of them) only think it is worse because the death penalty isn't painful enough and/or the conditions they are living in are not so good. Though it is certainly not the greatest place to be people serving life sentences can live quite comfortably and much prefer their current situation over death. You might also consider that if the death penalty was carried out by stoning (or in some other extremely painful way) they might think twice about asking for it.

I have no doubt that there are problems with Islamic government but the fundamental values of Islamic Law that lead to a decision like punishing adultery by death are not the problem.

There is still freedom to have consentual sex between adults who are married. I don't think that is such a bad thing. In our society it would be ridiculous but that doesn't mean it can't work over there.

One woman does it anyway and so that automatically means it applies to everyone? Generally it is true that a harsher punishment won't stop people doing it but not always. You also have to consider that harsher penalties are not the only factor. As a society they value marriage more in the first place or at least they should based on their religious beliefs. The whole culture of adultery and it's punishment has evolved over time. They didn't just decide one day that too many people were sleeping around so they would make the punishment death.


Jun 4, 2007
iamsickofyear12 said:
Some prisoners (and not even close to all of them) only think it is worse because the death penalty isn't painful enough and/or the conditions they are living in are not so good. Though it is certainly not the greatest place to be people serving life sentences can live quite comfortably and much prefer their current situation over death. You might also consider that if the death penalty was carried out by stoning (or in some other extremely painful way) they might think twice about asking for it.
Obviously if they are gonna be put to death by dragging behind a car with a rope or had their body parts cut of piece by piece they certainly will think twice before asking for death penalty, but that is NOT what we were arguing for. You said it is a shame that mass murderer were not sentenced to death. Martin bryan wants to kill himself instead of living the rest of his life in prison, society wants him to suffer more and keep him alive contrary to his wishes. If they are in prison in a condition so bad that they are actually asking for death, don't you think the punishment is quite harsh or you will only be satisfied with death sentence for every crime you think is bad?

I have no doubt that there are problems with Islamic government but the fundamental values of Islamic Law that lead to a decision like punishing adultery by death are not the problem.
As long as you are not the victim?

There is still freedom to have consentual sex between adults who are married. I don't think that is such a bad thing. In our society it would be ridiculous but that doesn't mean it can't work over there.
Wrong again, they can have sex only with their wife or husband according to islamic Law. Not with anyone else. Apparently it does not work, despite harsh laws, people including this woman, apparently still have sex outside marriage. In most cases the ones punished are always female, again under islamic Law, they are inferior to men. A married man can have sex wih other women by marrying them for the duration of sex, where as a married woman cant, except with his husband.
One woman does it anyway and so that automatically means it applies to everyone? Generally it is true that a harsher punishment won't stop people doing it but not always. You also have to consider that harsher penalties are not the only factor. As a society they value marriage more in the first place or at least they should based on their religious beliefs. The whole culture of adultery and it's punishment has evolved over time. They didn't just decide one day that too many people were sleeping around so they would make the punishment death.
Really? Have you heard about Temporary marriage in Iran where a man married a woman for 1 hour, for sex then immediately divorce her after they had sex by invoking talaq. Britney Spears marriage to Jason Alexander last longer than that. Is that how they really valued the sanctity of marriage!'ah


Oct 13, 2004
PrinceHarry said:
Obviously if they are gonna be put to death by dragging behind a car with a rope or had their body parts cut of piece by piece they certainly will think twice before asking for death penalty, but that is NOT what we were arguing for. You said it is a shame that mass murderer were not sentenced to death. Martin bryan wants to kill himself instead of living the rest of his life in prison, society wants him to suffer more and keep him alive contrary to his wishes. If they are in prison in a condition so bad that they are actually asking for death, don't you think the punishment is quite harsh or you will only be satisfied with death sentence for every crime you think is bad?

So you think that prison is a harsher sentence, and therefore you're in favour of it.

Are you arguing for harsher sentences?

Wrong again, they can have sex only with their wife or husband according to islamic Law. Not with anyone else.

Thats what he said. Consentual sex with your spouse

Really? Have you heard about Temporary marriage in Iran where a man married a woman for 1 hour, for sex then immediately divorce her after they had sex by invoking talaq. Britney Spears marriage to Jason Alexander last longer than that. Is that how they really valued the sanctity of marriage!'ah

Sounds like a good idea actually.

They have 2 different types of marriage, a permanent and temporary.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
A quote for which Napier is famous involves a delegation of Hindu locals approaching him and complaining about prohibition of Sati, often referred to at the time as suttee, by British authorities. This was the custom of burning widows alive on the funeral pyres of their husbands. The exact wording of his response varies somewhat in different reports, but the following version captures its essence:
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."[1]


Jun 4, 2007
Jordan.J said:
So you think that prison is a harsher sentence, and therefore you're in favour of it.

Are you arguing for harsher sentences?
I'm not favouring/unfavour anything, I accept the sentence imposed by courts, I am happy that Timothy mcVeigh was sentenced to death and I am equally happy that Martin Bryant is sentenced to life in prison, either way justice is served.

Thats what he said. Consentual sex with your spouse
Wrong. This is what he said There is freedom to have consentual sex between willing adults, just as long as adultery is not involved.

Sex outside marriage is illegal whether it is consentual or not, and of course who said it is prohibited between married couple!

Sounds like a good idea actually.

They have 2 different types of marriage, a permanent and temporary.
Whether is it a good idea or not, it is contrary to his assertion that THEY valued marriage in Iran! In a culture where marriage last only for the duration of sex, marriage is certainly NOT valued more than anywher else.


Oct 13, 2004
PrinceHarry said:
I'm not favouring/unfavour anything, I accept the sentence imposed by courts, I am happy that Timothy mcVeigh was sentenced to death and I am equally happy that Martin Bryant is sentenced to life in prison, either way justice is served.


Wrong. This is what he said There is freedom to have consentual sex between willing adults, just as long as adultery is not involved.

Sex outside marriage is illegal whether it is consentual or not, and of course who said it is prohibited between married couple!

Yes, but in Islam fornication and adultery both fall under the same category.

Whether is it a good idea or not, it is contrary to his assertion that THEY valued marriage in Iran! In a culture where marriage last only for the duration of sex, marriage is certainly NOT valued more than anywher else.

They value the 2 different types of marriage. They have more than one type


Jun 4, 2007
Jordan.J said:

Yes, but in Islam fornication and adultery both fall under the same category.
Which means two consenting adult cannot have sex unless they are married under Islamic Law.

They value the 2 different types of marriage. They have more than one type
Right yeah, britney Spears is a saint in Iran.


Oct 13, 2004
PrinceHarry said:
Which means two consenting adult cannot have sex unless they are married under Islamic Law.

Which shows how much they value marriage

Right yeah, britney Spears is a saint in Iran.

See above


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
BritneySpears said:
Hello Maniella, me miss you long time :rofl:
nah, its just me. Your obviously a gender confused moron only good at lying and making up shit. Go get a life mate :) Besides, queenrayan does have a point anyways :D


Aug 23, 2004
I personally have little respect for people who "willingly" commit adultery. As in, if they were forced to marry someone else against their own will and then committed adultery with the person they truly love, OR they might have fallen in love with someone else and then tried to divorce but couldn't, then that does not count. But if you feel like just sleeping around for the hell of it, then no, I have no respect at all.

It's pretty hard to tell from this situation though.
Last edited:


Jun 4, 2007
Jordan.J said:
Which shows how much they value marriage

See above
Exactly, they did NOT value the sanctity of marriage at all, If they valued Marriage in the context mentioned they would not be destroying it within an hour. There would not be temporary marriages just for a fuck in a society where marriage is valued. This is another hypocrisy of muslims.


Jun 4, 2007
lala2 said:
I personally have little respect for people who "willingly" commit adultery. As in, if they were forced to marry someone else against their own will and then committed adultery with the person they truly love, OR they might have fallen in love with someone else and then tried to divorce but couldn't, then that does not count. But if you feel like just sleeping around for the hell of it, then no, I have no respect at all.

It's pretty hard to tell from this situation though.
I dont have respect either, however a vast number of muslim women are forced against their will to marry men they dont love. In some cases, they are killed for not marrying someone their family wanted them to.


Black by Demand
Aug 10, 2005
right here, can't you see?
do we have any muslim here in this forum? do you believe a woman committing adultery deserves to be stoned to death? ask yourself, will any religion, no matter how different they are to that of the rest of the world's, there is no way it supports violence and murder. find me a page in your bible/prophet which says death is the way to punish a person who did something wrong.

to all you idiots who have been saying i try to put our values to that of the other cultures, how can i not? it does not matter what your believes and religion is, we all try to condemn murder and violence, and then there is iran, who is going to kill an iranian woman because she apparently broke one of the most forbidden rules of islam. try and justify that.

in the end, if you argue that 'you can't put one set of values in every culture and country', then we would not have such thing as human rights, because everyone will interpret that differently and have different circumstances.

so for anyone planning to travel overseas, make sure you read up every page of the law of your destination country, because you might be stoned to death for drinking water.


Apr 11, 2006
wuddie said:
do we have any muslim here in this forum? do you believe a woman committing adultery deserves to be stoned to death? ask yourself, will any religion, no matter how different they are to that of the rest of the world's, there is no way it supports violence and murder. find me a page in your bible/prophet which says death is the way to punish a person who did something wrong.

to all you idiots who have been saying i try to put our values to that of the other cultures, how can i not? it does not matter what your believes and religion is, we all try to condemn murder and violence, and then there is iran, who is going to kill an iranian woman because she apparently broke one of the most forbidden rules of islam. try and justify that.

in the end, if you argue that 'you can't put one set of values in every culture and country', then we would not have such thing as human rights, because everyone will interpret that differently and have different circumstances.

so for anyone planning to travel overseas, make sure you read up every page of the law of your destination country, because you might be stoned to death for drinking water.
I'm sure you'd find moderate Muslims do not condone death by stoning. Only hardline people would support it. The Bible states stoning by death as a punishment for adultery. But of course, Christianity has gone past its phase of extremism and I believe most Christians are in my own terms, "casual Christians". They don't follow their book literally and to the core whereas you'd find in nations with Islamic law, that is not the case.

Also, you must be very ignorant of other religions if you believe it does not support violence. You need not go further than the Bible. There is a section about punishments which are all outdated and similar to those found in the Koran/Quran(whatever the spelling is). However, I've forgotten the name of said chapter. I might try to find it if I can be bothered but I think its focused on punishment acts which were considered crimes back then such as adultery. Also, the USA allows the death penalty to be used.

The "idiots" are moderates. It's a different society which would obviously have different beliefs and values. What you don't understand is that every society has different values and morals. Iran has very extreme laws, yes. You have your own opinion and everyone recognises it. However, you fail to recognise OTHER people's opinions(not on this board, referring to non-Australian societies world wide). Yes, you can say its wrong from your perspective but how can you state it as a fact? Who says you are superior to everyone else?

We would still have the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You do realise different nations sign it voluntarily? Hence, human rights would still exist. The concept of recognising another nation's sovereignty isn't new. ;)

And to the last paragraph, good advice. Anyone assuming that any country they are travelling to has the same laws as Australia is an idiot.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
SnaykewThe Bible states stoning by death as a punishment for adultery. But of course said:
How is it acceptable for christians to change their interpretation of the bible in this way? God has clearly said that the punishment for adultery is death but christians have gone and decided that it's not what he actually said. If anything muslims are doing the right thing by actually listening to their god.


Apr 11, 2006
As I said, there aren't that many hardline Christians anymore. :p I think Ireland is the only or one of the only Christian nations left where divorce and abortion are against the law.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
Snaykew said:
As I said, there aren't that many hardline Christians anymore. :p I think Ireland is the only or one of the only Christian nations left where divorce and abortion are against the law.
I don't see it as "there aren't any hardline christians." I see it as "there aren't any real christians." You can't go and change the interpretation of what your god has told you just because you don't like it. If god was real almost all christians will be going to hell.
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