Israel Affirmative Action in Gaza (1 Viewer)


kill all boomers
Dec 4, 2009
Forever UNSW
it wasn't 500 civilians lol it was around 100 civilians and around 50 militants, around 8 palestinians executed by hamas (pic).

as for whether the civilian casualties are "murder," if the air force actually has a policy of killing civilians on purpose they don't do a very good job of it, since they made around 1,500 attacks and also got rocket sites and hamas members.
If this is true (it seems to correspond with the IDF's military efficacy in the past), then while civilian deaths are horrible, it could have been much worse.
Israel's long term goal is a Jewish state with as less Arabs as possible. The responses from Israel for the Gaza rocket attacks are higly disproportional.

It's not only that, their settlement program in the West Bank is illegal and is also a war crime, also kicking out Palestinians in East Jerusalem so that Jews can live there instead. Not to mention the blockade of Gaza as well. It's fucking discgusting how the world let's Israel do whatever the fuck it wants under the guise of "Israel has a right to defend itself". Hopefully this is a new tide turning.
Have they ever stated this? What do you draw this from? Are you sure that the maximisation of the Jewish population is not their actual goal? Those are very different things.

The sooner Palestine is entered into statehood, the better. Only then can they get rid of Hamas, move toward a freer society and treat their constituents as equals. I really don't see that happening though. I don't believe a Palestinian society will be a very good one.


Feb 12, 2009
A coin has 2 sides, more or less like this conflict, we only really get to see one side or whatever the media wants people to know, unless we've actually asked people on the strip which side they want you can't really be saying that Palestine will be better off in the statehood, it's like saying China's gone backwards, which to some people can be true not taking anything away from it, but they prosper none the less.
But i think the response form Israel is quite out of proportion, if your gonna take it over you might as well invade at least people will know it's coming, rather than air strikes, at least give people some time to flee

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