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Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

And that is where you make the fundamental mistake of assuming that it is Israel who is humiliating and brutalising the Palestinian people. As I have thus demonstrated it is the Palestinian people, by electing a genocidal government, namely Hamas who are causing their own suffering.
Are you aware of the Palestinian peoples humility? For the most part they're humiliated by the fact that they've had their country stolen from them, and have had literally, millions dead and misplaced. The root cause for these dead and misplaced are the corrupt Israeli regime, who are further prodding into an already sensitive situation concerning the Israeli and Palestinian governments. Without the likes of Hammas, the Palestinian people have no way of creating international pressure on Israel. Peace talks will always fail, and this is because the Palestinian's will not, and should not negotiate with those who are occupying their land.

It is not Israel's fault that the Palestinian people are under sanction or suffer economical hardship, it the the DEMOCRATICALLY elected (by Palestinians) Hamas who is to blame. Before you start talking to me about the wall or checkpoint checks I wish to prempt you; this security measures were put in place because the Palestinian people refused to stop using violence.
Yesterday, when the Israeli army invaded the last remaining pockets of Palestine, only to bulldoze another apartment while occupants were still inhabiting it. Who was continuing the violence? As we speak, when their are literally thousands upon thousands, of Palestinians locked away in Israeli prisons for crimes they have not, and will not be tried for. Who was continuing the violence?

Peace talks will not begin, untill the world is on the same page. Jewish people have wrongfully invaded palestine, and by supporting this terror regime, only more violence and instability will be the end result. It's probably hard for you to accept that fact, because it is highly likely that you're a zionist, and you'll probably try to change the topic at hand.

Lets get to the ROOT of this issue. The Jewish people with the assistance of the British and the United States, Illegally occupy the Palestinian peoples land. Stealing their right to live, and their right to self-determination. This is a modern crime, and injustice of the 20th century.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Are you aware of the Palestinian peoples humility? For the most part they're humiliated by the fact that they've had their country stolen from them, and have had literally, millions dead and misplaced. The root cause for these dead and misplaced are the corrupt Israeli regime, who are further prodding into an already sensitive situation concerning the Israeli and Palestinian governments. Without the likes of Hammas, the Palestinian people have no way of creating international pressure on Israel. Peace talks will always fail, and this is because the Palestinian's will not, and should not negotiate with those who are occupying their land.

Yesterday, when the Israeli army invaded the last remaining pockets of Palestine, only to bulldoze another apartment while occupants were still inhabiting it. Who was continuing the violence? As we speak, when their are literally thousands upon thousands, of Palestinians locked away in Israeli prisons for crimes they have not, and will not be tried for. Who was continuing the violence?

Peace talks will not begin, untill the world is on the same page. Jewish people have wrongfully invaded palestine, and by supporting this terror regime, only more violence and instability will be the end result. It's probably hard for you to accept that fact, because it is highly likely that you're a zionist, and you'll probably try to change the topic at hand.

Lets get to the ROOT of this issue. The Jewish people with the assistance of the British and the United States, Illegally occupy the Palestinian peoples land. Stealing their right to live, and their right to self-determination. This is a modern crime, and injustice of the 20th century.
All this Israeli terror against the Palestinians has been evident for years and years. People are hushed and silenced because of the victory of the Zionist scheme, in labelling anyone who says the truth about Israel’s behaviours and actions, as a vicious anti-semite.



Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Are you aware of the Palestinian peoples humility? For the most part they're humiliated by the fact that they've had their country stolen from them, and have had literally, millions dead and misplaced. The root cause for these dead and misplaced are the corrupt Israeli regime, who are further prodding into an already sensitive situation concerning the Israeli and Palestinian governments. Without the likes of Hammas, the Palestinian people have no way of creating international pressure on Israel. Peace talks will always fail, and this is because the Palestinian's will not, and should not negotiate with those who are occupying their land.

Yesterday, when the Israeli army invaded the last remaining pockets of Palestine, only to bulldoze another apartment while occupants were still inhabiting it. Who was continuing the violence? As we speak, when their are literally thousands upon thousands, of Palestinians locked away in Israeli prisons for crimes they have not, and will not be tried for. Who was continuing the violence?

Peace talks will not begin, untill the world is on the same page. Jewish people have wrongfully invaded palestine, and by supporting this terror regime, only more violence and instability will be the end result. It's probably hard for you to accept that fact, because it is highly likely that you're a zionist, and you'll probably try to change the topic at hand.

Lets get to the ROOT of this issue. The Jewish people with the assistance of the British and the United States, Illegally occupy the Palestinian peoples land. Stealing their right to live, and their right to self-determination. This is a modern crime, and injustice of the 20th century.
As we speak, when their are literally thousands upon thousands, of Palestinians locked away in Israeli prisons for crimes they have not, and will not be tried for. Yup, cos Israel has nothing better to do with it's taxpayers money other than build prison cells to hold "thousands upon thousands" of palestinians.

Jewish people have wrongfully invaded palestine, and by supporting this terror regime, only more violence and instability will be the end result. It's probably hard for you to accept that fact, because it is highly likely that you're a zionist, and you'll probably try to change the topic at hand. I can't really argue this with you because it's hard for you to let go of your anti-semitic bias. Why do you say Jewish people when it is the Israeli army that takes action, not the "Jewish army"? You argue that Israel has violated land rights and then you dawdle into condeming the religion. What's with that?

Lets get to the ROOT of this issue. The Jewish people with the assistance of the British and the United States, Illegally occupy the Palestinian peoples land. Yes let's get to the root of the issue, Israel has offered a fair two state solution before (e.g. Peel Partition Plan and Camp David 2000) and yet the Palestinian people will not accept a two state solution. This means that Israel's existence, no matter how little the land owned by Israel is, will always be an "occupation of Palestinian land". How about you first go find what the Palestinian people's definition of "not occupation" actually is, before you begin to mindlessly condemn a nation, I think it's something along the lines of the PLO charter: "Push Israel into the sea"...Yep, Israel is definately the one "continuing the violence"...


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
All this Israeli terror against the Palestinians has been evident for years and years. People are hushed and silenced because of the victory of the Zionist scheme, in labelling anyone who says the truth about Israel’s behaviours and actions, as a vicious anti-semite.
Well you're not an antisemite are you? Hey, shhh, you're gonna ruin it, don't tell anyone about the 'scheme'. The evil zionists just had their passover, and they have used up their blood supplies, you might be next...conspiracy theories are just so easy to put forward and so difficult to substantiate, aren't they?


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
All this Israeli terror against the Palestinians has been evident for years and years. People are hushed and silenced because of the victory of the Zionist scheme, in labelling anyone who says the truth about Israel’s behaviours and actions, as a vicious anti-semite.
Please learn the difference between being an anti-semite/anti-zionist and someone who is critical of Israel's policies. It's not hard, one hates the Jews and hates the notion that a country like Israel can exist because it is a homeland for the Jews and the other one does not agree on Israeli policy but does not use the disagreement for demonising Israel. For example Israelis themselves are probably the largest group who critise Israel as evidenced in a poll which shows that only 3% agree with it's currant Prime Minister and his policies.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Are you aware of the Palestinian peoples humility? For the most part they're humiliated by the fact that they've had their country stolen from them, and have had literally, millions dead and misplaced. The root cause for these dead and misplaced are the corrupt Israeli regime, who are further prodding into an already sensitive situation concerning the Israeli and Palestinian governments. Without the likes of Hammas, the Palestinian people have no way of creating international pressure on Israel. Peace talks will always fail, and this is because the Palestinian's will not, and should not negotiate with those who are occupying their land.
There are a lot of things wrong with that paragraph I will start with the first one. The Palestinians did not have their land stolen from them, indeed there was no such thing as the Palestinian people before 1964 (This is when Arafat created the PLO). The land was divided LEGALLY by the UN in 1948. During the Independance war the Arab leaderes told the Arabs (now known as Palestinians) living in the Arab part to leave so that the blood bath could begin. They left and got stuck in refugee camps because the ARAB countries, all 22 of them, refused to give them refugee status. Moving on, "literally, millions dead" you seem to like distoring facts and history, in actual fact less then 6,000 have died since 1948. Now we come to the last part of this paragraph. First learn to spell Hamas, secondly by international pressure do you mean blowing people up in cafes, discos, crowded malls? Also peace talks fail for two main reasons; 1 Hamas refuses to stop using terrorism and 2 Hamas refuses to recognise Israel's right to exist. The last part of that paragrapah I have already adressed.

sam04u said:
"Yesterday, when the Israeli army invaded the last remaining pockets of Palestine, only to bulldoze another apartment while occupants were still inhabiting it. Who was continuing the violence? As we speak, when their are literally thousands upon thousands, of Palestinians locked away in Israeli prisons for crimes they have not, and will not be tried for. Who was continuing the violence?"
Israel took out a terrorist hideout and your complaining??? Have you not noticed people like those build rockets and shoot them at civilians? How would you like it for example if the people in Melbourne started making rockets and launched them at Sydney? Any sane person would want to stop it, how is Israel stopping terrorist from shooting at civilians a bad thing? Next it is part of the IDF's regulations to tell any innocents to come out of the house which is about to be bulldozed if no one comes out or refuse to come out what do they expect is going to happen? Its not as if Israel just drives a bulldozer over a random house. As to that last part it is very easy to tell you who is continuing the violence, why it was Hamas who said their 5 month 'truce' was over - not Israel.

sam04u said:
Peace talks will not begin, untill the world is on the same page. Jewish people have wrongfully invaded palestine, and by supporting this terror regime, only more violence and instability will be the end result. It's probably hard for you to accept that fact, because it is highly likely that you're a zionist, and you'll probably try to change the topic at hand.
This part has already been explained to you. Jews bought pockets of the land from the Arabs - according to you this is invasion... Jews then petitioned the UN for a seperate state. The British mandate of Palestine was split up into two one for the Arabs one for the Jews. Guess what, the Arabs invaded and they lost.

sam04u said:
Lets get to the ROOT of this issue. The Jewish people with the assistance of the British and the United States, Illegally occupy the Palestinian peoples land. Stealing their right to live, and their right to self-determination. This is a modern crime, and injustice of the 20th century.
When the UN took up the question of Palestine, President Harry Truman explicitly said the United States should not "use threats or improper pressure of any kind on other delegations."1 Some pressure was nevertheless exerted and the U.S. played a key role in securing support for the partition resolution. U.S. influence was limited, however, as became clear when American dependents like Cuba and Greece voted against partition, and El Salvador and Honduras abstained.
Many members of the Truman Administration opposed partition, including Defense Secretary James Forrestal, who believed Zionist aims posed a threat to American oil supplies and its strategic position in the region. The Joint Chiefs of Staff worried that the Arabs might align themselves with the Soviets if they were alienated by the West. These internal opponents did a great deal to undermine U.S. support for the establishment of a Jewish state.2
Although much has been written about the tactics of the supporters of partition, the behavior of the Arab states has been largely ignored. They were, in fact, actively engaged in arm-twisting of their own at the UN trying to scuttle partition.3



Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

There are a lot of things wrong with that paragraph I will start with the first one. The Palestinians did not have their land stolen from them, indeed there was no such thing as the Palestinian people before 1964
Oh, no you don't. I wont let you use that argument here, when under ottoman control, Palestine always would have existed, and it was pretty closely defined. The "Phillistines" or "Palestinians" have been in the region for centuries, and will continue to be. That was their land, and belonged to their people. There is no way to justify the Jewish people moving into the region, and then displacing millions of people, and killing thousands upon thousands of others. Many of the dead, and captured Palestinians go unreported. Because Palestine does not have the capability to account for the actual barbaric nature of the Israeli Army.

(This is when Arafat created the PLO). The land was divided LEGALLY by the UN in 1948. During the Independance war the Arab leaderes told the Arabs (now known as Palestinians) living in the Arab part to leave so that the blood bath could begin.
This is where the issue begins. Why should the Palestinian peoples land be divided among foreigners? Why do the Palestinian people have to lose their land to people from the outside?

They left and got stuck in refugee camps because the ARAB countries, all 22 of them, refused to give them refugee status. Moving on, "literally, millions dead" you seem to like distoring facts and history, in actual fact less then 6,000 have died since 1948. Now we come to the last part of this paragraph. First learn to spell Hamas, secondly by international pressure do you mean blowing people up in cafes, discos, crowded malls? Also peace talks fail for two main reasons; 1 Hamas refuses to stop using terrorism and 2 Hamas refuses to recognise Israel's right to exist. The last part of that paragrapah I have already adressed.
That's untrue. Many Palestinians still live in their Jewish occupied lands, and are treated as second-class citizens. They have poor living conditions and face very harsh discrimination and segregation. In any logical persons mind, that is zionism. When anybody with an Israeli mother can enter Israel, but the Palestinian whose land the Jews occupy, have less right to enter the country. Even the Israelis, they not only wanted to seperate the Palestinian peoples land, they wanted to take the better half. That only Jewish people could occupy. This is the very definition of Zionism!

Israel took out a terrorist hideout and your complaining???
They're not terrorists. As long as the Jewish people occupy the Palestinian peoples land, they're free to try any method to get their country back, when under constant attack by Jews. When an Israeli missile destroys and entire apartment block, with inhabitants still occupying the inside of the building. Only to be buried in rubble, and having dozens die. How do you expect the Palestinian people to retaliate? When their civilians are killed/kidnaped on a daily basis.

Have you not noticed people like those build rockets and shoot them at civilians? How would you like it for example if the people in Melbourne started making rockets and launched them at Sydney?
The Jewish army doesn't build their rockets though. They get them specially imported from the United States, with the latest technology. Maybe they're going to go to war with a big and dangerous enemy? Maybe that's why that terrorist nation needs to have Nuclear Weapons and Laser Guided Missiles with a range of over 4500 KM? No - All they're facing is perhaps one man with an assault rifle who is fighting for vengeance, and fightin his way out of the humility caused by the Jewish government, illegaly installed into his country.

Any sane person would want to stop it, how is Israel stopping terrorist from shooting at civilians a bad thing? Next it is part of the IDF's regulations to tell any innocents to come out of the house which is about to be bulldozed if no one comes out or refuse to come out what do they expect is going to happen?
WHY SHOULD THEY HAVE TO GET OUT OF THEIR HOMES WHICH ARE ABOUT TO BE BULLDOZED?? That's It... I can't continue this discussion with such a biased person. You wont even be able to grasp this issue from a non-biased perspective, and understand the humility, and shame brought onto the Palestinian people as an outside force occupies their land. I can try just once more to simplify it for you. If a dangerous spider, came into my house. Would I leave the house, and let him occupy it? - No. I will continue attacking this spider, untill he has left my house!


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

I can't really argue this with you because it's hard for you to let go of your anti-semitic bias. Why do you say Jewish people when it is the Israeli army that takes action, not the "Jewish army"? You argue that Israel has violated land rights and then you dawdle into condeming the religion. What's with that?
Don't you dare call me or any other person from that region an Anti-Semite. We're more semite than the jewish people, who have breeded with mongols and anglo-saxons. In 1948, when the Israelis occupied the Palestinian peoples lands, it was estimated that around 80% of the Jewish people were Ashkenazi jews, who had breeded with others from diffrerent regions. Therefore, I'm probably more a semite than your average Jew. And yes, it was the Jewish people who occupied the Palestinian lands, there was no "Israel" in 1948. They were Jews from throughout Europe, who came and now occupy the Palestinian Land. Killing all those who resist its opposition, and trying to instill the idea that it's "bad" to deny Israel's right to exist. Even when, it's the Logical and Just thing to do.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semite
As you can clearly see, it has Phoenecia listed as semite people. I'm a descendent of the Phoenecians, and thus. I'm a Semite.
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Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“Oh, no you don't. I wont let you use that argument here, when under ottoman control, Palestine always would have existed, and it was pretty closely defined. The "Phillistines" or "Palestinians" have been in the region for centuries, and will continue to be.”

The people living in the British Mandate of Palestine were Bedouins, and various Arabs from Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Look back into the history of the area. First were the Canannintes who lived there. Then The Jewish People (aka Israelites) came, after that it was the Babylonians, then the Jews, then the Romans, then the Saladin, then Ottoman Empire, then the British and finally the Jews again. No mention of the Palestinian people and that is because they did not exist and would explain why the name only came into use by Arafat in ’64.

“That was their land, and belonged to their people. There is no way to justify the Jewish people moving into the region, and then displacing millions of people, and killing thousands upon thousands of others. Many of the dead, and captured Palestinians go unreported. Because Palestine does not have the capability to account for the actual barbaric nature of the Israeli Army.”
BTW, you do know that many of the people that were living in Palestine (excluding the British) were Bedouins and the concept of owning land has no meaning to them? Besides Israel being the spiritual homeland of the Jewish People, the UN justified it which last time I checked must meant that majority of the world justified it. Palestinian people would not have been displaced if they had accepted the UN 2 state solution. They didn’t and declared war on Israel which killed thousands of Israelis. That last sentence “Because Palestine does not have the capability to account for the actual barbaric nature of the Israeli Army” really bugs me, name me 1 other country in the world which flies leaflets warning civilians and terrorists that the IDF will be bombing the area??? Does that sound barbaric to you? Compare this to Hamas launching rockets indiscriminately into the towns along the Gaza Strip. These people REJOICE when they kill civilians and soldiers, these people blow themselves up in crowded malls to kill more innocents!

“This is where the issue begins. Why should the Palestinian peoples land be divided among foreigners? Why do the Palestinian people have to lose their land to people from the outside?”

What the hell, so when the land is divided legally into equal proportions that’s a bad thing? Anyway it was done because of demographics. If more Jews came in then next election everyone in that area would be under a Jewish leader. The Arabs didn’t want that so a separate state was made. Also you have yet to address the statement made by Arabs leaders that the Arabs in Palestine were told to leave!

“That's untrue. Many Palestinians still live in their Jewish occupied lands, and are treated as second-class citizens.”

There are no Palestinians living in Israel, otherwise they would be called Israelis. Also do you call Palestinians treated in Israeli hospitals (Because the Gaza Strip have so few – kudos to Hamas) for free as being second-class?

“They have poor living conditions and face very harsh discrimination and segregation."

This is because their government refuses to stop using terrorism and 2 Hamas refuses to recognise Israel's right to exist. IF they did then the sanctions against them would stop. BTW there is no discrimination or segregation is Israel. Watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpjQEvmtNdk
“In any logical persons mind, that is Zionism.”

Um, no. Zionism is the belief that the Jewish People should have their own state.

“When anybody with an Israeli mother can enter Israel, but the Palestinian whose land the Jews occupy, have less right to enter the country.”

Israel was created as a homeland for Jews yet your complaining that Jews have it easy to get into Israel? Lol! BTW a person has to have a Jewish mother to get a free pass to live in Israel Of coarse Palestinians have it hard to come into Israel, quite a few of them want to kill Israeli citizens!

“Even the Israelis, they not only wanted to seperate the Palestinian peoples land, they wanted to take the better half. That only Jewish people could occupy. This is the very definition of Zionism!”

What the hell have you been reading on Zionism? You seem to know nothing about Zionism if you think that. I have already stated what Zionism is about above. BTW in ’48 much of the land that the Jews were getting was the Negev which is desert and has no natural resources.

“They're not terrorists.”

Lol! So someone who builds rockets and bombs with the intent to kill civilians is not a terrorist – Check.

“As long as the Jewish people occupy the Palestinian peoples land, they're free to try any method to get their country back, when under constant attack by Jews.”

Huh? So killing civilians is a legitament way to get land back now? Where have your morals gone? And no they are not under constant attack by Jews, last time I checked it was Hamas sending rockets in Israeli towns.

“When an Israeli missile destroys and entire apartment block, with inhabitants still occupying the inside of the building. Only to be buried in rubble, and having dozens die. How do you expect the Palestinian people to retaliate?”

When people are building weapons with the intent to kill a country’s people what do you expect that country is going to do? Lay down and take it?

"The Jewish army doesn't build their rockets though. They get them specially imported from the United States, with the latest technology."
WTH, does that have to do with anything. BTW the majority of military technology that America has comes from Israel.

“Maybe they're going to go to war with a big and dangerous enemy?”

No, its generally the Arab countries that start those wars.

“Maybe that's why that terrorist nation needs to have Nuclear Weapons and Laser Guided Missiles with a range of over 4500 KM? No - All they're facing is perhaps one man with an assault rifle who is fighting for vengeance, and fightin his way out of the humility caused by the Jewish government, illegaly installed into his country.”

As well as that one man they face countries and terrorist organisations with the intention of ‘pushing Israel into the sea.”


Because building weapons to attack innocent civilians is ILLEGAL and should not and can not be tolerated by the country being targeted that would make it negligent in its duty to protect its civilians.
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Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Don't you dare call me or any other person from that region an Anti-Semite. We're more semite than the jewish people, who have breeded with mongols and anglo-saxons.
The term 'anti-semitic' is typically used to define people who hate Jews because they are Jews. However if you want the term Jew-hater can be applied to you.

"who have breeded with mongols and anglo-saxons."

Don't be rude, there is no need to bring race into this.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

I can't read your wall of illogical text. Atleast my rants have the basic foundations of an argument, I can neither decipher that wall of text, or the logic behind anything which is said. I think I should believe this a tactic, to make the wall of text seem more burdon-some to read? I made it pretty clear that I wasn't going to continue arguing with somebody who was incapable of reaon, logic and using the quote tags.
I'll teach you how.
Open this picture, It'll teach you how to use quote tags. Unfortunately, I can't teach you how to use logic though. That's something you need to gradually develop over time.



Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
“Oh, no you don't. I wont let you use that argument here, when under ottoman control, Palestine always would have existed, and it was pretty closely defined. The "Phillistines" or "Palestinians" have been in the region for centuries, and will continue to be.”
The people living in the British Mandate of Palestine were Bedouins, and various Arabs from Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Look back into the history of the area. First were the Canannintes who lived there. Then The Jewish People (aka Israelites) came, after that it was the Babylonians, then the Jews, then the Romans, then the Saladin, then Ottoman Empire, then the British and finally the Jews again. No mention of the Palestinian people and that is because they did not exist and would explain why the name only came into use by Arafat in ’64.
“That was their land, and belonged to their people. There is no way to justify the Jewish people moving into the region, and then displacing millions of people, and killing thousands upon thousands of others. Many of the dead, and captured Palestinians go unreported. Because Palestine does not have the capability to account for the actual barbaric nature of the Israeli Army.”
BTW, you do know that many of the people that were living in Palestine (excluding the British) were Bedouins and the concept of owning land has no meaning to them? Besides Israel being the spiritual homeland of the Jewish People, the UN justified it which last time I checked must meant that majority of the world justified it. Palestinian people would not have been displaced if they had accepted the UN 2 state solution. They didn’t and declared war on Israel which killed thousands of Israelis. That last sentence “Because Palestine does not have the capability to account for the actual barbaric nature of the Israeli Army” really bugs me, name me 1 other country in the world which flies leaflets warning civilians and terrorists that the IDF will be bombing the area??? Does that sound barbaric to you? Compare this to Hamas launching rockets indiscriminately into the towns along the Gaza Strip. These people REJOICE when they kill civilians and soldiers, these people blow themselves up in crowded malls to kill more innocents!
“This is where the issue begins. Why should the Palestinian peoples land be divided among foreigners? Why do the Palestinian people have to lose their land to people from the outside?”
What the hell, so when the land is divided legally into equal proportions that’s a bad thing? Anyway it was done because of demographics. If more Jews came in then next election everyone in that area would be under a Jewish leader. The Arabs didn’t want that so a separate state was made. Also you have yet to address the statement made by Arabs leaders that the Arabs in Palestine were told to leave!
They left and got stuck in refugee camps because the ARAB countries, all 22 of them, refused to give them refugee status. Moving on, "literally, millions dead" you seem to like distoring facts and history, in actual fact less then 6,000 have died since 1948. Now we come to the last part of this paragraph. First learn to spell Hamas, secondly by international pressure do you mean blowing people up in cafes, discos, crowded malls? Also peace talks fail for two main reasons; 1 Hamas refuses to stop using terrorism and 2 Hamas refuses to recognise Israel's right to exist. The last part of that paragrapah I have already adressed.
“That's untrue. Many Palestinians still live in their Jewish occupied lands, and are treated as second-class citizens.”
There are no Palestinians living in Israel, otherwise they would be called Israelis. Also do you call Palestinians treated in Israeli hospitals (Because the Gaza Strip have so few – kudos to Hamas) for free as being second-class?

“They have poor living conditions and face very harsh discrimination and segregation.
This is because their government refuses to stop using terrorism and 2 Hamas refuses to recognise Israel's right to exist. IF they did then the sanctions against them would stop. BTW there is no discrimination or segregation is Israel. Watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpjQEvmtNdk
“In any logical persons mind, that is Zionism.”
Um, no. Zionism is the belief that the Jewish People should have their own state.
“When anybody with an Israeli mother can enter Israel, but the Palestinian whose land the Jews occupy, have less right to enter the country.”
Israel was created as a homeland for Jews yet your complaining that Jews have it easy to get into Israel? Lol! Of coarse Palestinians have it hard to come into Israel, quite a few of them want to kill Israeli citizens!
“Even the Israelis, they not only wanted to seperate the Palestinian peoples land, they wanted to take the better half. That only Jewish people could occupy. This is the very definition of Zionism!”
What the hell have you been reading on Zionism? You seem to know nothing about Zionism if you think that. I have already stated what Zionism is about above. BTW in ’48 much of the land that the Jews were getting was the Negev which is desert and has no natural resources.
Israel took out a terrorist hideout and your complaining???
“They're not terrorists.”
Lol! So someone who builds rockets and bombs with the intent to kill civilians is not a terrorist – Check.
“As long as the Jewish people occupy the Palestinian peoples land, they're free to try any method to get their country back, when under constant attack by Jews.”
Huh? So killing civilians is a legitament way to get land back now? Where have your morals gone? And no they are not under constant attack by Jews, last time I checked it was Hamas sending rockets in Israeli towns.
“When an Israeli missile destroys and entire apartment block, with inhabitants still occupying the inside of the building. Only to be buried in rubble, and having dozens die. How do you expect the Palestinian people to retaliate?”
When people are building weapons with the intent to kill a country’s people what do you expect that country is going to do? Lay down and take it?
The Jewish army doesn't build their rockets though. They get them specially imported from the United States, with the latest technology.
WTH, does that have to do with anything. BTW the majority of military technology that America has comes from Israel.
“Maybe they're going to go to war with a big and dangerous enemy?”
No, its generally the Arab countries that start those wars.
“Maybe that's why that terrorist nation needs to have Nuclear Weapons and Laser Guided Missiles with a range of over 4500 KM? No - All they're facing is perhaps one man with an assault rifle who is fighting for vengeance, and fightin his way out of the humility caused by the Jewish government, illegaly installed into his country.”
As well as that one man they face countries and terrorist organisations with the intention of ‘pushing Israel into the sea.”

Because building weapons to attack innocent civilians is ILLEGAL and should not and can not be tolerated by the country being targeted that would make it negligent in its duty to protect its civilians.

please use quote tags becuase i couldnt understand a word from your biased post.

I just one to make one point clear, dont compare the rockets that palestinians make or use, with all the high-tech ones that israel gets from the US, and uses to kill all the innocent helpless palestinians.
I dont think its logical when israel complains about palestinians hand-made rockets, then they go and use all these high-tech laser ones to get back at the palestinains. The israeli troops even fire rockets and bullets at little palestinian kids throwing small stones at a huge israeli tank. So dont come and tell me now, that the small rock scratched the tank and the israeli soldier, thats why the soldier had to shoot him dead. In some cases, the israelis run over and squash little kids dead with their huge tanks, only becuase they throw stones at them. So please dont call it a fair, or that the israelis are trying to protect themselves, for crying out loud !!


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
The term 'anti-semitic' is typically used to define people who hate Jews because they are Jews. However if you want the term Jew-hater can be applied to you.

"who have breeded with mongols and anglo-saxons."

Don't be rude, there is no need to bring race into this.
I would prefer Zionist-Hater, because there is a clear distinction between a Jew-Hater and a Zionist-Hater. I don't hate a group of people because of their race, ethnicity or religion. But when they hold a particular Idea that misplaces people, and oppresses them, then I think it's fair to say that I'm a Zionist-Hater. I actually like the term, it represents my opinion on this issue perfectly. I hate those who are willing to make millions suffer, and live in poor conditions, and with shame. Just so that they can occupy the palestinian peoples land.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:

please use quote tags becuase i couldnt understand a word from your biased post.

I just one to make one point clear, dont compare the rockets that palestinians make or use, with all the high-tech ones that israel gets from the US, and uses to kill all the innocent helpless palestinians.
I dont think its logical when israel complains about palestinians hand-made rockets, then they go and use all these high-tech laser ones to get back at the palestinains. The israeli troops even fire rockets and bullets at little palestinian kids throwing small stones at a huge israeli tank. So dont come and tell me now, that the small rock scratched the tank and the israeli soldier, thats why the soldier had to shoot him dead. In some cases, the israelis run over and squash little kids dead with their huge tanks, only becuase they throw stones at them. So please dont call it a fair, or that the israelis are trying to protect themselves, for crying out loud !!
Oh, I agree with you so damn much. They complain when they have lazer-guided, 100 megaton missiles. And the Hamas have poorly created, light-weight, ballistic, rockets. Yet it's the other side which complains. Isn't funny how the side using the ballistic rockets, are more accurate and kill less civilians, than those using the LAZER GUIDED MISSILES.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:

please use quote tags becuase i couldnt understand a word from your biased post.

I just one to make one point clear, dont compare the rockets that palestinians make or use, with all the high-tech ones that israel gets from the US, and uses to kill all the innocent helpless palestinians.
I dont think its logical when israel complains about palestinians hand-made rockets, then they go and use all these high-tech laser ones to get back at the palestinains. The israeli troops even fire rockets and bullets at little palestinian kids throwing small stones at a huge israeli tank. So dont come and tell me now, that the small rock scratched the tank and the israeli soldier, thats why the soldier had to shoot him dead. In some cases, the israelis run over and squash little kids dead with their huge tanks, only becuase they throw stones at them. So please dont call it a fair, or that the israelis are trying to protect themselves, for crying out loud !!
I also agree with you. Israel should cast aside it's military technology. Sure, it's aim is to minimise civillian casualties, but let's just forget that as we level the battlefield.
Israel, we demand that you cast of the shackles and bonds of science, revert back to the 'fair' way, suicide bombings, unguided katushya rockets that are fired at random civillian locations and armies of stone-throwing children who, for some reason, are throwing at a tank clearly driving to where the children are obstructing (now most would run away considering that they are unarmed and facing a military tank but hey, come on man, the kids are doing their bit right?). Israel, you might not actually achieve anything but at least you'll look good on the media...and what's another child's life anyway right, they would probably end up in a supermarket or bus stop doing their bit anyway right?


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
I also agree with you. Israel should cast aside it's military technology. Sure, it's aim is to minimise civillian casualties, but let's just forget that as we level the battlefield.
Israel, we demand that you cast of the shackles and bonds of science, revert back to the 'fair' way, suicide bombings, unguided katushya rockets that are fired at random civillian locations and armies of stone-throwing children who, for some reason, are throwing at a tank clearly driving to where the children are obstructing (now most would run away considering that they are unarmed and facing a military tank but hey, come on man, the kids are doing their bit right?). Israel, you might not actually achieve anything but at least you'll look good on the media...and what's another child's life anyway right, they would probably end up in a supermarket or bus stop doing their bit anyway right?
that sarcastic reply of yours makes no-sense what so ever, so i wont bother arguing with you.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Right it's so modern and scientifically reasoned for a tank to just drive into somebody's country and start demolishing buildings, especially when that governement illegally occupies that country. And since we're on the topic of sarcasm, you're also right by saying that Israel has such great lazer-guided missiles, and that's why they can attack buildings loaded with children, just to further instill fear into the hearts of the Palestinian people, whose land the Jewish people occupy. Right, that's so modern and technological.


Aug 17, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
I also agree with you. Israel should cast aside it's military technology. Sure, it's aim is to minimise civillian casualties, but let's just forget that as we level the battlefield.
Israel, we demand that you cast of the shackles and bonds of science, revert back to the 'fair' way, suicide bombings, unguided katushya rockets that are fired at random civillian locations and armies of stone-throwing children who, for some reason, are throwing at a tank clearly driving to where the children are obstructing (now most would run away considering that they are unarmed and facing a military tank but hey, come on man, the kids are doing their bit right?). Israel, you might not actually achieve anything but at least you'll look good on the media...and what's another child's life anyway right, they would probably end up in a supermarket or bus stop doing their bit anyway right?
You were being sarcastic there weren't you?


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Totally agree with nathan71088.

“I can't read your wall of illogical text.”

So as well as having any morals you can’t beat my arguments and use the excuse of not being able to read as your defense. Lol.

“At least my rants have the basic foundations of an argument”

The funny thing is they don’t. I provide you facts, their sources and I explain to you why the terrorist group in charge (Hamas) are in the wrong and why the Israeli government is doing all they can to protect their own civilians.

“I would prefer Zionist-Hater, because there is a clear distinction between a Jew-Hater and a Zionist-Hater.”

Actually there isn’t you hate the fact that the Jewish People have and need a homeland. Yet I don’t see you complaining about the English people having a homeland or the Jordanians for example. This leads me to conclude that you hate Israel for more fundamental reasons; to me and I am sure to many other people you are a Jew hate or anti-Semitic.

“Oh, I agree with you so damn much. They complain when they have lazer-guided, 100 megaton missiles. And the Hamas have poorly created, light-weight, ballistic, rockets. Yet it's the other side which complains. Isn't funny how the side using the ballistic rockets, are more accurate and kill less civilians, than those using the LAZER GUIDED MISSILES.”

Hamas kills less civilians because they don’t aim-they don’t care who they hit. That is what makes them so terrible, that and their want to commit genocide. When Hamas hides behind human shield it is expected that some of them will die. That is why more Palestinian civilians die. BTW the use of human shields is illegal.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

S1MO - yes, he was being sarcastic.

sam04u said:
Right it's so modern and scientifically reasoned for a tank to just drive into somebody's country and start demolishing buildings, especially when that governement illegally occupies that country. And since we're on the topic of sarcasm, you're also right by saying that Israel has such great lazer-guided missiles, and that's why they can attack buildings loaded with children, just to further instill fear into the hearts of the Palestinian people, whose land the Jewish people occupy. Right, that's so modern and technological.
It is logical to demolish buildings that terrorists are using to store and or build rockets that will be used to kill innocent civilians. When will you accept that fact? Israel attacks building for the above reaon. If a terrorist uses children as a human shield why do you condemn Israel? What is wrong with taking out people who are actively trying to kill your citizens? As usual you completely white-wash the sins of the Palestinians under the pretext that it is legitament 'resitance' - euphamism for terror activities.

"That sarcastic reply of yours makes no-sense what so ever, so i wont bother arguing with you."

You clearly have no arguement and the above sentence is just an excuse to save your skin. Helpful Hint: It doesn't work, people can see right through you.
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