Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)

Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
Re: Israel & Palestine

Born2baplacebo said:
Listen to this song by Silverchair, called Isreali's Son

Hate is what I feel for you,
And I want you to know that I want you dead.
You're late for the execution...
If you're not here soon, I'll kill your friend instead.

All the pain I feel
Couldn't start to heal
Although I would like it to

I hate you and your apathy.
You can leave, you can leave, I don't want you here.
I'm playing this pantomime,
But I don't see you showing any signs of fear.

All the pain I feel
Couldn't start to heal
Although I would like it to
This time I'm for real
My pain can not heal
You will be dead when I'm through


Pain and execution
Put your hands in the air
Put your hands in the air
The air... yeah

I am, I am Israel's son
Israel's son I am
Put your hands in the air
Put your hands in the air

Find the revelance.
I know! ALL three things are complete shit! The song, the band, and this stupid little internet war!

Edit: Come on party people!



Get Behind Me Satan
Apr 30, 2007
Castle Hill
Re: Israel & Palestine

ogmzergrush said:
I know! ALL three things are complete shit! The song, the band, and this stupid little internet war!
Not completely true! The new version of the band is SHIT, the song isn't SHIT but this war/internet war are both completely full of SHIT.

Lol. I was actually talking about the subject of the song.

Why doesn't this thread go on for the amount of years this conflict has been going on while we're at the lowest point of stupidity? Someone might as well be a suicide bomber and blow themselves up in the name of freedom/pathetic shit that could have been resolved before I was born, so that I wouldn't have to endure so much immaturity from both sides. The whole goddamn conflict is basically two infants fighting over a toy.
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Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Born2baplacebo said:
Not completely true! The new version of the band is SHIT, the song isn't SHIT but this war/internet war are both completely full of SHIT.

Lol. I was actually talking about the subject of the song.

Why doesn't this thread go on for the amount of years this conflict has been going on while we're at the lowest point of stupidity? Someone might as well be a suicide bomber and blow themselves up in the name of freedom/pathetic shit that could have been resolved before I was born, so that I wouldn't have to endure so much immaturity from both sides. The whole goddamn conflict is basically two infants fighting over a toy.
"The whole goddamn conflict is basically two infants fighting over a toy."

I hope, for your sake, you will never have to endure any conflict greater than fighting over a toy as you live under the maxim: "Ignorance is bliss"...

Please, be opposed to conflict for all you want but do not belittle the quarrels of others where you obviously do not feel strongly for the issue.
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Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

S1M0 said:
Brilliant, again with the idiotic statements.

To clear things up, prove that arafat was a known terrorist leader. I doubt you will. Second, the peace accords failed because of the infadeh (or riot, whatever) that Israeli president Olmert caused by walking to the temple mount.

If you want to express your hatred for the arab people, at least come up with some real facts and educated statements. Give the people here some credit.
He was a known terrorist leader who tried to overthrow Jordanian King and got tens of thousands of Palestinians killed by Jordanian Army, expelled from Jordan to Lebanon, caused a civil war there and was expelled again from Lebanon to Tunisia. He was lucky that israelis are sympathetic with him because he was unwanted by his fellow arabs and let him return to palestine. There he started his terrorist activites again.

By the Way Oslo peace accord as well as Camp David talks already collapsed before Ariel Sharon (NOT Olmert) visited the temple Mount. Besides Temple Mount belongs to Israel and all israeli citizens and foreigners can visit there if they wish so. It is NOT a muslim property.


Feb 2, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
He was a known terrorist leader who tried to overthrow Jordanian King and got tens of thousands of Palestinians killed by Jordanian Army, expelled from Jordan to Lebanon, caused a civil war there and was expelled again from Lebanon to Tunisia. He was lucky that israelis are sympathetic with him because he was unwanted by his fellow arabs and let him return to palestine. There he started his terrorist activites again.
He was expelled because of pressure from the Israelis that they will attack the country where stays... like they did with Lebanon.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

HotShot said:
He was expelled because of pressure from the Israelis that they will attack the country where stays... like they did with Lebanon.
The PLO got their ass kicked in Jordan because they were doing their best to overthrow the Hussein regime. You don't think Israel should have responded to the attacks the PLO was launching from Israel soil? You remember those savages hijacked western planes and flew them to jordan?
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Jun 4, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Civil War in Palestine, Palestinian splitting!
Heavy fighting is continuing between rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah in Gaza, with reports Hamas now controls almost the whole Gaza Strip.
It comes despite the two sides saying they had agreed to a truce to end days of fighting which has killed 80 people.

Analysts say that if the fighting is not checked, Palestinians could be split into a Fatah-controlled West Bank and Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

Gee Israel will really feel confident about turning over the west bank to these savages in balaclavas.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

banco55 said:
Gee Israel will really feel confident about turning over the west bank to these savages in balaclavas.
You are a complete moron. You're a bigoted, racist, imbecilic, fucking idiot.

Why do you hate Islam? Why do you hate muslims with such a ferocity? Why do you hate them so much, that even as their lands and rights have been stolen and they have their ministers and cabinet leaders in Israel prisons. Where they have been split, and resorted to fighting each other. Why do you still Judge them? What is a savage to you? They have been de-humanised. To you their blood is worthless, and so to me you are worthless. If you're too stupid and racist to see that they are just as you or I and aren't the "savages" in this ordeal, than you are an imbecile.

You input into this debate is minimal, all you do is criticise muslims, and go as far as to criticise them with a quote in your sig. You're a bigot, a hateful bigot.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
You are a complete moron. You're a bigoted, racist, imbecilic, fucking idiot.

Why do you hate Islam? Why do you hate muslims with such a ferocity? Why do you hate them so much, that even as their lands and rights have been stolen and they have their ministers and cabinet leaders in Israel prisons. Where they have been split, and resorted to fighting each other. Why do you still Judge them? What is a savage to you? They have been de-humanised. To you their blood is worthless, and so to me you are worthless. If you're too stupid and racist to see that they are just as you or I and aren't the "savages" in this ordeal, than you are an imbecile.

You input into this debate is minimal, all you do is criticise muslims, and go as far as to criticise them with a quote in your sig. You're a bigot, a hateful bigot.
I full on agree with sam, those ladies are hate filled, gender confused, lying peices of shit! full stop end of story :mad1:


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
You are a complete moron. You're a bigoted, racist, imbecilic, fucking idiot.

Why do you hate Islam? Why do you hate muslims with such a ferocity? Why do you hate them so much, that even as their lands and rights have been stolen and they have their ministers and cabinet leaders in Israel prisons. Where they have been split, and resorted to fighting each other. Why do you still Judge them? What is a savage to you? They have been de-humanised. To you their blood is worthless, and so to me you are worthless. If you're too stupid and racist to see that they are just as you or I and aren't the "savages" in this ordeal, than you are an imbecile.

You input into this debate is minimal, all you do is criticise muslims, and go as far as to criticise them with a quote in your sig. You're a bigot, a hateful bigot.
I think as Chritopher Hitchens (and others) have written Islam is the most powerful illiberal movement in the world today which is why I don't like it. Anyone who believes in western enlightenment values has to have deep reservations about Islam.

As for referring to the Hamas fighters as savages. They are islamists who believe in all the extremes of sharia law so I would say they qualify as savages. Just as the Taliban or the wahabis qualify as savages.

As for the split they've split themselves. It's not like a split between secularists and islamic nutters is unusual in arab society? I know you probably think Israel is even responsible for the split between the muslim brotherhood in egypt/syria and the (relatively) secular regime.
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Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Why do you hate Islam? Why do you hate muslims with such a ferocity? Why do you hate them so much, that even as their lands and rights have been stolen and they have their ministers and cabinet leaders in Israel prisons.
Ever tried to actually adress the argument? These people are fighting each other because they have been indoctrinated into a death cult, I don't mean Islam, I am talking about Hamas, Fatah and every Palestinian political party. As to the the rest of your arguement, it has been defeated time and time again.

sam04u said:
Where they have been split, and resorted to fighting each other. Why do you still Judge them? What is a savage to you? They have been de-humanised. To you their blood is worthless, and so to me you are worthless. If you're too stupid and racist to see that they are just as you or I and aren't the "savages" in this ordeal, than you are an imbecile.
They were split because they refused a state, they fight each other because they are a death cult - this is not Israel's fault, this is the Palestinian people's fault. If they renounce terror and recognise Israel life would be MUCH better for the Palestinians.

They deserve the government they got, and got the government they deserved. This was a democracitcally elected government, after all. Therefore, they are getting what they voted for.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

banco55 said:
I think as Chritopher Hitchens (and others) have written Islam is the most powerful illiberal movement in the world today which is why I don't like it. Anyone who believes in western enlightenment values has to have deep reservations about Islam.

As for referring to the Hamas fighters as savages. They are islamists who believe in all the extremes of sharia law so I would say they qualify as savages. Just as the Taliban or the wahabis qualify as savages.

As for the split they've split themselves. It's not like a split between secularists and islamic nutters is unusual in arab society? I know you probably think Israel is even responsible for the split between the muslim brotherhood in egypt/syria and the (relatively) secular regime.
Christopher Hitchens is a moron, who could barely collate a logical sentence together and is a known demigogue. He's also a drunken, imbecile and immoral person. Why would I care what a "nutter" like him said about Islam? Nobody takes that right-winged moron who has contradicted himself by switching sides more times than an average person changes socks seriously.

As to Hamas? They are the elected government of Palestine. (Does that make any sense to you?) I'm pretty sure that you have 'not' read their entire covenants but that does not negate the fact that you're a bigot. Hamas has been elected by the people as a way of reclaiming their state and national dignity. Being a muslim does 'not' make you a savage, perhaps in your bigoted thinking it does.

You're an illogical xenophobe. Are you stating that anybody who wished to create a state under their religion is to be considered a savage? Well how about Israel? Have you forgotten the aleyah? A "Jewish" apartheid state, where the Jewish peoples interest come first? Shouldn't they be considered savages too by your logic? (The Torah pre-dates the Quran. Logically, they would be more 'Backwards' if we take you illogical statements as axioms.)

And now you claim they've split themselves? Did they choose to be seperated and driven out of their countries? Did they threaten themselves with violence? Did they create fences which seperate them between Gaze, Israel and West Bank, and restrict their own movement?

You are an imbecilic and illogical anti-muslim. (You're also a zionist. Contrary to your claims and messages to me.)

Anybody in the pressure cooker created by Israel would act irrationally. Including their own soldiers, who have been asked to kill women, elderly and children on the borders. Including Mordechai who was locked in dungeons for admitting that Israel illegaly held Nuclear Bombs.

Basic Christopher Hitchens argument: "The muslims started it by attacking americans when we were in africa."

Omitted part. (They were there enslaving women and children brutally, and also insulting the natives much like you are now.)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Ever tried to actually adress the argument?
All the time. It's you and your posse that always try to divert attention and not take things into context.

These people are fighting each other because they have been indoctrinated into a death cult
Wrong! These people are fighting because Israel occupies their lands. They are trapped in Israel's pressure cooker. This is only a power struggle to UNITE all Palestinians that has backfired. The only time Palestine had truly been united was under Yasser Arafat, but his plea for the human rights and dignity of the Palestinians was ignored.

I don't mean Islam, I am talking about Hamas, Fatah and every Palestinian political party. As to the the rest of your arguement, it has been defeated time and time again.
Maybe in your imaginary world you have. But realistically, you haven't defeated anything, you just pick out certain points which are not related to the argument in order to divert attention. You couldn't defeat a common cold, buddy.

They were split because they refused a state
Are you that moronic? Israel occupies a part of all of its neighbouring countries. It has settled into the West Bank and denies the Palestinians their rights. What state are you talking about?

this is not Israel's fault, this is the Palestinian people's fault.
It is entirely Israel's fault.
Nobody should denounce their beliefs that Israel should not have been created. But since it is created all it has done is oppress and attack the Palestinians, whilst displacing them.

Now please, don't bore me with your old bullshit rhetoric, where you omit the fact that Israel occupies almost all the Palestinian land, and also has settlements in their lands and denies them human rights. Don't omit those facts when proposing your erroneous arguments, it's frustrating.

(Perhaps that's how you defeated my argument in you imaginary world? Created frustrating arguments, where there are clearly ommisions and presenting it as the truth?)


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
All the time. It's you and your posse that always try to divert attention and not take things into context.
You seem to get people mixed up, it is not me who is bringing up Islam or Judaism.

sam04u said:
Wrong! These people are fighting because Israel occupies their lands. They are trapped in Israel's pressure cooker. This is only a power struggle to UNITE all Palestinians that has backfired. The only time Palestine had truly been united was under Yasser Arafat, but his plea for the human rights and dignity of the Palestinians was ignored.
These people are fighting because they are terrorists who have no concept of peace. The only time that the Palestinian people were united was when they were under a terrorist group (PLO) led by a terrorist, Yasser Arafat.

sam04u said:
Maybe in your imaginary world you have. But realistically, you haven't defeated anything, you just pick out certain points which are not related to the argument in order to divert attention. You couldn't defeat a common cold, buddy.
Lol, I don't think I've laughed so hard, the funny thing is, that is what I would say to you.

sam04u said:
Are you that moronic? Israel occupies a part of all of its neighbouring countries. It has settled into the West Bank and denies the Palestinians their rights. What state are you talking about?
uuuuuummmmm, think back to 1948. Think back to Ehud Barak offering some 96% of the WB. Did the Palestinians/Arabs accept this? No! Why? Because they were greedy and thought that by launching a war they could take everything. Really is your history that bad?

sam04u said:
It is entirely Israel's fault. Nobody should denounce their beliefs that Israel should not have been created. But since it is created all it has done is oppress and attack the Palestinians, whilst displacing them.
Now you're just being anti-semitic (and I mean against Jews). Saying Israel has no right to exist is anti-semitic. By opress you mean helping Palestinian children get better in hospitals? Check my sig its the last URL.


Jun 4, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Abbas sacks Hamas-led government

Hamas says that it is now fully in control of Gaza
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has dismissed the Hamas-led coalition government and declared a state of emergency.
Aides said the president would seek to call elections as soon as possible, after deadly clashes between his Fatah faction and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

PM Ismail Haniya, of Hamas, said that Mr Abbas' decision was hasty and vowed to continue working for unity.

Hamas says it is in total control of Gaza, taking the presidential compound.

More than 100 people have died on the streets of Gaza during a week of factional battles between Fatah and Hamas.

Aid suspended

After dismissing the government, Mr Abbas will now rule by presidential decree until the conditions are right for elections, a senior aide announced.

It seems to me that Hamas just love killing anyone who opposes them whether they are jews or their fellow palestinians.

Its good to see Palestinian divided into terrorists and moderate. Now Israel can concentrate on terrorists from gaza, of course after Hamas finished killing its fatah rivals.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
You seem to get people mixed up, it is not me who is bringing up Islam or Judaism.
That does not mean you haven't been diverting attention by making misleading statements, asking loaded questions and blatantly lieing at times.

These people are fighting because they are terrorists who have no concept of peace. The only time that the Palestinian people were united was when they were under a terrorist group (PLO) led by a terrorist, Yasser Arafat.
Wrong. These people are fighting because Israel occupies their land. Among factions a power struggle has occured, and as a result they are trying to unify the country.

Secondly, the PLO is no more of a terrorist organisation than the Israeli Military. (Which they have tactically named a defence force. How can you be a defence force when you occupy a foreign peoples land? That is an offensive action.) Every human being has an undeniable right to fight off an invading force. When the American-Indians fought the U.S settlers, they were considered savages. When the U.S settlers fought of the British and declared independance they were considered heroes. When the Israeli's attack children and bomb infrastructure, they are considered to be brave. But when the Palestinians exercise a human-right to fight off an invasion, you call them terrorists.

Lets get some facts right. Israel is a terrorist state. Terrorism is an attack on civilians. Israel, is well known for attacking civilians and has given orders to patrolling officers to attack people whether armed or not, whether a child or not, and whether injured or not. They dropped in excess of 1,000,000 cluster bombs in the south of Lebanon, and killed a thousand civilians there.

They are terrorists! (A terrorist attack is an attack on civilian targets and infrastructure, or any attack which does not target the military.)

How can terrorists call the resisting force terrorists?? It's madness.

Lol, I don't think I've laughed so hard, the funny thing is, that is what I would say to you.
Just as you call the victims of oppresion, oppresors? I wouldn't put it past you to do that. You haven't displayed yet that you can be logical.

Ehud Barak offering some 96% of the WB.
Right, they were offered 96% of 40% of the worse part of their country. And you expect them to accept that? How about I come and steal your wallet, then I tell you (I'm taking everything, but I'll give you back less than half your money, if you say that me stealing your wallet is fine. And that this is my wallet and I have a right to own it.) You would tell me to fuck off. Just as the Palestinians have told the Israelis.

Did the Palestinians/Arabs accept this? No! Why? Because they were greedy and thought that by launching a war they could take everything. Really is your history that bad?
This would be a good point if it had any truth or logic in it. Unfortunately, it doesn't.

Now you're just being anti-semitic (and I mean against Jews).
If you mean "against Jews" then say that. There are 1 billion semitic people who are not Jewish. The Jewish population is only a small one among the wider semitic peoples. However, I am neither Anti-Semitic, nor Anti-Jewish. I am only Anti-Zionist, because it's a political belief which has caused much devastation in the world. Zionism is a belief that one people have more rights than another, that one people can drive another people out of their homes and kill millions of them for their own safety. Zionism is a belief that Jewish people are better than gentiles. Just like Nazism is a belief that the Anglo race is better than everybody else.

I can not accept those beliefs, and people who have those beliefs try to label ME as an anti-semitic? Which belief has caused the suffering of 50,000,000 Semitic people. Mine? (Anti-Zionist) or yours? (Zionism)

Whose beliefs are Anti-Semitic?


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

RELIGIOUS group Hamas has seized control of the Gaza Strip after days of clashes with members of rival secular party Fatah that left at least 113 people dead.
"The era of justice and Islamic rule has arrived(an era of massacre and butchery of innocents)," a Hamas spokesman said on the group's radio station after militants captured the Fatah intelliegence headquarters.

Fatah President Mahmoud Abbas had earlier declared a state of emergency and dissolved the Hamas-dominated government in a bid to retain authority.

Hours later, Hamas's militant wing said it had taken control of all security buildings in Gaza, including the presidential compound, and raised the faction's green flag.

Jubilant Hamas men hunted down Fatah loyalists in Gaza, killing some and parading one top militant's mutilated body through the streets, said reporters on the ground.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was dismissed as prime minister by Mr Abbas, said his government would continue to function and urged an end to the violence.

"I call on my brothers in Hamas to declare a general amnesty and to guarantee people's lives," he said, after blaming Fatah militants for starting the violence.,23599,21909859-1702,00.html
Once again I've been proven right. These Blood thirsty islamic terrorist have done it again, this time to their own arab palestinians. They killed 113 palestinians in just one week :bomb: and celebrating the death of 113 palestinians and mutilating bodies of their own palestinians. How could they be more barbaric and vicious than they already are! Parading bodies of people they killed. Very islamic :eek:


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
That does not mean you haven't been diverting attention by making misleading statements, asking loaded questions and blatantly lieing at times.
If you're going to accuse me of such things come out with examples.

sam04u said:
Wrong. These people are fighting because Israel occupies their land. Among factions a power struggle has occured, and as a result they are trying to unify the country.
These people are fighting each other (Hamas vs. Fatah) because they have been raised through a death cult system where 'martyring' oneself by killing civilians is the most acceptable way to 'protest'. Don't give me garbage of its Israel's fault because Palestinian killing Palestinian has got nothing to do with Israel trying to defend itself.

sam04u said:
Secondly, the PLO is no more of a terrorist organisation than the Israeli Military. (Which they have tactically named a defence force. How can you be a defence force when you occupy a foreign peoples land? That is an offensive action.) Every human being has an undeniable right to fight off an invading force. When the American-Indians fought the U.S settlers, they were considered savages. When the U.S settlers fought of the British and declared independance they were considered heroes. When the Israeli's attack children and bomb infrastructure, they are considered to be brave. But when the Palestinians exercise a human-right to fight off an invasion, you call them terrorists.
Wrong, maybe to your derganged mind the most humane army in the world is a terrorist organisation but to those with a brain it is most certainly not. As to occupying land that was originally Jordanian and Egyptian (won through conquest which you have no qualm with, coincidence? I think not), it was taken through a defensive war!!! When the Palestinians kill innocents and fight for a land that was never theirs and which they refused to accept in 1948 - I call them terrorists. It is not a human right to kill civilians!

sam04u said:
Lets get some facts right. Israel is a terrorist state. Terrorism is an attack on civilians. Israel, is well known for attacking civilians and has given orders to patrolling officers to attack people whether armed or not, whether a child or not, and whether injured or not. They dropped in excess of 1,000,000 cluster bombs in the south of Lebanon, and killed a thousand civilians there.
Only after telling these people to get out of the way through pamphlets, or did you miss that part which I kept telling you! Hezbollah used these civilians as human shields deliberately! What should Israel do, let their civlians be attacked? Or take out the terrorists and warn civilians to get out of the area? Really you are a dumbass if you think that Israel deliberatly kills civilians, what would they gain from this practice???

sam04u said:
Right, they were offered 96% of 40% of the worse part of their country. And you expect them to accept that? How about I come and steal your wallet, then I tell you (I'm taking everything, but I'll give you back less than half your money, if you say that me stealing your wallet is fine. And that this is my wallet and I have a right to own it.) You would tell me to fuck off. Just as the Palestinians have told the Israelis.
Besides the fact that the land that was offered includes some of the most sacred sites for Judaism, you analogy makes no sense. The Palestinians were offered a state in 1948 alongside Israel, they refused, end of story. Now Israel offers them a state again, they refused! The Palestinian people have had so many chances, all they need to do is renounce violence and recognise Israel then the negotiation can begin for a new state.

sam04u said:
If you mean "against Jews" then say that. There are 1 billion semitic people who are not Jewish. The Jewish population is only a small one among the wider semitic peoples. However, I am neither Anti-Semitic, nor Anti-Jewish. I am only Anti-Zionist, because it's a political belief which has caused much devastation in the world. Zionism is a belief that one people have more rights than another, that one people can drive another people out of their homes and kill millions of them for their own safety. Zionism is a belief that Jewish people are better than gentiles. Just like Nazism is a belief that the Anglo race is better than everybody else.
Anti-Semitism is a term that means against Jews, you are an idiot if you don't know that definition. It is widely used.

BTW, Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism.

Zionism is a belief that the Jews need to have a homeland as a result of the anti-semitism that is so prevalent in the world. It has nothing to do with rights as you put it so stop spreading lies. Zionism does not give a crap about whether one race is better then another if you are equating Zionism to Nazism then you are just being anti-semitic and amazingly hurtful. To say that the victims of the Holocaust are similar to the victims of a Jewish State is unbelievable disgusting and hurtful and an insult to the victims of Nazism.

sam04u said:
I can not accept those beliefs, and people who have those beliefs try to label ME as an anti-semitic? Which belief has caused the suffering of 50,000,000 Semitic people. Mine? (Anti-Zionist) or yours? (Zionism)
You cannot accept that the Jews deserve a state? Therefore you are anti-semitic. That's life, that is who you are!

sam04u said:
Whose beliefs are Anti-Semitic?
Clearly yours are.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine



June 14, 2007 -- WONDER what Iraq would look like if we left to morrow? Take a look at Gaza today. Then imagine a situation a thousand times worse.

We need to stop making politically correct excuses. Arab civilization is in collapse. Extremes dominate, either through dictatorship or anarchy. Thanks to their dysfunctional values and antique social structures, Arab states can't govern themselves decently.

We gave them a chance in Iraq. Israel "gave back" the Gaza Strip to let the Palestinians build a model state. Arabs seized those opportunities to butcher each other.

The barbarity in Gaza has become so grotesque that not even the media's apologists for terror can ignore it (especially since Islamist fanatics began to target journalists).

Over the weekend, Hamas gangbangers-for-Allah grabbed a Fatah functionary and dropped him from the roof of a high-rise to check out the law of gravity (the only law that still obtains in Gaza). Tit-for-tat, Fatah gunmen grabbed a Hamas capo and gave him the same treatment.

Thereafter, cooler heads prevailed and both sides returned to their everyday routines of kidnapping, torturing and assassinating each other's leaders, gunning down teachers and doctors and, of course, murdering women, children and stray pedestrians.

Educated Palestinians flee, if they can. Civilians cower, wondering where the next rocket-propelled grenade will hit. And, amid the carnage, students risk death to take their final exams so they can qualify to study abroad - and get out. The indiscriminate violence is the Palestinian version of democracy: Every citizen gets a chance to be killed.

-NY Post

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