Israel and Palestine (3 Viewers)


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
I must have been running short on time. What I meant to say was that Israel had no right to be created. (Which is something I strongly believe, and something which I have stood by.) Thanks for point that out.
So really what you are saying is Israel shouldn't have existed and while you could settle for a peaceful two state solution, you'd be much happier with a one state solution and that state would be Palestine...

We all "strongly believe" things. But your belief that Israel should not have been created has given you a sense of contempt for Israel. You therefore have a hatred of Israel due to it's creation. You have then seen a situation and pounced on it as another reason to hold Israel in contempt. While injustices like the one you claim is happening in Israel right under our noses (of stolen land and human rights violations) happen throughout the world in front of our eyes, you target this conflict because you have 'something' against Israel. Your argument is rooted in you saying "What I meant to say was that Israel had no right to be created. (Which is something I strongly believe, and something which I have stood by.)" Please stop masking this belief by trying to create an immoral and inhumane veneer over Israel. Address your major issue. Why do you believe Israel had no right to be created?


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

I think I can pretty much answer that one nathan71088, its because Israel took the poor Palestinian lands and killed them and blah, blah...

Even though I have continually post documented evidence that the land was bought. As well as this the Palestinians living in the area were told to leave during 1948 so that the other Arab armies could crush the Israelis. They lost and now they have no land despite the fact that Israel has offered so many peace treaties to the Palestinians, yet were rebuffed with the 3 no's and these manifest in Hamas's charter who now have control of Gaza Strip...


Feb 7, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Even though I have continually post documented evidence that the land was bought
Even though the Israel may have bought lands from the Palestinian, this does not mean the Jews should have been there in the first place. In fact, if the Jews thinks money solves everything then they're wrong because you and i both know that it was a bribe.

Heres the source from my HSC Modern History textbook (i can conclude that it's a better source than linking me to Isreal's website). I can scan this if you need.
  • During the 1920s and 1930s, Jews began to pour into Palestine and started buying up land. This led to violence between Jews and Arabs and by 1939, the British needed 20000 troops to maintain order. Attempts by the Britain to limi Jewish immigration were met with great opposition by the Jews who were facing prosecution at the hands of the Nazis.
Oh and enlighten me with your 'unbias' source

As well as this the Palestinians living in the area were told to leave during 1948 so that the other Arab armies could crush the Israelis. They lost and now they have no land despite the fact that Israel has offered so many peace treaties to the Palestinians
You still dont get it do you. The Palestinian dont want Jews in their lands. If some random people showed up and took your possession, you land, you home etc, one would assume that not only would you be furious but you would want to do something about it. Now if that means resorting to violence to get your home back then so be it. Ever wonder why they didn't want to leave? And you think a 'peace treaty' is going to solve this problem? Wheres the sympathy and empathy i'd expect from a human being?


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
All you do is repeat the same cycle, israel killed palestinian, israel show finger at lebanon, israel throw stone at palestinian areas, you are racist, you are anti islamic boo fuking hoo :rofl::rofl:
Nope im not repeating anything. Im just addressing the arguments in the thread. at least i address your arguments with valid points, unlike you guys who are only repeating lies, accustations and personal attacks (ad hominem).

And you dont even have source to support yourself other than lies continually fed to your brain by Sheikh Hillaly at lakemba Mosque :D, where as jewish virtual library is considered the most reliable source of jewish history in the world ;)

Talking about lies, just look at how I just exposed Sam04u's lies above
you can look 6 posts up and you can see where Sam exposed your lie, where you said that i quote Sheikh Hillaly at lakemba Mosque. Do you have proof? no you dont, your the only liar here young lady.

LOL is nt it funny how Sam04u post and immediately supported/defended by maniella, and maniella post and immediately supported by Sam04u LOL :rofl::rofl:
LOL isnt it funny how atilla89 post and immediately supported/defended by gender confused britneySpears :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

By the way, I bet you are celebrating the death of 110 palestinians last week, killed by your beloved terrorist Hamas. :D
There you go, another filthy lie exposed;) Show me where i have been celebrating the death of 110 palestinians.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

davidw89 said:
Even though the Israel may have bought lands from the Palestinian, this does not mean the Jews should have been there in the first place. In fact, if the Jews thinks money solves everything then they're wrong because you and i both know that it was a bribe.
So according to you, if I buy a house I should have no right to live there? WTF?!? If a person buys something it's theirs. And I have never said such a stupid blanket statement saying that the Jews think money solves everything nor has any Jew said that to my knowledge.

davidw89 said:
Heres the source from my HSC Modern History textbook (i can conclude that it's a better source than linking me to Isreal's website). I can scan this if you need.
  • During the 1920s and 1930s, Jews began to pour into Palestine and started buying up land. This led to violence between Jews and Arabs and by 1939, the British needed 20000 troops to maintain order. Attempts by the Britain to limit Jewish immigration were met with great opposition by the Jews who were facing prosecution at the hands of the Nazis.
Oh and enlighten me with your 'unbias' source
I linked you to the Jewish Virtual Library, hardly and Israeli site (I think it is American but I havn't checked). As to 'unbiased sources', if you are doing modern history for HSC you should know that there is no such thing as an unbiased source. The violence sparked because Arabs did not want to live with Jews for some reason, this led to friction between the communities, both sides killing each other (terrorism which I condone on both sides). This extract once again confirms what I have been saying that the Jews bought that land and did not take it by force (before Israel was created) which they and anyother person had perfect right to do.

davidw89 said:
You still dont get it do you. The Palestinians dont want Jews in their lands.
Through your own extract you just proved to me that the Jews bought the land, how is that now Palestinian land? :rofl:

davidw89 said:
If some random people showed up and took your possession, you land, you home etc, one would assume that not only would you be furious but you would want to do something about it. Now if that means resorting to violence to get your home back then so be it.
The Jews bought the land (how many times must I say thing???), how is that taking or stealing the land as you put it?

davidw89 said:
Ever wonder why they didn't want to leave? And you think a 'peace treaty' is going to solve this problem? Wheres the sympathy and empathy i'd expect from a human being?
A peace treaty is the first step to solving this problem. Recognising Israel and changing the Palestinian education from hating Jews to encouraging peace will also help. Those steps must be taken before negotiation, you can't have a peace treaty with a government that doesn't recognise the country its negotiating with.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
Since you and Maniella are ardent supporter of Terrorist hamas, I bet both of you approve their murderous rampage in Gaza :D.
DO you have proof, that Sam and me approve of the above? or is it another one of your lies?

I saw hamas terrorist pulling the dead body of their fellow palestinian in the street of gaza as if it were a dead dog. The hypocrisy of these muslim disgust me. they complained, whine, moan and bitch about german soldiers desecrating bones of some skull in afghanistan while they themselves are parading dead bodies of their fellow arab, pulling around street and feeding it to dogs and we are yet to see any outrage. :eek: perhaps, only another muslim can desecrate another muslim's dead body eh!
DO you have a source?
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
All you do is repeat the same cycle, israel killed palestinian, israel show finger at lebanon, israel throw stone at palestinian areas, you are racist, you are anti islamic boo fuking hoo :rofl::rofl:
Have you ever read your posts? The only thing you say is 'fuck you' 'whore' 'bitch' and then its all...'Israel is in the right, israel rules, palestinians deserve to die, coz they were lyk gna kill us man' :uhoh:

And you dont even have source to support yourself other than lies continually fed to your brain by Sheikh Hillaly at lakemba Mosque :D, where as jewish virtual library is considered the most reliable source of jewish history in the world ;)
Why does this always go back to the sheikh? or some other Muslim... Dont you have anything strong enough about all Muslims/Islam?

By the way, I bet you are celebrating the death of 110 palestinians last week, killed by your beloved terrorist Hamas. :D
Are you normal? Why would anyone be happy? You sick fuckwit!

You see everyone fucking saying they dont want the Palestinians to die, what the fuck is wrong with you? Ohhh wait...i recall you mentioning how sad it was that the Palestinians were dying...and now you're happy?

Yes all done by islamic terrorist in the name of their holy prophet,thanks to Islamic terrorists policy of using women and child bombers and hiding behind civilians ;)
Really? I thought they were doing it in the name of the religion...i must be wrong, since we know you are always right.

Wow, they use them as human shields. [You've been saying the same thing the whole bloody time] Big deal!!! The Israelis aim at women and children, i even bloody posted a stupid link about them using a few Palestinians as human shields. So your 'perfect, loving, womderful paradise' israel is doing the exact same thing as the Palestinians.

At least israel treats its citizens good where as those islamic religious nuts treats its citizens as nothing more than slaves and oppressed using various rules and regulations laid down by Islam. We will soon see how those islamist threaten to kill anyone who do not wear Burka in gaza.
:eek: I didnt realise this topic was about Islam and the way Muslims are being treated in Islamic countries :|

Since you and Maniella are ardent supporter of Terrorist hamas, I bet both of you approve their murderous rampage in Gaza :D. I saw hamas terrorist pulling the dead body of their fellow palestinian in the street of gaza as if it were a dead dog. The hypocrisy of these muslim disgust me. they complained, whine, moan and bitch about german soldiers desecrating bones of some skull in afghanistan while they themselves are parading dead bodies of their fellow arab, pulling around street and feeding it to dogs and we are yet to see any outrage. :eek: perhaps, only another muslim can desecrate another muslim's dead body eh!
Can someone fucking help this fuckwit understand english?!

Simple you retard. These people may be fighting for Islam, but in Islam a Muslims cant go ahead and kill/do whatever they are currently doing.

One group, or however many are around do NOT define/stand for Islam, there may be Muslims follwoing them, but they are not the'symbol'f Islam, they make mistakes etc.

Now last i checked Mani and Sam have only wanted what is best for the Palestinians and they dont support the killings going on, so please either get your facts straight or shut the fuck up.

Thank you!

Edit: You mentioned evidence, you prove them first then others will follow
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

A piece of advice:

Ignore Britney Spears/Aryanbeauty/Yankee Chica/Indian Princess.

Hate filled spastics such as him/herself isn't going to listen to reason, logic or anything that doesn't comply with his flawed, hate-filled arguments.

Do yourself a favor people, and ignore him. Don't reduce yourself to his level.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

"Wow, they use them as human shields. [You've been saying the same thing the whole bloody time] Big deal!!! The Israelis aim at women and children, i even bloody posted a stupid link about them using a few Palestinians as human shields. So your 'perfect, loving, womderful paradise' israel is doing the exact same thing as the Palestinians."

Actually there is documented evidence that Israel strives to minimise civilians casaulties, for example dropping pamhplets over areas that are going to be bombed and reserving roads for civilian use that are not bombed. As for the Palestinian human shield issue, it is illegal for any membe of the IDF to use human shields, those that do are prosecuted. Unlike Hamas and Hezbollah who delight and encourage thise practice in order to put civilians in harms way and then blame Israel for the deaths. So no, Israel is not doing the same things as the Palestinians, get your facts straight.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
"Wow, they use them as human shields. [You've been saying the same thing the whole bloody time] Big deal!!! The Israelis aim at women and children, i even bloody posted a stupid link about them using a few Palestinians as human shields. So your 'perfect, loving, womderful paradise' israel is doing the exact same thing as the Palestinians."

Actually there is documented evidence that Israel strives to minimise civilians casaulties, for example dropping pamhplets over areas that are going to be bombed and reserving roads for civilian use that are not bombed. As for the Palestinian human shield issue, it is illegal for any membe of the IDF to use human shields, those that do are prosecuted. Unlike Hamas and Hezbollah who delight and encourage thise practice in order to put civilians in harms way and then blame Israel for the deaths. So no, Israel is not doing the same things as the Palestinians, get your facts straight.
OMG are you serious?! Ohh that must mean i should be supporting them!!!

And where does it say that they are delighted and encourage this?

Use your own advise:)

But i did find something which is like what you said :

So yes they do investigate these things but "some of the IDF units operating in the West Bank have continued to use Palestinian human shields despite the IDF's explicit policy against it. Senior officers are to be questioned on suspicions that they knew of these violations and allowed them to continue"

Dont you just love Israel!


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Actually there is documented evidence that Israel strives to minimise civilians casaulties, for example dropping pamhplets over areas that are going to be bombed and reserving roads for civilian use that are not bombed. As for the Palestinian human shield issue, it is illegal for any membe of the IDF to use human shields, those that do are prosecuted. Unlike Hamas and Hezbollah who delight and encourage thise practice in order to put civilians in harms way and then blame Israel for the deaths. So no, Israel is not doing the same things as the Palestinians, get your facts straight.
you mean like this:
and this:


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

I don't think you get the fact that it is illegal for the IDF to use human shields. Yes there are isolated inncidences of it occuring but they are illegal and the IDF investigates those cases of when it is used in order to punish the offenders.

As to denying that Hamas and Hezbollah encourages using human shields, that is just stupidity and being in denial on your behalf. Type in 'Hamas human shields' into google for a taste of what I am talking about.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
I don't think you get the fact that it is illegal for the IDF to use human shields. Yes there are isolated inncidences of it occuring but they are illegal and the IDF investigates those cases of when it is used in order to punish the offenders.

As to denying that Hamas and Hezbollah encourages using human shields, that is just stupidity and being in denial on your behalf. Type in 'Hamas human shields' into google for a taste of what I am talking about.
It's like talking to a brick wall.

they encourage yes, my bad, are they delighted? Are they happy these people will probably die for them? Its wrong.

Also theyre using their own people. Whereas the Israelis are using Palestinians. Oh wait, the Palestinians want to act as human shields for Hamas, whereas the Israelis take Palestinians and make them, if not then they are punished...

Yess i see how Israel is far better.

Its bad enough using them and them accepting, yet the Israelis force them. To me forcing them is worse.

As for the isolated you say im in denial. there are so many of these, and some which nothing happened to the soldiers involved, maybe a few have been caught but thats only coz they were on tape. What about the rest of them?

In the West Bank, a 17-year-old youth was shot and left brain dead after troops fired at teenagers throwing stones and petrol bombs, witnesses said.
Five Palestinians were also killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting the Jebaliya refugee camp last night.

Also what do you expect? If this was in Israel, they would try to protect they soldiers. And the Israelis have so many different weapons and tansk etc things which would be useful for them to protect themselves. What do the Palestinians have? Why wouldnt these people try to protect their children etc People who they believe are fighting for them?


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Of coarse these people are happy that they die for them, why else encourage that? You must be dense, if I encourage my dog to have a drink and it has a drink, would I not be delighted? Of coarse I would. Lol, your logic is so flawed.

It is illegal to use human shields in the IDF. Honestly how does this information not make sense to you? There are some who do (I'm not denying that), but they are punished for doing something illegal. Just because very few do it, doesn't mean it is state policy. And once again, these people are punished when they do so.

You say there are so many incidents, if it is so widespread give me examples, lots of them at least 20. Don't forget it used to be a policy in the IDF to go door knocking with Palestinians next to them, that practice was deemed illegal some time ago, so you'll have to give me example from 2005 onwards.

So according to you chucking petrol bombs at soldiers is resistance that warrants no defence? Honestly what did you expect the soldiers would do. Petrol bombs can be lethal! You seem to be confused with Hamas protecting people, as I have documented, they are a terrorist organisation who use Palestinians as human shields, Hamas protects no one but themselves and they do it in a most abominable way as your article shows.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Re: Israel & Palestine

Hamas grip tightens as Arafat home looted By Sakher Abu El Oun in Gaza City
June 17, 2007 01:01am
Article from: Agence France-PresseFont size: + -
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HAMAS cemented its control over Gaza today, seizing weapons from the pro-Fatah security services they routed in the territory, where even the home of iconic leader Yasser Arafat became a looting target.
For the second day in a row, Hamas fighters raided the homes of security personnel, confiscating weapons as they consolidated their victory after a week of bloody street battles, witnesses said.

“Members of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades took my weapons under threat,” Osama, an officer in the pro-Fatah police force, said, referring to Hamas's armed wing.

Witnesses said looters had ransacked Arafat's Gaza home, making off with the late president's personal belongings.

“I saw armed people entering inside, stealing Arafat's things and burning one of the bedrooms,” said one witness who lives across the street but didn't want his name used for fear of reprisals by the Islamists.

Masked members of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades stood guard on the roof of the house today, not allowing anyone in, an AFP photographer witnessed.

Arafat died in a Paris hospital in 2004 and his home in Gaza has stood empty since then, protected by guards.

Gaza witnessed a looting spree yesterday, after Hamas fighters in the territory overran the mainstream security forces loyal to Arafat's successor Mahmud Abbas.

Overnight two members of the Fatah-linked Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades were killed by Hamas members in central and southern Gaza, security sources said.

Most members of the routed pro-Fatah security services were keeping out of sight of Hamas.

The chilling images of a top Al-Aqsa man being lynched by Hamas fighters in the streets have discouraged the most audacious of them.

In images replayed repeatedly on Palestinian television, a bloodied Samid al-Madhun is dragged by masked Hamas gunmen through the streets and kicked by a mob shouting “dog” before the Hamas men fire dozens of rounds into his body.,23599,21919735-401,00.html

These Bloody islamic terrorists did not even respect their own dead leader's soul. Arafat must be rolling in his grave right now, seeing his home looted by these terrorist scum.


Feb 7, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

So according to you, if I buy a house I should have no right to live there? WTF?!? If a person buys something it's theirs. And I have never said such a stupid blanket statement saying that the Jews think money solves everything nor has any Jew said that to my knowledge.
I never suggested that the Jews thinks money solves everything. I merely implied that they did have money and as a result could buy the Palestinian land. But theres more to it than the Jews popping up and buying the Palestinian land, according to you. Was it fair? Was it a justified move? What was the real motive? Why would they do such a things when they're clearly unwelcomed?

I linked you to the Jewish Virtual Library, hardly and Israeli site (I think it is American but I havn't checked). As to 'unbiased sources', if you are doing modern history for HSC you should know that there is no such thing as an unbiased source. The violence sparked because Arabs did not want to live with Jews for some reason, this led to friction between the communities, both sides killing each other (terrorism which I condone on both sides).
Your telling me that the Jewish Virtual Library and other Israeli site is a credible source? I've looked at pretty much half of this thread and a lot of criticism directed toward you was the fact that you couldnt come up with a decent source to collorate what you've been saying.Mate you need to get a realist check. I ever implied that there was such things as unbias source, hence i was being sarcastic incase you didnt notice i.e. "unbias"

This extract once again confirms what I have been saying that the Jews bought that land and did not take it by force (before Israel was created) which they and anyother person had perfect right to do.

So you've confirmed yourself that the Jewish people took the land by force after Isreal was created? At least we're getting somewhere..

Through your own extract you just proved to me that the Jews bought the land, how is that now Palestinian land? :rofl:
Assuming that the Jews did bought the land,what makes you think the Palestinians wants their land being bought by the Jews.

[/U] The Jews bought the land (how many times must I say thing???), how is that taking or stealing the land as you put it?

After the Jewish people "bought" the land they then continued to take over a large proportion of the remaining Palestinian land (by force, although i must admit it was in some case a retalliation)

A peace treaty is the first step to solving this problem. Recognising Israel and changing the Palestinian education from hating Jews to encouraging peace will also help. Those steps must be taken before negotiation, you can't have a peace treaty with a government that doesn't recognise the country its negotiating with.
If you really think a peace treaty is going to 'help' or that 'recognising Israel/promoting peace" is a solution to the ongoing problem then you sir are a moron. What your suggesting is that the Palestinian forfeit the lands they've lost and have a right to, which is something they clearly do not and will not do.
That explains why the Palestinian may not actually want to negotiate. You make it sound to easy Atilla, 'Why dont they just do this and that?'


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

While reserving Atilla's right to reply you, I will reply with the undisputed truth that the world shared with israel.

davidw89 said:
I never suggested that the Jews thinks money solves everything. I merely implied that they did have money and as a result could buy the Palestinian land. But theres more to it than the Jews popping up and buying the Palestinian land, according to you. Was it fair? Was it a justified move? What was the real motive? Why would they do such a things when they're clearly unwelcomed?
The same question can be asked why did lebs came to australia and buy houses while they clearly are NOT welcome?

Your telling me that the Jewish Virtual Library and other Israeli site is a credible source? I've looked at pretty much half of this thread and a lot of criticism directed toward you was the fact that you couldnt come up with a decent source to collorate what you've been saying.Mate you need to get a realist check. I ever implied that there was such things as unbias source, hence i was being sarcastic incase you didnt notice i.e. "unbias"
Yes Jewish virtual library cite all of its sources. Where as you have NONE.
So you've confirmed yourself that the Jewish people took the land by force after Isreal was created? At least we're getting somewhere..
Yes Israel took the land by force, in fact in wars started by greedy arabs in 1948, 1967, and 1973. Israel will be far smaller than what it is today if arabs are not to greedy and start wars to steal and grab lands from jews.

Assuming that the Jews did bought the land,what makes you think the Palestinians wants their land being bought by the Jews.
No one force them to sell, they willingly sold their lands why dont you ask them why they sold their lands to jews. Jews would nt have bought the land unless palestinians didnt want to sell.

[/u]After the Jewish people "bought" the land they then continued to take over a large proportion of the remaining Palestinian land (by force, although i must admit it was in some case a retalliation)
Yes, israel take over huge areas after arabs forced wars upon Israel, and lose them all. The lands are earned with the blood and sweat of cute hot sexy israeli soldiers. Israel have every right to keep those lands. If you expect Israel just to withdraw from territories it gained after bloody wars started by arabs, you are a fool. They started the wars and yes they paid the price with their land. Simple as that.

If you really think a peace treaty is going to 'help' or that 'recognising Israel/promoting peace" is a solution to the ongoing problem then you sir are a moron. What your suggesting is that the Palestinian forfeit the lands they've lost and have a right to, which is something they clearly do not and will not do.
That explains why the Palestinian may not actually want to negotiate. You make it sound to easy Atilla, 'Why dont they just do this and that?'
If they dont want to negotiate, it'll only prolong their problems. As we have seen rightnow, while palestinian butcher eachother in hundreds, israel is just watching from a safe distant ;)
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Of coarse these people are happy that they die for them, why else encourage that? You must be dense, if I encourage my dog to have a drink and it has a drink, would I not be delighted? Of coarse I would. Lol, your logic is so flawed.
I dont find this funny? Do you ffind the fact that people have to die in order to save their children funny?

You give an example of a dog, so would you be delighted if you dog died for you? No you wont.

It is illegal to use human shields in the IDF. Honestly how does this information not make sense to you? There are some who do (I'm not denying that), but they are punished for doing something illegal. Just because very few do it, doesn't mean it is state policy. And once again, these people are punished when they do so.
It's illegal, but it still happens, and we arent saying SOME, we are saying most!! onebytwo even showed you some links.

Yes theyre punished when theyre caught, yet so many keep doing the same thing and are being protected by others.

You say there are so many incidents, if it is so widespread give me examples, lots of them at least 20. Don't forget it used to be a policy in the IDF to go door knocking with Palestinians next to them, that practice was deemed illegal some time ago, so you'll have to give me example from 2005 onwards.

So according to you chucking petrol bombs at soldiers is resistance that warrants no defence? Honestly what did you expect the soldiers would do. Petrol bombs can be lethal! You seem to be confused with Hamas protecting people, as I have documented, they are a terrorist organisation who use Palestinians as human shields, Hamas protects no one but themselves and they do it in a most abominable way as your article shows.
Lovely, shows you are a cold heart creature.

WHO THE HELL WANTS PEOPLE TO DIE?! If they had to shoot, they could have injured the guy then took him to whatever hospital, then arrested him, but no they decided to go for the kill.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“I never suggested that the Jews thinks money solves everything. I merely implied that they did have money and as a result could buy the Palestinian land.”
Clearly you did: “In fact, if the Jews thinks money solves everything then they're wrong because you and i both know that it was a bribe.”
“But theres more to it than the Jews popping up and buying the Palestinian land, according to you. Was it fair? Was it a justified move? What was the real motive? Why would they do such a things when they're clearly unwelcomed?”
Of coarse there was a motive to buying land, so the could live there…A people should never be unwelcome to a country based on their religion or race, that’s called racism.
“Your telling me that the Jewish Virtual Library and other Israeli site is a credible source? I've looked at pretty much half of this thread and a lot of criticism directed toward you was the fact that you couldnt come up with a decent source to collorate what you've been saying.Mate you need to get a realist check. I ever implied that there was such things as unbias source, hence i was being sarcastic incase you didnt notice i.e. "unbias"”
Sadly sarcasm doesn’t come across to well when typed. As for a creditable source, all you’ve said is that it isn’t. Can you tell me some of its mistakes? If you can’t I will take it as credible. BTW, if you’ve looked at the criticism have you checked the source? Of coarse the people I’m debating with are not going to like the source, you should come up with your own opinion.
“So you've confirmed yourself that the Jewish people took the land by force after Isreal was created? At least we're getting somewhere.”
Maybe you should stop putting words into my mouth. I said the source confirmed that the Jews bought the land and then got the rest through a series of wars started by the ARABS!
“Assuming that the Jews did bought the land, what makes you think the Palestinians wants their land being bought by the Jews.”
Well the fact that they sold the land gives me a clue…dumbass.
“After the Jewish people "bought" the land they then continued to take over a large proportion of the remaining Palestinian land (by force, although i must admit it was in some case a retalliation)”
No it was through war initiated by ARABS.
“If you really think a peace treaty is going to 'help' or that 'recognising Israel/promoting peace" is a solution to the ongoing problem then you sir are a moron.”

So how would you stop a war? By promoting retaliation?

What you’re suggesting is that the Palestinian forfeit the lands they've lost and have a right to, which is something they clearly do not and will not do.

Look above for my response as to how the land ended up Israeli. If they don’t want to do this (Palestinians) then they will be no peace.

That explains why the Palestinian may not actually want to negotiate. You make it sound to easy Atilla, 'Why dont they just do this and that?'

Because the Palestinians refuse to give up terror and recognise Israel. Or haven’t you been following what’s been going on?


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“I dont find this funny? Do you ffind the fact that people have to die in order to save their children funny?

You give an example of a dog, so would you be delighted if you dog died for you? No you wont.”

What the hell are you talking about. I am referring to Imams who encourage people to kill Jews, I am talking about Hamas operatives who blow themselves up. I was laughing at you, not people dieing. I am not heartless like those people.
“It's illegal, but it still happens, and we arent saying SOME, we are saying most!! onebytwo even showed you some links.

Yes theyre punished when theyre caught, yet so many keep doing the same thing and are being protected by others.”

No, it is not many people who are doing this, it is not even most. To try and turn this around by saying it is state policy is just twisting the truth. Yes there are isolated incidents of this, yes these people are punished, no this is not Israeli policy. asp
You gave me one incident, good work, now for the next 20 or better yet show me the law that makes this state policy.
“Lovely, shows you are a cold heart creature.”

“WHO THE HELL WANTS PEOPLE TO DIE?! If they had to shoot, they could have injured the guy then took him to whatever hospital, then arrested him, but no they decided to go for the kill.”

Cold hearted? If you had a gun and someone came sprinting up to you with a petrol bomb about to throw it and you’re telling me that you would have the nerve to go for a disarming shot? Don’t be ridiculous. In a life threatening situation you would go for the best way to defend yourself, and this means a fatal shot.

As to your question of who wants people to die, have you checked Hamas’s martyrdom posters? That would give you an idea.

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