Israel–Gaza conflict (3 Viewers)


Jul 18, 2007
wait a sec, israel only exists because the british needed an ally in the mid east.
now its USA.
no1 cares for the Jews. everyone just has their interests to protect. you might be able to pander the evangelical vote but sooner or later as American power diminishes so does israel's.

the holy land has been going back and forurth over thousands of years. its only a matter of time before it comes back into arab hands
Israel exist because God created it. Theres no thing you powerless coward arabs can do about it :rofl:


Aug 14, 2003
Israel admits using white phosphorous in attacks on Gaza - Times Online

After weeks of denying that it used white phosphorus in the heavily populated Gaza Strip, Israel finally admitted yesterday that the weapon was deployed in its offensive.

The army’s use of white phosphorus – which makes a distinctive shellburst of dozens of smoke trails – was reported first by The Times on January 5, when it was strenuously denied by the army. Now, in the face of mounting evidence and international outcry, Israel has been forced to backtrack on that initial denial. “Yes, phosphorus was used but not in any illegal manner,” Yigal Palmor, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, told The Times. “Some practices could be illegal but we are going into that. The IDF (Israel Defence Forces) is holding an investigation concerning one specific incident.”


Aug 14, 2003
Okay and white phosphorous is used fuckin everywhere to create smoke screens
If the IDF were using it in accordance to international law, there would be no need to deny its use in the first place. No need to get your panties in a twist, we'll just wait and see.

The incident in question is thought to be the firing of phosphorus shells at a UN school in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip on January 17. The weapon is legal if used as a smokescreen in battle but it is banned from deployment in civilian areas. Pictures of the attack show Palestinian medics fleeing as blobs of burning phosphorus rain down on the compound.


Aug 14, 2003
YouTube - Israel admits: No Hamas rockets were fired during ceasefire

^Short vid on the number of rockets fired into Israel during late-2008.

We must adjust our distorted image of Hamas | William Sieghart - Times Online

Who or what is Hamas, the movement that Ehud Barak, the Israeli Defence Minister, would like to wipe out as though it were a virus? Why did it win the Palestinian elections and why does it allow rockets to be fired into Israel? The story of Hamas over the past three years reveals how the Israeli, US and UK governments' misunderstanding of this Islamist movement has led us to the brutal and desperate situation that we are in now.
Palestinians did not vote for Hamas because it was dedicated to the destruction of the state of Israel or because it had been responsible for waves of suicide bombings that had killed Israeli citizens. They voted for Hamas because they thought that Fatah, the party of the rejected Government, had failed them. Despite renouncing violence and recognising the state of Israel Fatah had not achieved a Palestinian state. It is crucial to know this to understand the supposed rejectionist position of Hamas. It won't recognise Israel or renounce the right to resist until it is sure of the world's commitment to a just solution to the Palestinian issue.

In the five years that I have been visiting Gaza and the West Bank, I have met hundreds of Hamas politicians and supporters. None of them has professed the goal of Islamising Palestinian society, Taleban-style. Hamas relies on secular voters too much to do that. People still listen to pop music, watch television and women still choose whether to wear the veil or not.

The political leadership of Hamas is probably the most highly qualified in the world. Boasting more than 500 PhDs in its ranks, the majority are middle-class professionals - doctors, dentists, scientists and engineers. Most of its leadership have been educated in our universities and harbour no ideological hatred towards the West. It is a grievance-based movement, dedicated to addressing the injustice done to its people. It has consistently offered a ten-year ceasefire to give breathing space to resolve a conflict that has continued for more than 60 years.
History did not begin with the Qassams - Haaretz - Israel News

YouTube - Kucinich Documents Israel's War Crimes On The Record!

^Congressman opposes resolution, speaks out against Israel's use of US-exported armament which is in opposition of the US Arms Export Control Act.

Israel's actions foster extremism - Malcolm Fraser in The Age

When Israeli settlements continue to expand in the West Bank, diminishing the prospect of a viable Palestinian state, the prospect of peace is remote. Such policies have been routinely condemned by the US, by European states, by many others, yet Israel ignores that condemnation and expansion continues. Is it surprising then, that when one is talking of two states, Israel and Palestine, Hamas will not recognise the future of Israel when it has little or no idea of the boundaries of a future Palestine?

And will Barack Obama even tentatively start to open a door to dialogue, to discussions with Hamas? Will he be prepared, as few American presidents have, to exercise the undoubted influence that the US could have on Middle Eastern politics and on Israel to begin a genuine search for peace?

It is indeed true that what Israel is now doing affects us all, because if we accept it we will all become increasingly at risk from those who hold extremist views.

When Israeli settlements continue to expand in the West Bank, diminishing the prospect of a viable Palestinian state, the prospect of peace is remote.
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New Member
Feb 1, 2009
Do you have an opinon or do you just enjoy posting random articles? I can counter your articles and videos with my own that show evidence against this. In the end, you are basing your opinion on what you read in the biased media, whereas I base mine on personal knowledge, experience and many other things that don't even get a mention in the papers. Even the pro-Israel newspapers do not report on half the stuff going on because it's 'old news' that Qassam rockets are launched, or that anti-Semitism over these attacks is running rampant worldwide, and that Jews in many countries are being forced to live in secrecy for fear of being attacked.


Jun 16, 2008
The Gong.
For us in the know - this is a entertaining but fustrating vid.

It's probably been posted before, sorry haven't read the whole thread. THe tv presenter absolutely catches him out and it's so funny watching the guy try so desperately to somehow disprove his own gov't's facts. Former Israel foreign minister LIED - 'They [hamas] were firing rockets on a daily basis'. Can we all agree this is a lie? Do we all agree and believe that no Israelis were killed during the ceasefire? Let's get it straight...

And lets get this thread back on track - those who support Israel's assault, make some good points that justify what's happening so we can rebut.

And god I'm so sick of trolling. You'd think people would be over it by now. Seriously grow up. zzzzzz

Pro Israel: How the hell do you justify this...
Israeli forces shelling The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza.
Refusing to allow rescue teams and humanitarian workers into a neighbourhood where chlildren were lying next to their dead mothers, starving.
Come one, justify it.
Some have been idiots who say 'I love to see those terrorists cry', well in this case there are children crying - do you love that too? or are the children 'terrorists' also?
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Oct 14, 2004
aus said:
I can counter your articles and videos with my own that show evidence against this.
yeah but they'll be from ynet or jpost which both have zero credibility. Also, I'll post a hundred others against it.

There's a pretty fucking obvious reason why anti-Semitism skyrockets when Israel attacks any Arab nation with disproportionate force. Have a good think about it, get off your high horse and then come back with something smart to say, numb skull.


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
Do you have an opinon or do you just enjoy posting random articles? I can counter your articles and videos with my own that show evidence against this. In the end, you are basing your opinion on what you read in the biased media, whereas I base mine on personal knowledge, experience and many other things that don't even get a mention in the papers. Even the pro-Israel newspapers do not report on half the stuff going on because it's 'old news' that Qassam rockets are launched, or that anti-Semitism over these attacks is running rampant worldwide, and that Jews in many countries are being forced to live in secrecy for fear of being attacked.


Epic Member
Aug 5, 2006
Do you have an opinon or do you just enjoy posting random articles? I can counter your articles and videos with my own that show evidence against this. In the end, you are basing your opinion on what you read in the biased media, whereas I base mine on personal knowledge, experience and many other things that don't even get a mention in the papers. Even the pro-Israel newspapers do not report on half the stuff going on because it's 'old news' that Qassam rockets are launched, or that anti-Semitism over these attacks is running rampant worldwide, and that Jews in many countries are being forced to live in secrecy for fear of being attacked.
That was also my reaction. Especially when he started to babble on about his 'personal experience' and how Jews have to live in secrecy. Go 2010'r.


Jul 18, 2007
yeah but they'll be from ynet or jpost which both have zero credibility. Also, I'll post a hundred others against it.

There's a pretty fucking obvious reason why anti-Semitism skyrockets when Israel attacks any Arab nation with disproportionate force. Have a good think about it, get off your high horse and then come back with something smart to say, numb skull.
And there is obvious reason why Australians hate arabs because of disproportionate crimes comitted by lebs :headbang:


Aug 14, 2003
The Palestine Chronicle: A Leading Online Newspaper on Palestine, Israel and the Middle East

^Article briefly goes through the effects of the war on Gaza had on the upcoming Israeli elections. Barak's increasing popularity and what not.

But more importantly, in regards to Israel's stance on negotiations with Hamas:

The reason they [Israel] gave was that Hamas refused to recognize Israel and had a Charter calling for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Everyone (politicians and corporate media leaders) accepted this without asking a few important questions. Which Israel should Hamas recognize? Israel has not yet stated what its international borders are. Should Hamas recognize the Israel of 1948? The Israel of 1967? The Israel of 2009 with its apartheid wall, settlements (settlements building raised by 60 percent in 2008, the year of the Annapolis “Peace Process”, according to a Peace Now report), second class Arab citizens and with East Jerusalem annexed?

Any astute observer could also have objected by reminding people that Hamas (through Haniyeh and Meshal) had said many times over that it was willing to accept Israel as a political entity on the 1967 borders. You do not have to look hard for this, it was stated in the Guardian, Washington Post, amongst others, meaning that Hamas was now in line with most of the international community, accepting a two-state solution.

Another issue came back again and again. The problem is Hamas’s Charter, we would hear. Whatever Meshal or Haniyeh were ready to accept, the Charter came back to haunt them every time.
But what about the Charter of the Likud Party. With Netanyahu and his right-wing party ready to take over, it is only fair to find out a bit more about them. In the "Peace and Security" chapter of the Likud Party platform, a recent document (1999) it says initially that:

"Peace is a primary objective of the State of Israel. The Likud will strengthen the existing peace agreements with the Arab states and strive to achieve peace agreements with all of Israel’s neighbors with the aim of reaching a comprehensive solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict."

But then it says about settlements:

"The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting."

Therefore annihilating the slightest chance of a two-state solution.

On Palestinian self-rule it says:

"The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river. The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel’s existence, security and national needs."

Therefore annihilating any chance of seeing a Palestinian sovereign state.

On Jerusalem:

"Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel. The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem, including the plan to divide the city presented to the Knesset by the Arab factions and supported by many members of Labor and Meretz."

Therefore annihilating any chance for future peace negotiations because east Jerusalem as capital of a future Palestinian state is non-negotiable for any Palestinian.

We have therefore established that the Likud party charter does not recognize Palestine and will not accept a sovereign Palestinian state. The soon-to-come non-recognition of Likud by the international community and an implemented blockade on Israel should therefore not come as a surprise for Israelis.

By the looks of things, Likud is next in line.
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Jul 18, 2007
The Palestine Chronicle: A Leading Online Newspaper on Palestine, Israel and the Middle East

^Article briefly goes through the effects of the war on Gaza had on the upcoming Israeli elections. Barak's increasing popularity and what not.

But more importantly, in regards to Israel's stance on negotiations with Hamas:

I thought you were the official messenger of the news for BOS. Why don't you post news concerning gaza that is currently making headlines such as

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Palestinian militants fired a long-range rocket from Gaza into southwestern Israel on Tuesday morning. It was the first such attack into the city of Ashkelon since the two sides declared a cease-fire, the Israeli military said.

The missile fired from a Grad rocket launcher did not cause any injuries or damage in the coastal city, said a spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces.
Rocket from Gaza fired into Israeli city -

Hopefully Israel will retaliate and kill at least 10 hamas terrorists. :headbang:


Sep 30, 2004
Uni Grad
UN backs down on 'school massacre' in Gaza | The Australian

THE UN has retracted claims over one of the biggest controversies in the Gaza war, admitting that an Israeli mortar attack that killed 43 people did not hit a school run by a UN agency.

The January 6 incident, described at the time as the "school massacre", figured prominently in accusations that Israel committed war crimes in the deaths of hundreds of civilians during the war.

A statement issued yesterday by the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Human Affairs acknowledged that it had wrongly blamed the deaths at the time on the "shelling of the UNRWA (Relief and Works Agency) school".


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
Meanwhile Australian Jewish-Muslim relations have struck a low in light of comments by Ikebal Patel chairman of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils comparing the Holocaust to the operation in Gaza and refusing to withdraw such claims.

Well done Muslims, being really multicultural and peace-seeking there!


Jul 18, 2007
Soo funny now that Nebuchanezzar,Bigboyjames, Shiftyicequeen,sam and other terrorist supporters can shove UN school up their arse :D

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