Supercharged said:
But large supplies of plastic explosives, unguided rockets and mines are relatively cheap and cause total chaos.
Large numbers of
relatively cheap weaponary still equates to expensive.
Just a small number of high tech weapons in the hands of insurgents such as MANPADs and decent anti-tank weapons would seriously erode morale in the US military. Look at the Chechen rebels, they have blackmarket weapons to bring down Russian helicopters. Russia has an even harder time trying to control them, than the US with Iraqis.[/quote]
High tech weapons are A hard to come by and B expensive. The Chechen rebels have several things on their side including neighbouring sympathetic countries which act as conduits, that they are not fighting the US and that via theft, looting and the black market they have been able to acquire Russian arms.
America is a paper tiger atm, they can't physically open a second or third front with Syria or Iran, since their troops are already stretched with Iraq. If they did bombing runs on Iran you can be sure that Iran would relatiate by firing off a load of Shahab-3 ballastic missiles into Israel. Then the shit would really hit the fan.
Correct America would not open a 2nd/3rd front in Iran/Syria as they are already stretched. They would however impose sanctions, engage in punitive air strikes and special forces raids. It would not be neccessary to invade Iran or Syria to cause them to reach their strategic defeat threshold, it would be enough to simply destabilise the respective regimes by knocking out infrastructure.
Obviously enough the first step in any such action would be the mobilising of Patriot batteries in Israel and the knocking out of all locatable Iranian missiles. It is however important to note that even were their missiles not targetted Iran would be unlikley to use them against Israel, it would not serve a viable strategic purpose. Unlike Sadams targetting in Gulf War I.
raginsheep said:
America is only a "paper tiger" at the moment because of a number of factors including the lack of domestic support for the continued troop prescence in Iraq and also because of the nature of the resistance. In any conventional war, especially one where they are not the aggressor, then they would win easily.
America is a paper tiger because they can win a war but not the peace. They can easily defeat any opponent on the field however they do not have the manpower, willpower, training or logistics to occupy. In other words they can take but not hold.
I think you're kidding yourself if you think anything other than an Iran style theocracy would take power were America to withdraw.