Would the amount of study/effort required be more in Medicine than in any other degree?
Is there still plenty of freetime for multiple outside activities?
Just curious
Yes. It's a bit like the study for HSC in the later half of the year. There is plenty of free-time however, you have to use your alot of your own time for self-directed study and learning (most med schools have self directed problem or clinical based learning cases every week)! But it also depends on how you learn, alot of med students are crammers, who'll only put the effort in the last month or so.
As a former Science student and a student who has studied Arts units, yes, there is a significant more amount of study you need to do in med compared to an arts degree or general degree where you can BS yourself through 3/4 of it.
Law students I think have the highest amount of work load and reading, however medicine has alot of clinical reasoning, sciences, problem solving to it as well.
Yes there is alot of free time esp at UWS, where we get a whole day-off during years 1 and 2. Our social calander:
UWSMS Also many med students work part-time or have weekend jobs.