So yeh is it normal, cause ive gone blankk and im revisin it all again, cause ive totaly lost it, and im scaredd , wuld this happen 2 me in ths hsc? i dont find them hard but ive jst forgottn everythn
After the Summer break, i'd say it's ok to be a little bit lost; at least i was! But if you already knew it beforehand you should be able to pick it up again pretty quickly so i wouldn't worry. If you study regularly before the hsc, memorising them shouldn't be a problem. You'll probably find that you won't even need to sit down and memorise them since you've used them quite frequently throughout the year!
So yeh is it normal, cause ive gone blankk and im revisin it all again, cause ive totaly lost it, and im scaredd , wuld this happen 2 me in ths hsc? i dont find them hard but ive jst forgottn everythn