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Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Good Job, you ripped her to shreds. Now she's going to shave her hair bald, and let people take pictures of her snatch. Hahaha :rofl: :rofl:

Quick Edit: anti-Semitic material? The Palestinians are more semitic than the average modern day Jew, how can they be Anti-Semitic? :) They just want their homes back, but I agree the material isn't sold at the many bookstores that Palestine has. (sarcasm) I mean, people have so much money that they can afford to go out and buy books. (sarcasm) They just go to their local barnes and nobles (sarcasm)


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
there there israeli textbooks and children’s literature promote racism and hatred toward palestinians and arabs too. They are taught to hate arabs while they are at school.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_textbooks (i know how much you love wikipedia BritenySpears, so i thought i'l post this link from your FAVOURITE source for you)

The First source was printed in 1999 and totally out of date.

The second one states:

  1. The legitimacy of the State of Israel as independent Jewish state on the territory of the Land of Israel and the immigration of Jews to the country are never questioned.
  2. There is no indoctrination against the Arabs as a nation, nor a negative presentation of Islam. Rather, Islam, the Arab culture and the Arabs' contribution to human civilization are presented in a positive light.
  3. No book calls for violence or war. Many books express the yearning for peace between Israel and the Arab countries.[5]
The Third one is negative but acknowledges that it is nothing to the way that Arabs are tought. E.g. Farfur and the rest of their hate filled education system.


New Member
May 22, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

"anti-Semitic material? The Palestinians are more semitic than the average modern day Jew, how can they be Anti-Semitic?"
If the word 'antisemitic' (which has always referred specifically to Jew hatred) is too hard for your small, small intellect to properly grasp, the replace it with 'Jew Hatred'. Simple! Or are you trying to argue that antisemitism is bad, but Jew hatred is ok?

"They just want their homes back, but I agree the material isn't sold at the many bookstores that Palestine has."
While we are on the topic of palestinian bookstores, care to take a guess as to what one of the top palestinian bestsellers is? Anyone?

Ok, I'll tell you. The arabic translation of Mein Kampf.


Here is a delightful quote from the introduction:

"This translation of the book My Struggle has never been presented to Arab speakers. It is taken from the original text of the author, Adolf Hitler. The text was untouched by the censor. We made a point to deliver Hitler's opinions and theories on nationalism, regimes, and ethnicity without any changes because they are not yet outmoded and because we, in the Arab world, still proceed haphazardly in all three fields"

But go ahead, call the Israelis nazis. Just remember who is reading their literature.

" I mean, people have so much money that they can afford to go out and buy books. (sarcasm)"
Complaining that the palestinians have so little money? If you are concerned about palestinian poverty, why don't you criticize the PLO, as the economy has shrunk by a factor of 10 since they came to power? Why don't you criticize the fact that Arafat amassed almost a billion dollars of aid money in his personal bank account? Why not criticize the fact that all the economic aid to the palestinians, which has INCREASED since the hamas boycott, doesn't go to the palestinian people but to funding terrorism.

Oh, I know, because you don't care about the welfare of the palestinian people - you just enjoy bashing Israel.

"lolololololololololololololololololololloollololol olololololol ..... dont tell me that those israelis take children chantings and gatherings seriously/ personally...thats just so naive and utterly stupid."
Personally, I thought that if the government was encouraging children to blow themselves up that would be important. But who am I to challenge your convincing, intellectual argument of "lololololololololololololololol"..

"Palestinian books are seen to be free of incitement"

"I have not, and do not plan in the near future to provide assistance or support to any terrorist organisation in either attacking civilians, or facilitating an attack on civilians or any other sovereign nations...

"How does this have anything to do with my support for those who are fighting the corrupt nation of Israel?..."
Because the groups that are 'fighting the corrupt nation of Israel' are considered terrorists by the Australian government, and the way they 'fight' Israel is attacking civilians and undermining a sovereign nation. All you have going for you is the fact that you haven't broken the law yet - it doesn't mean that you don't support terrorist murderers.

You're such a devious and mentally incompetent individual, and I'm disgraced to have such a person as a part of this nation.
My sentiments exactly :)


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Re: Israel & Palestine

GowronX said:
While we are on the topic of palestinian bookstores, care to take a guess as to what one of the top palestinian bestsellers is? Anyone?

Ok, I'll tell you. The arabic translation of Mein Kampf.


Here is a delightful quote from the introduction:

"This translation of the book My Struggle has never been presented to Arab speakers. It is taken from the original text of the author, Adolf Hitler. The text was untouched by the censor. We made a point to deliver Hitler's opinions and theories on nationalism, regimes, and ethnicity without any changes because they are not yet outmoded and because we, in the Arab world, still proceed haphazardly in all three fields"

But go ahead, call the Israelis nazis. Just remember who is reading their literature.
so people who read mein kampf are nazis?


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

HotShot said:
Um Nathan why do you keep saying the same thing?.. Hamas and Fatah are fighting with each other - big deal. I know your happy that the Palestinians are killing each other. But you must realise the only reason they are killing each other is because of the rEstrictions placed on them by the Israeli government. had Israel allowed - aid to flow through and trade to occur, then none of these problems would have occurred. The condition in Palestine has detoriated thanks to the Israel's and people are desperate.

I am sure they did....

where did you pull that from? ur ass?

"Um Nathan why do you keep saying the same thing?.. Hamas and Fatah are fighting with each other - big deal. I know your happy that the Palestinians are killing each other. But you must realise the only reason they are killing each other is because of the rEstrictions placed on them by the Israeli government."
Thats kinda odd don't you think. Problems are blamed on Israel, and lets just say Israel is in the wrong, why on earth would these two groups fight each other. Wouldn't they work together and fight against Israel.
This is getting old: "The reason Palestine is in civil war is because of Israel". How about Palestine first sorts itself out and then comes to the table with Israel. Is real is not the cause of conflict between Hamas and Phatah. Hamas won the election Phatah did not. Israel did not vote in this election. It is clear that they fight with each other over their own reasons, it is not a fight about who hates Israel more...they are equal there.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
ROFL :rofl: you all absolutly fell for the me watching the news part, LOL. It was actually there to just show you that when you say that you watch the news, no one will really believe you.

On the other hand i wouldnt really be surprised that those perved israeli soldiers would actually do such a thing to children. I mean what would they want with over 5200 innocent children in their prisons (4 YEAR OLDS - 18 YEAR OLDS!!!!)???


Please don't dilute academic debate with nonesense to fabricate a baseless position. All others who have argued against Israel have at least come up with good and insightful arguments for their part. Please don't degenrate to infantile shenanigans.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
there there israeli textbooks and children’s literature promote racism and hatred toward palestinians and arabs too. They are taught to hate arabs while they are at school.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_textbooks (i know how much you love wikipedia BritenySpears, so i thought i'l post this link from your FAVOURITE source for you)

I personally do not rely on wikipaedia because anyone can edit it.

As for the washington post website - that is a magazine created by an organisation with an opinion and therefore is not a neutral source. It's credibility is no different to you telling me what it has stated.

Lastly, your article from chalav.org comes from a website that has this written about it in it's "about us" section:

Chalav U'Dvash: Brandeis' Journal of Zionist Thought
(Print ISSN 1559-1069, Online ISSN 1559-1077) is an independent forum for discussion relating to Israel, Zionism, and the Jewish People. In this respect, Chalav UÕDvash has no ideological or political bias. We give our writers the opportunity and freedom to express their opinions and viewpoints within a well-researched and factual framework, and opinions expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of the editors.

Once again this holds no greater credibility than you considering this comes from another forum just like this one.

Your sources are not credible to create an unbiased or legitimate opinion from a neutral perspective. These sources do not provide facts but rather opinions. You have provided your opinion so don't try to masquerade others opinions as fact or at least research your sources a bit better.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
lolololololololololololololololololololloollololololololololol ..... dont tell me that those israelis take children chantings and gatherings seriously/ personally...thats just so naive and utterly stupid.

unlike the israeli ciriculum that has recently changed to contain positive idiologies about palestinians, after they were caught in the scandal of promoting racism and hatered towards islam and arabs thier text books.

Palestinian books are seen to be free of incitement (http://www.pcdc.edu.ps/sharon_flimsy_excuses.htm)

the above source also explains about a letter titled "Dear Soldiers, Please Kill a Lot of Arabs" that a israeli school child sent to the israeli army serving in Tulkarem.

also anti-Semitic material that may be in the palestinian curriculum comes from books that the Palestinians did not author and are replacing. Ironically, these books were authored by other countries and not palestine. They were distributed by Israel in east Jerusalem after only removing the cover.
"Palestinian books are seen to be free of incitement (http://www.pcdc.edu.ps/sharon_flimsy_excuses.htm)" I have a feeling Mickey Mouse disagrees with you...

Israel does not cultivate a culture of hatred for Palestinians. In a PURELY ethical sense it is not right to single out any cultural group, religion or race...but we do not live in a purely ethical world...I think there would be major social problems if the world did run purely on ethics. It is my opinion that if Israeli books have these messages, while it can be seen from a purely ethical sense (ignoring the contextual relationship between Israelis and Palestinians) that these books create a negatyive image of Palestinians, at the same time they create awareness about contextual issues. Although these statements are genralisations, it does speak truth about a fluctuating minority in Palestine. Disagree with me if you like, we can all cover our eyes if we want.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

onebytwo said:
so people who read mein kampf are nazis?
No, that is not what GowronX said. People who read Mein Kampf (many in the Arab world do) and then wish to implement their ideas are called neo-nazis I think that was the point. Another interesting fact, guess what another interesting best-seller around the Arab would is?

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

whats these books got to do with the Israel and Palestine?

People read books omg..nah you serious, how dare they! There are many different reason why people read books, and they may want to try to understand how others think etc.

Peole just edit your posts instead of making post after post.

Israelis believe Israel is is theirs, they wont give their land to Palestine, and wont return these 'terrorists' they 'kidnapped' etc

Palestinians want their land back, and their 'innocent civilians' some of who are 'under 18' and they want the Israelis to leave them alone etc

Both believe the land is theirs, and that its also stated in their religion.

One side has the whole suicide bombings going for them, the other side go for as many people -theyre 'terrorists' tho- as they can

Do you really think these two will find a solution to their problems?

As for Hamas and fatah killing each other...well that has something to do with Palestine but not the Israel and Palestine war. If by them killing 50 peple its called terrorism, then the Israelis killing those Lebanese people last year was terrorism.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

You're a bunch of modern day amalekites if I ever did see one.

You claim that "They read mein kampf", when there is no proof of the regular palestinian doing so. Regardless, have you actually read Mein Kampf? It literally means (my struggle) and it talks about a Jewish objective to obtain world dominantion (sound familiar to you?). Let me shed some light on you ill-informed people.

The most commonly read literature in Israel is the "Torah" and in the number 596 of the mizvot it says to "kill the canaanites", well that's an actual command and not a historical text. It's telling you to murder all the people of the 7 kingdoms of the canaanites (Children of Canaan). (Aren't Lebanese people canaanites?) Yes they are.

Basically, you're condemning one historical text (which you claim that muslims would even bother to read, when that is not proven or shown to be true.) When it's well known that only extremists would read such a text, or even have the will to want to read it. When even moderate Jews read the Torah daily, which asks for the Genocide of the modern day Canaanites. Which are the Lebanese people. That is the ultimate hypocrisy!

In a nut shell.

Zionist guy: "The Palestinians who we are oppressing are reading mein kampf. But ignore the fact that almost 75% of the us read the Torah which asks for the exterminaion of all the Lebanese and Palestinian people."


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
lolololololololololololololololololololloollololololololololol ..... dont tell me that those israelis take children chantings and gatherings seriously/ personally...thats just so naive and utterly stupid.

unlike the israeli ciriculum that has recently changed to contain positive idiologies about palestinians, after they were caught in the scandal of promoting racism and hatered towards islam and arabs thier text books.

Palestinian books are seen to be free of incitement (http://www.pcdc.edu.ps/sharon_flimsy_excuses.htm)

the above source also explains about a letter titled "Dear Soldiers, Please Kill a Lot of Arabs" that a israeli school child sent to the israeli army serving in Tulkarem.

also anti-Semitic material that may be in the palestinian curriculum comes from books that the Palestinians did not author and are replacing. Ironically, these books were authored by other countries and not palestine. They were distributed by Israel in east Jerusalem after only removing the cover.
Yeah I bet its really funny when you see those children finally grew up and blew themselves up for some virgin girls afterlife. I bet you :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: alot hearing that after morethan a thousand palestinians suicide bombers blew themselves up :D

Thats how they are raised. From birth they are instilled with hatred of Jews and christians. While an israeli children's ambition is to become a doctor, a scientist, a nurse, a teacher, an engineer etc a palestinian child's ambition is to become a suicide bomber, a terrorists, a rapist, a murderer. Not surprisingly, they end up becoming what they want to be. They became suicide bombers ha ha while Israli kids became world renowned scientist, researcher, doctors, businessmen, innovator, physicist, As the wisdom said You reap what you sow. Paslestinians sow hatred, violence and racism in their children and they produce a violent murderer, terrorists and criminals while Israeli kids grew up to become an ideal citizen who excel in their chosen fields, respected worldwide.

More Stories.
The BBC has videotaped Islamic Jihad-sponsored summer camps where children as young as eight receive paramilitary training. In contravention of normal humane standards, children are taught that after a person becomes a suicide bomber, he reaches the highest level of paradise. Such ingrained hatred leads to the glorification of violence and martyrdom, and the willingness to kill others for the perceived benefit of spiritual immortality. Children of a very young age, and even babies, have been dressed and photographed as suicide bombers by their parents.

- Abu Mazen, a senior official within the Palestinian Authority, admitted that children have been paid approximately $1 for every pipe bomb they throw. According to Abu Mazen, at least 40 children have lost arms when throwing these bombs. (Alzamim [a Kuwiati newspaper] June 20, 2002)

- Incitement to violence is rife throughout the Palestinian Authority school system. School textbooks encourage hatred and extol "martyrdom". Signs are posted on the walls of kindergartens praising their students as "the shaheeds [martyrs] of tomorrow". Elementary school teachers and principals commend students for wanting to "tear their [Zionists'] bodies into little pieces and cause them more pain than they will ever know." http://www.petitiononline.com/pakidkil/petition.html
Sign [FONT=Helvetica,Arial][SIZE=+2]Stop Palestinian Child Abuse here [/SIZE][/FONT] http://www.petitiononline.com/pakidkil/petition.html

More stories of Palestinian Kids raised tobe terrorist and suicide bomber here

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Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
You're a bunch of modern day amalekites if I ever did see one.

You claim that "They read mein kampf", when there is no proof of the regular palestinian doing so. Regardless, have you actually read Mein Kampf? It literally means (my struggle) and it talks about a Jewish objective to obtain world dominantion (sound familiar to you?). Let me shed some light on you ill-informed people.

The most commonly read literature in Israel is the "Torah" and in the number 596 of the mizvot it says to "kill the canaanites", well that's an actual command and not a historical text. It's telling you to murder all the people of the 7 kingdoms of the canaanites (Children of Canaan). (Aren't Lebanese people canaanites?) Yes they are.

Basically, you're condemning one historical text (which you claim that muslims would even bother to read, when that is not proven or shown to be true.) When it's well known that only extremists would read such a text, or even have the will to want to read it. When even moderate Jews read the Torah daily, which asks for the Genocide of the modern day Canaanites. Which are the Lebanese people. That is the ultimate hypocrisy!

In a nut shell.

Zionist guy: "The Palestinians who we are oppressing are reading mein kampf. But ignore the fact that almost 75% of the us read the Torah which asks for the exterminaion of all the Lebanese and Palestinian people."
Aha ha ha lebanese and Palestinian are Canaanites? Bwa ha ha. few post up there you claimed they are semitic LMFAO. How desperate these people wants to be like Jewish origin. Accept it, don;t be ashamed you are an arab for a reason, because you are from Arabia. period.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
whats these books got to do with the Israel and Palestine?

People read books omg..nah you serious, how dare they! There are many different reason why people read books, and they may want to try to understand how others think etc.

Peole just edit your posts instead of making post after post.

Israelis believe Israel is is theirs, they wont give their land to Palestine, and wont return these 'terrorists' they 'kidnapped' etc

Palestinians want their land back, and their 'innocent civilians' some of who are 'under 18' and they want the Israelis to leave them alone etc

Both believe the land is theirs, and that its also stated in their religion.

One side has the whole suicide bombings going for them, the other side go for as many people -theyre 'terrorists' tho- as they can

Do you really think these two will find a solution to their problems?

As for Hamas and fatah killing each other...well that has something to do with Palestine but not the Israel and Palestine war. If by them killing 50 peple its called terrorism, then the Israelis killing those Lebanese people last year was terrorism.
Terrorism is an attack on civilians in order to gain military or situational advantage over another people. Israel have been commiting terrorist attacks for decades. They respond to "rocket" being fired, by dropping hundreds of megatons of explosive from planes, in civilian areas. Disproportionate and unfair. (It's terrorism by definition.) And a chain is formed, where one retaliation is infinitely more attrocious and disproportionate.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
Aha ha ha lebanese and Palestinian are Canaanites? Bwa ha ha. few post up there you claimed they are semitic LMFAO. How desperate these people wants to be like Jewish origin. Accept it, don;t be ashamed you are an arab for a reason, because you are from Arabia. period.
Canaan - It is an ancient term for a region approximating to present-day Israel and the West Bank and Gaza, plus adjoining coastal lands and parts of Lebanon and Syria. The Hebrew Bible identifies Canaan with Lebanon.

Ancient Semitic peoples
The following is a list of ancient peoples generally characterised as "Semitic" by modern authors (including some stated in Genesis to be descendants of Ham) [Canaan was the son of Ham.]
- Canaanite nations of the early Iron Age:

We basically, come from the same branch of people, why would I want to be something I'm not? I'm proud to be Lebanese, and to fight for what I believe is just and fair.


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
No, that is not what GowronX said. People who read Mein Kampf (many in the Arab world do) and then wish to implement their ideas are called neo-nazis I think that was the point. Another interesting fact, guess what another interesting best-seller around the Arab would is?

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

no he said this -
"But go ahead, call the Israelis nazis. Just remember who is reading their literature."
so as to imply that anyone who reads "nazi literature" is somehow associated with nazis


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Canaan - It is an ancient term for a region approximating to present-day Israel and the West Bank and Gaza, plus adjoining coastal lands and parts of Lebanon and Syria. The Hebrew Bible identifies Canaan with Lebanon.

Ancient Semitic peoples
The following is a list of ancient peoples generally characterised as "Semitic" by modern authors (including some stated in Genesis to be descendants of Ham) [Canaan was the son of Ham.]
- Canaanite nations of the early Iron Age:

We basically, come from the same branch of people, why would I want to be something I'm not? I'm proud to be Lebanese, and to fight for what I believe is just and fair.
How does modern day arabs who swamped the middle east during the 700AD linked to Canaanites who lived there 2500 years ago? You have no links whatsoever to ancient canaanites except you lived in their lands thanks to arabs invasion and occupation of the areas. Do you speak Cannanites? No you speak arabic, the same language spoken in Saudi Arabia. Its like White Australians claiming we are Aborignals because we outnumbered aboriginals 100 years ago and made this country predominanly europeans. I do beleive that there might be traces of ancient canaanites and their decendants in modern day lebanese however, trying to claim orignal ancestry to them is dubious at best. By the way what happen to those Pan-Arabism ? Since Arabs in Saudi Arabia /Morocco/ yemen / Iraq are definitely NOT canaanites. are you trying to imply that Lebanese are not arabs after all? :rofl:


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Research before you open your mouth.
Genetic research using Y-chromosome haploid analysis has identified a Phoenician genetic marker (a so-to-speak "Canaanite gene") among modern Lebanese populations, including among Maronite Christians and Shiite Muslims, especially near the coast
are you trying to imply that Lebanese are not arabs after all?
No, I'm implying that you're a moron. And that criticising all of palestine because a tiny minority of people have read Mein Kampf (Which is a historical text) is hypocrisy. Since millions of Jewish Israelis read the Torah almost daily, which asks for the Genocide of the Lebanese and Palestinian people.
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Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Research before you open your mouth.

No, I'm implying that you're a moron. And that criticising all of palestine because a tiny minority of people have read Mein Kampf (Which is a historical text) is hypocrisy. Since millions of Jewish Israelis read the Torah almost daily, which asks for the Genocide of the Lebanese and Palestinian people.
Hang on, you are quoted as saying "I don't have anything against Jewish people, only the zionists who wanted the land-grab that is palestine." in the "imminent fall of Beirut" thread. Because of this I have tried not to undermine your arguments through claiming you have a bias against jews.

Now you have brought religion into it. Even though the title is clearly 'Israel and Palestine' you are bringing the Jews into it. You actually do have something against Jews, please accept that and move on.

Now, let's clear up this torah business. You cannot, no matter what Rabbis opinion you bring, read the torah without a contextual comment on the commentary of the torah. I state this for any 'would-be' torah quoters, it is offensive to Jews to even bring up the notion of quoting the torah unless oyu know the commentary. You do not. So do not quote from something you do not understand.
Furthermore, as for calling for the elimination of the Lebanese and Palestinians. You stated in this thread: "Canaan - It is an ancient term for a region approximating to present-day Israel and the West Bank and Gaza, plus adjoining coastal lands and parts of Lebanon and Syria. The Hebrew Bible identifies Canaan with Lebanon." No where has this definition said Palestinians. But when you said "the Torah almost daily, which asks for the Genocide of the Lebanese and Palestinian people." you just thought you may as well throw that in there as well right, I mean your pinning one thing on them so you may as well pin another, whats the harm right?

And lastly, you will find, contrary to sources you will undoubtedly post, Canaan possibly does refer to Lebanon, but considering the Canaanites as a people have disappeared due to assimilation and wars hundreds of years ago it is highley unlikely that your misunderstood quotation refers to modern day Lebanese. Please don't fabricate a religion you really don't know much about.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

I do know the context though, the son of Ham canaan's people were supposedly immitating recreation in rituals, and were thus cursed, and later the destruction of the Canaanites was asked. (It's also well known that descendents would be considered as well.)

I don't have anything against Jewish people, you're getting me wrong. In this argument he criticised all of Palestine for a tiny minority of people reading mein kampf, when the majority of Israelis read the Torah. This is not an attack on Judaism, but rather an attack on the credibility of his statement.

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