As for the current situation, as far as I can see, the only thing that's keeping the entire region from collapsing into greater instability is the prescence of the US military. Granted, they're doing a crappy job from whatever position you're looking at it, but if they weren't there, it'll be alot worse
Thats just wrong. The people of Iraq will always fight a foreign power.
I have said before that during the Iraq election every party's main policy was to remove the foreign occupation. The new government of Iraq has betrayed it's people by not telling the foreign troops to remove.
Secondly, many from the armed resistance have agreed to stop violent action against an Iraqi government if the US leave. My source is a lady who works with the organisation
Our Home Iraq. This organisation gives homes to orphaned children.
This makes complete sense as all attacks are against US and Uk forces and any of its collaborators. It's just a sad fact that civillians are caught in the violence, though they are never the trarget.
Anything else is just a lie, just look at the facts and use you head and it makes sense. Thoose who lie about the resistances' aims do so because they want the foriegn occupation to stay there as long as possible. They know that if the US leave, the Iraqis will take greater control over the economy and not leave it open to outside influence.
Thoose who say but the US removed Sadam, so they should stay, contradict the resistance. The resistance's majority is of people and organisations that were oppressed under Saddam. They too wanted the removal of Sadam, yet they see the US as a occupier, not a liberated. So people who run this arguement are false and have no interest for what the Iraqi people want.
The Iraqi resistance also makes up Non-Violent groups, don't forgot that point as well.
Iraq resistance is a just fight, and it will remove the US forces. There is no evidence that the Iraqi resistance is getting smaller, on the contray that it is growing. It is historical fact that a large occupation of the Western Imperialist will be defeated in battle.
To quote Ho Chi Minh again.
You will kill 10 of our men, and we will kill 1 of yours, and in the end it will be you who tire of it.
You only have to do the math to know the US will be defeated in Iraq.
Long live the Iraqi Resistance!
Long live the Iraqi people!
Long live the international anti Imperialist movement!