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Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
Just to set the "anti-semitic" labelling part straight, no one here is against the jews. Against israel, well yes, maybe, but not the jews as a whole.

I actually read that many jews don’t support Israel as well, they even say that israel shouldnt exist. They say that because they (jews) claim that they are currently in exile, and that the messiah will be the one to take them to their homeland. They also believe that if they had a homeland without their messiah, there will be bloodshed and havoc worldwide.

Source: http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/about/mission.cfm

Scripts from torah that saying jews should wait for the messiah to take them to their homeland:

although this particular verse creeped the hell out of me:

"for the day when I will arise to plunder [them]. For My judgment will be to assemble nations, to gather kingdoms, to pour My fury upon them, all My burning wrath; for with the fire of My jealousy the entire earth will be consumed. For then I will change the nations [to speak] a pure language, so that they all will proclaim the Name of Hashem; to worship Him with a united resolve."

There are also huge numbers of rabbis and sages who are against Israel.

According to Rabbi Alter attested:

“it is the accursed Zionists who caused them (arabs) to hate us. The Zionists dare to use their power to expel the Arabs, and even today in Lebanon, they kill and butcher the Arabs; they wipe out whole villages with the airplanes they get from the United States."


This is also straight from the mouth of another jewish rabbi:

"The eternal blessed be He, has decreed that we accept the exile with humble gratitude until the time comes, or until we merit His pardon through repentance if we seek to end the exile with force, G-d will catch us, as our sages have forewarned, and our sentence becomes longer and more difficult"


Rabbi Mordechai Gifter also said:

"Such a state the Torah does want, and then the complete hatred of the Jews will go away. It will be as the prophet says - "and all the nations will flow unto you" - but till then, we are not allowed a state. The Torah does not want it. It is contrary to the Torah and contrary to our faith."


Anyway here is a list of all those Rabbis, I advice you guys to read what they have to say. They all have logical and interesting stuff to talk about, and im saying REALLY interesting…


Once again a source is quoted "for the day when I will arise to plunder [them]." where you have no conception of what you are quoting. I could pull many things out of any religious text and you would tell me I am misinterpreting it. Stop doing this. You only look silly.

As for Jews not wanting Israel...yes very true, and I will help you out here, one of the major rabbis of our time never went to Israel because he believed he had work elsewhere (I am summarising his intention but you get the point, I hope...). Much Jewry (but still a minority) throughout the world do not believe they reauire Israel as a homeland. I agree with you on this. Apart from this being anice bit of trivia, you have added nothing to this discussion as the majority of Jews do desire Israel as a homeland.


Aug 17, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
The reason is you lebs are racist towards Palestinians and the only thing you want of them is to use them as an excuse to encourage violence against Israel, and to wipe your ass, to clean your toilet, to work in your field, to build your roads, to work as garbage collectors, as taxi driver, truck handyman, and all the menial jobs that you lebs do not wants. They did not choose to live in refugee camps you banished them, you prohibited them from getting accommodation and jobs effectively making them chronically poor, illiterate, desperate and then blame all their problems on Israel trying to provoke and turn them into suicde bombers and terrorists. That is a very humane tratment of your arabs brother.
This particular argument failed, you don't have to bring it up over and over again.

Oh, and how many accounts are you gonna make on this forum so you can express your unrelenting hatred of arabs/muslims in this forum.



Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

S1M0 said:
Not neccesarily true. He's anti zionist, but not anti-semitic. He hasn't got anything against the Jewish people, religion and culture, but has something against Israel. You can't put the two and two together.
Actaully being Anti-Zionist is the same thing as being anti-semitic (JEW HATRED FOR THE IDIOTS OUT THERE).

Let me clear the issue up. Zionism is the want for a homeland for the Jewish people. This was a reponse to the rampant anti-semitism in Europe and in other places of the world. Eventually Israel was born. Now, being against the creation of the State of Israel is quite clearly being anti-semitic. People aren't against the England being created for the English people, or France being created for the French people or even Lebanon being created for the Lebanese people. But if people were then they would be anti-English or anti-French and so on. So being against the creation of the state of Israel means that you are anti-Israel and since Israel was created as a refuge for the Jews and was specifically meant to be domintated by Jews demographically, you are anti-semitic. Make sense?

However (this is the tricky bit), people aren't anti-semitic if they are against the policies of the Israeli government. For example I myself am very much against the policy of the currant Isreali government, Olmert is an idiot and should not be Prime Minister. However being critical of Israeli policies and using them to demonise and Israel and try and draw links with policy and not wanting Israel to exist is anti-semitic, see the difference? For example many people were against the withdrawal from the Gush Kativ settlements and protested accordingly which of coarse is not anti-semitic or anti-zionist in the slightest. However if people were to draw links with the whole of Israel being some 'imperialistic evil empire trying to commit mass genocide who kicks innocent Palestinians out of the home, etc...' in order to demonise it and spread lies about Israel is being anti-Zionist and therefore anti-Semitic.

Oh and Maniella, bringing up quotes from websites such as Jewsagainstzionism is really very funny. You do realise that less then 2% of Jews are against Israel? Do you also realise that sects such as the Neutra Kata are no longer recognised by the Chasidic movement as representing Judaism. That these same sects welcomed Ahminijad (Iranian President, can't spell his name sorry) during his Holocaust denial conference? Really, trying to make it seem that Zionists are in the minority in Judaism is laughable. Go look at the Australian Jewish News and find me one artical that is against Zionism or the creation of the State of Israel? I am looking at the front page of the currant one (Vol 114 No 34) and it says ECAJ calls on Canberra: "Support Israel in Gaza". I could give you more examples, do you want them? Or have you had enough spreading lies about me religion telling me that Zionism is not a part of Judaism, eh?
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Aug 14, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Actaully being Anti-Zionist is the same thing as being anti-semitic (JEW HATRED FOR THE IDIOTS OUT THERE).

Let me clear the issue up. Zionism is the want for a homeland for the Jewish people. This was a reponse to the rampant anti-semitism in Europe and in other places of the world. Eventually Israel was born. Now, being against the creation of the State of Israel is quite clearly being anti-semitic. People aren't against the England being created for the English people, or France being created for the French people or even Lebanon being created for the Lebanese people. But if people were then they would be anti-English or anti-French and so on. So being against the creation of the state of Israel means that you are anti-Israel and since Israel was created as a refuge for the Jews and was specifically meant to be domintated by Jews demographically, you are anti-semitic. Make sense?
Zionism specifically requires the Jewish state to exist in Israel. You can be anti-zionist while not being anti-semitic.


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Actaully being Anti-Zionist is the same thing as being anti-semitic (JEW HATRED FOR THE IDIOTS OUT THERE).

Let me clear the issue up. Zionism is the want for a homeland for the Jewish people. This was a reponse to the rampant anti-semitism in Europe and in other places of the world. Eventually Israel was born. Now, being against the creation of the State of Israel is quite clearly being anti-semitic. People aren't against the England being created for the English people, or France being created for the French people or even Lebanon being created for the Lebanese people. But if people were then they would be anti-English or anti-French and so on. So being against the creation of the state of Israel means that you are anti-Israel and since Israel was created as a refuge for the Jews and was specifically meant to be domintated by Jews demographically, you are anti-semitic. Make sense?

However (this is the tricky bit), people aren't anti-semitic if they are against the policies of the Israeli government. For example I myself am very much against the policy of the currant Isreali government, Olmert is an idiot and should not be Prime Minister. However being critical of Israeli policies and using them to demonise and Israel and try and draw links with policy and not wanting Israel to exist is anti-semitic, see the difference? For example many people were against the withdrawal from the Gush Kativ settlements and protested accordingly which of coarse is not anti-semitic or anti-zionist in the slightest. However if people were to draw links with the whole of Israel being some 'imperialistic evil empire trying to commit mass genocide who kicks innocent Palestinians out of the home, etc...' in order to demonise it and spread lies about Israel is being anti-Zionist and therefore anti-Semitic.

Oh and Maniella, bringing up quotes from websites such as Jewsagainstzionism is really very funny. You do realise that less then 2% of Jews are against Israel? Do you also realise that sects such as the Neutra Kata are no longer recognised by the Chasidic movement as representing Judaism. That these same sects welcomed Ahminijad (Iranian President, can't spell his name sorry) during his Holocaust denial conference? Really, trying to make it seem that Zionists are in the minority in Judaism is laughable. Go look at the Australian Jewish News and find me one artical that is against Zionism or the creation of the State of Israel? I am looking at the front page of the currant one (Vol 114 No 34) and it says ECAJ calls on Canberra: "Support Israel in Gaza". I could give you more examples, do you want them? Or have you had enough spreading lies about me religion telling me that Zionism is not a part of Judaism, eh?
so all those rabbi's out there who think israel shouldnt exist (anti-zionist) are anti-semitic? you gotta love those antisemitic rabbis, dont you?


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

S1M0 said:
This particular argument failed, you don't have to bring it up over and over again.

Oh, and how many accounts are you gonna make on this forum so you can express your unrelenting hatred of arabs/muslims in this forum.

That arguments stands as tall as eiffel tower in paris because it is based on truth which you cannot deny.

More Facts of Lebanese racism towards Palestinians:

Here are more details as reported by the Jordan Times – not exactly a mouthpiece for the vast international Zionist conspiracy:

* Under the Lebanese labor law that governs foreigners, Palestinians are denied 74 forms of employment;
* Palestinians face tight exit and entry requirements;
* Palestinians in Lebanon are not allowed citizenship;
* Palestinians are confined to 12 camps with no medical, social or educational services from the government and are barred in some of those camps from building or even repairing homes.

Some in Lebanon have even recognized the "racist" nature of this anti-Palestinian campaign – policies far worse than anything ever contemplated by Israel.


Judging from how you treat Palestinians who are you to judge Israeli treatment of Palestinians which is better in all respects.

Oh why don't you come up with your maniella account or Sam04u account and keep praising your own post.

Onebytwo said:
so all those rabbi's out there who think israel shouldnt exist (anti-zionist) are anti-semitic? you gotta love those antisemitic rabbis, dont you?
Yes muslims love them. Actually muslims love anything against israel in general and embrace it with all their hearts.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

You are the fool calling Canaanites as semite while there are clear and precise written evidence that they were descendants of HAM not SHEM.
Completely wrong and misguided. I said the people of Lebanon were descendants of Canaanites which is corroborated by national geographic DNA links.

There is no historical/tradition/tangible evidence linking modernday arab lebanese with ancient canaanites 2000-3000 years ago.
Wikipedia said:
Genetic research using Y-chromosome haploid analysis has identified a Phoenician genetic marker (a so-to-speak "Canaanite gene") among modern Lebanese populations, including among Maronite Christians and Shiite Muslims, especially near the coast.
If you're looking for a historical link, then you might aswell look for a historcal link which links European Jews with the Land of Palestine. It's almost universally known that they have mixed with other cultures and people. Which still doesn't negate the fact that they are descendants of another people. Whereas the Lebanese people have not migrated, and many have been apart of Lebanon since Phoenecia. (And the cities still have traditional Canaanite names.)

Like I said before it is as doubtful as Indians claiming germanic ancestry based on Y chromosome. Anti-Semitism solely refers to jews NOT ARABS. do not include yourself to what you are not.
It's actually nothing like that. It's more like modern day Egyptians or Africans. Since they have both a genetic and regional link to their ancestors they can claim ancestory of their ancient people. Modern day Iranians claim that they are Persians. Because they have not left their lands and have a strong genetic link. It's the exact same case with Lebanon. The country and people are descendants of the Canaanites. (It's indisputable. DNA tests have corroborated this.)

Never at anyone time Arabs included in Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism in australia, Europe, America or middle east solely refers to to jews.
I'm still not Anti-Semitic. Being Anti-Semetic would mean that I'm Anti all Arabic speaking people and all the Jewish speaking people. And also all the aramaic speaking people. (Which I couldn't be. Because the Qu'ran and Torah were written in those languages. I also speak Semitic languages.)

Now if you're trying to say that I'm against the Jewish people, then you are completely misguided. It's as if anybody who disagrees with the Injustice that is Israel is branded as an Anti-Semite (which is ludicrous). Not only am I not Anti-Semite, I'm Pro-Zionist. But at what expense?

And yes you are anti-semitic and try to justify your hatred against jews on your arab roots, claiming you are semitic therefore you can't be anti-semitic.
Now anybody who opposes the Jewish oppression of the Palestinian people has hatred towards Jews? How about rabbis who oppose it. Does that make them Anti-Semitic with hatred towards Jews?

Can you give me a verse in Torah which calls for genocide of Lebanese? Did not your Quran calls for killings of non muslims?
Read the 596-597 of the Mitzvot. Lebanese people are then descendants of the Canaanites.

Palestinians were displaced because they read mein kampf? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Is that the reason according to arab historians?
You're a complete moron and you keep deflecting the question. When did I say that? Here is the question I've been asking for a few posts now.
How can you criticise the Palestinian people because a tiny minority of them have read "Mein Kampf"? when almost all Israeli people have read the Torah which asks for the Genocide of the Canaanites. (Which would be almost genetically indifferentiable from modern day Lebanese people.)

Bare in mind the Palestinians have had their land stolen from them. And have been left scattered throughout the Middle-East


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

More Facts of Lebanese racism towards Palestinians
You've completely eluded what I had said on a previous occassion. Let me refresh your memory.

Now on the treatment of Palestinians, well lets get some facts. Approximately 400,000 Palestinians live in Lebanon. As civilians of Lebanon they would receive notably less aid by U.N and would cause an even tighter strain on the economy. However, you are fundamentally wrong. Only the Palestinians which chose to settle in those camps have not integrated into Lebanese society are subject to those laws. The other refugees make up a significant part of Lebanon and are regular citizens.

Judging from how you treat Palestinians who are you to judge Israeli treatment of Palestinians which is better in all respects.
You? - Who have I mistreated? Israel occupies the Palestinian peoples Land. Lebanon doesn't. The Israelis have created a zionist state at the expense of displacing 5,000,000 Palestinians. Then, you expect the neighbouring countries to be able to sustain the massive influx of Palestinians. (Most of whom want their own country back.) They don't want to live in foreign countries anyways. Those who try to live in the sections of Palestine which aren't occupied live in constant threat. Threat of being attacked, threat of having their homes demolished, and the constant threat of being caught in the pressure cooker that the state of Israel propogates.

Oh why don't you come up with your maniella account or Sam04u account and keep praising your own post.
I can prove to you now that I'm not Maniella. Would you like to meet in person? Perhaps chat on ventrillo? Maybe a phone call? Just let me know.

Yes muslims love them. Actually muslims love anything against Israel in general and embrace it with all their hearts.
In the current state of Israel I agree with you. Muslims and people around the world are against the current state of Israel. (Including Jews, Rabbi's and Priests.)

Mainly because of what the cost is to the Palestinians who have done nothing wrong. They have been displaced from their countries and have been made refugees all over the world. (Bare in mind they were displaced mainly by European Jews.)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

onebytwo said:
so all those rabbi's out there who think israel shouldnt exist (anti-zionist) are anti-semitic? you gotta love those antisemitic rabbis, dont you?
Completely discredited. Nice going. :haha:


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“Zionism specifically requires the Jewish state to exist in Israel. You can be anti-zionist while not being anti-Semitic.”

Did you actually read what I wrote? Being anti-Zionist means being against the state and the how notion of Israel – yes it is anti-Semitic.

“So all those rabbi's out there who think Israel shouldn’t exist (anti-Zionist) are anti-Semitic? You gotta love those anti-Semitic rabbis, don’t you?”

Pretty much yeah, they are. Those Rabbis who are against Zionism also support Ahminijad do you need more proof of them being anti-Semitic?


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
If you're looking for a historical link, then you might aswell look for a historcal link which links European Jews with the Land of Palestine.
European Jews have clearly come from the holy land when they left in 70CE. Happy?

sam04u said:
It's almost universally known that they have mixed with other cultures and people.
Yet they are still practising Jews in spite of all that.

sam04u said:
Which still doesn't negate the fact that they are descendants of another people. Whereas the Lebanese people have not migrated, and many have been apart of Lebanon since Phoenecia. (And the cities still have traditional Canaanite names.)
I am pretty sure you have no idea of history. Jews have had a continuous presence in Israel.

sam04u said:
I'm still not Anti-Semitic. Being Anti-Semetic would mean that I'm Anti all Arabic speaking people and all the Jewish speaking people.
NO! It doesn't. Being anti-semitic means that you are against Judaism, look it up in a friggen dictionary!

sam04u said:
Now if you're trying to say that I'm against the Jewish people, then you are completely misguided.
Lol, you have made it abundantly clear that you are anti-semitic.

sam04u said:
It's as if anybody who disagrees with the Injustice that is Israel is branded as an Anti-Semite (which is ludicrous). Not only am I not Anti-Semite, I'm Pro-Zionist. But at what expense?
Are you know trying to tell me you're pro-Zionist? ROFL!:rofl: !!!

sam04u said:
Now anybody who opposes the Jewish oppression of the Palestinian people has hatred towards Jews?
No, but people who use that to continually lie and demonise Israel (as YOU have) are anti-Zionist which equals anti-Semitic.

sam04u said:
How about rabbis who oppose it. Does that make them Anti-Semitic with hatred towards Jews?
Yes it does. check my above post.

sam04u said:
Read the 596-597 of the Mitzvot. Lebanese people are then descendants of the Canaanites.
Once again you show your complete lack of knowledge on the subject. Please don't comment about it again because for a start it is not related to the topic and secondly you have no idea what you're talking about.

sam04u said:
How can you criticise the Palestinian people because a tiny minority of them have read "Mein Kampf"? when almost all Israeli people have read the Torah which asks for the Genocide of the Canaanites.
I honestly wish it was a tiny majority. But when just about all of them (note, I am not generalising) believe that Jews are descendants of pigs and apes and wish to commite genocide, then yes, I think it is valid to criticise these people and the rest of the Arab world. As to the second part, lol^

sam04u said:
Bare in mind the Palestinians have had their land stolen from them. And have been left scattered throughout the Middle-East
Bear in mind that you are spreading lies about Israel in order to demonise it which makes you anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
European Jews have clearly come from the holy land when they left in 70CE. Happy?
Regardless, They've lived in Europe for centuries. They have no right to come in and displace millions of Palestinians living there.

Yet they are still practising Jews in spite of all that.
You don't have to be a practising Jew to go to Israel and displace the Palestinians. (You only need to be born of a Jewish mother to go to Israel.

I am pretty sure you have no idea of history. Jews have had a continuous presence in Israel.
I haven't denied that. But that doesn't give European Jews the right to displace the Palestinians who lived there. What have they done to deserve losing their land? Why should they be scattered throughout the middle east?

NO! It doesn't. Being anti-semitic means that you are against Judaism, look it up in a friggen dictionary!
No you're incorrect.
Semitic: Description of Middle East peoples that trace their origin from the biblical Noah and his son Shem; these include Jews and Arabs.
Being Anti-Semitic means you are against people of Middle Eastern origin. (Which I have never been.) Unless you're trying to imply that I'm Anti-Judaism, You're completely wrong. As you can see I have a certain degree of respect for Anti-Zionist Rabbi's and Jews. Therefore I am neither Anti-Semitic, nor Anti-Judaism.

Lol, you have made it abundantly clear that you are anti-semitic.
I have made it crystal clear, that I have not been and never will be Anti-Semitic. (As I am just about as Semitic as any Semite.) But since you're a complete moron, you believe it's even possible for Rabbi's to be Anti-Semitic or Anti-Judaism. Your logic is inconsistant and imbecilic.

Are you know trying to tell me you're pro-Zionist? ROFL!:rofl: !!!
I'm not talking about the modern day Israeli Zionist state. I am totally and completely against it. But I am pro-estabilishing a state for the Jewish people. Perhaps somewhere in Europe (Where they were expelled and persecuted.) There is no reason why the Palestinians deserve to lose their homes.

No, but people who use that to continually lie and demonise[ Israel are anti-Zionist which equals anti-Semitic.
Because I'm against the State of Israel, I immediately become against the entire Arab and Jewish people? Are you a complete moron? I am against the slaughtering of thousands of people, and against making an entire nation refugees just so another people can have a country. (very much against it.) Does that make me Anti-Semitic?

Once again you show your complete lack of knowledge on the subject. Please don't comment about it again because for a start it is not related to the topic and secondly you have no idea what you're talking about.
I actually have extensive knowledge of it. My point remains.

I honestly wish it was a tiny majority. But when just about all of them (note, I am not generalising) believe that Jews are descendants of pigs and apes and wish to commite genocide, then yes, I think it is valid to criticise these people and the rest of the Arab world. As to the second part, lol^
Who believes that the Jews are descendants of Pigs? I believe that Israel has acted like a farm animal, in its disregard for human life and emotion. In how it cold-heartedly kills children and attacks civilian targets. In how it mercilessly uses weaponry which will effect the environment, just to "sent a message" to the rest of the Middle-East. The message is "We are not going anywhere, we're going to keep the Palestinian peoples land. And if you try to do anything, we'll attack your women and children."

I'm against all of that. But you have no right to criticse the Arab world because it disagrees with these harsh realities. Where anybody who tries to oppose the Israeli government are branded terrorists, and are made out to be criminals. Ahmadinejad who said he disagrees with the Israeli country being formed (which a huge amount of people agree with. Christians, Jews, Muslims and many others.) is painted to be a criminal and a monster. Infact, the Jewish media even accused him of asking for the Genocide of the Israeli "people". That is a terrible lie.

Bear in mind that you are spreading lies about Israel in order to demonise it which makes you anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic.
No, I have actually done the complete opposite. I have told the truth about the situation, I have tried to show you the errors in your ways, and the support which you give to a government and country which has slaughtered and displaced thousands. But for what? What right do they have to do this to the Palestinian people? What have the Palestinian people done?

Why am I branded an Anti-Semite because I disagree with this injustice? Do you see what you're doing? You would go as far as to call a fellow Semite, an Anti-Semite just because he opposes heinous and criminal acts. You'll never learn to accept the Injustice which the state of Israel has caused upon the Palestinian people.
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Aug 14, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Did you actually read what I wrote? Being anti-Zionist means being against the state and the how notion of Israel – yes it is anti-Semitic.
Yes, I actually did read what you wrote. Your definitions of Zionism/anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are wrong.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Pretty much yeah, they are. Those Rabbis who are against Zionism also support Ahminijad do you need more proof of them being anti-Semitic?
Ahmadinejad is not against himself. Bare in mind, Ahmadinejad is very Semitic. (Serious face.)

He has nothing against the Semitic people (Including the Jews and Christians) and especially not the Semitic people which inhabit his country. (The majority) If you have any evidence however which suggest that he is Anti-Semitic, please provide it. (Conjecture wont work here.)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

tempco said:
Yes, I actually did read what you wrote. Your definitions of Zionism/anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are wrong.
Good point. (This is also pre-empting the Memri-TV video of Ahmadinejad criticising Israel for the attacks on Lebanon. It's become one of my favourite washington based, racist - video editors. They've very good at taking things out of context and mis-translating certain words )


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Ahmadinejad is not against himself. Bare in mind, Ahmadinejad is very Semitic. (Serious face.)

He has nothing against the Semitic people (Including the Jews and Christians) and especially not the Semitic people which inhabit his country. (The majority) If you have any evidence however which suggest that he is Anti-Semitic, please provide it. (Conjecture wont work here.)
I believe you actually know what you are saying and you are not silly. It has been said many times before but you keep saying the opposite to it. I don't really know why but the point seems to be a tennis ball. I will stop it once and for all.
When ever someone is accused of being anti-semitic it means they have a hatred or 'something' against Jews. Whatever you understand semitic to mean is one thing, but in this context, in todays age, the defintion I have bolded is how it is understood. You may find other definitions contentious to the one I have found. That may be so, but in this discussion, if someone accuses you of being antisemitic it means they are accusing you of displaying hatred toqards the JEWS. You can say you are not antisemitic but any derogitry term made against Jewish people, made out of personal opinion as opposed to fact, based on a personal bias, will class you as an antisemite.
Basically, if you keep blaming the political debate about the geographic and political region of the middle east on the Jews, you are antisemitic. That is this terms use in THIS FORUMS CONTEXT.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Ahmadinejad is not against himself. Bare in mind, Ahmadinejad is very Semitic. (Serious face.)

He has nothing against the Semitic people (Including the Jews and Christians) and especially not the Semitic people which inhabit his country. (The majority) If you have any evidence however which suggest that he is Anti-Semitic, please provide it. (Conjecture wont work here.)
I seem to remember he hosted a holocaust denial conference in Iran.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Completely wrong and misguided. I said the people of Lebanon were descendants of Canaanites which is corroborated by national geographic DNA links.

If you're looking for a historical link, then you might aswell look for a historcal link which links European Jews with the Land of Palestine. It's almost universally known that they have mixed with other cultures and people. Which still doesn't negate the fact that they are descendants of another people. Whereas the Lebanese people have not migrated, and many have been apart of Lebanon since Phoenecia. (And the cities still have traditional Canaanite names.)
jews actually keep their identity alive , by marrying another jewish people, keeping their religion, speaking hebrew while there was no such evidence of ancient phoenicians keeping them seperate and keeping their identity alive. In fact there are no people called phoenicians since the days of romans. they were completely absorbed by Assyrians, Babylonians, greeks, romans, byzantine, persians, turks, arabs etc. It is more and more pathetic to see your desperate attempt to link yourself to canaanites. cause you are not. you are an arab, a foreigner to lebanon, an invader of lebanon. Maronites and other minority sects actually do have better links than muslim arab descendants of lebanese, eventhough they are predominantly descendants of greeks, romans and many other ethnicities.

It's actually nothing like that. It's more like modern day Egyptians or Africans. Since they have both a genetic and regional link to their ancestors they can claim ancestory of their ancient people. Modern day Iranians claim that they are Persians. Because they have not left their lands and have a strong genetic link. It's the exact same case with Lebanon. The country and people are descendants of the Canaanites. (It's indisputable. DNA tests have corroborated this.)
Phoenicians enslaved by babylonians and assyrians, completely destroyed by greeks, romans and persians, occupied by turks, arabs, crusaders, byzantium etc. The only links modernday lebanese have is y chromosome links similar to how humans linked to monkey. Very reliable indeed. LOL.

I'm still not Anti-Semitic. Being Anti-Semetic would mean that I'm Anti all Arabic speaking people and all the Jewish speaking people. And also all the aramaic speaking people. (Which I couldn't be. Because the Qu'ran and Torah were written in those languages. I also speak Semitic languages.)

Now if you're trying to say that I'm against the Jewish people, then you are completely misguided. It's as if anybody who disagrees with the Injustice that is Israel is branded as an Anti-Semite (which is ludicrous). Not only am I not Anti-Semite, I'm Pro-Zionist. But at what expense?
You are in denial that you are anti semitic, going as far as trying to redefine what anti-semitic means. Here is the definition:

Antisemitism (alternatively spelled
anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is discrimination, hostility or prejudice directed at Jews[1] as a religious, racial, or ethnic group.[2] Antisemitism has been called "the longest hatred."[3] Its instances range from individual hatred to institutionalized, violent persecution. Extreme instances of persecution include the Spanish Inquisition, eviction from Spain, various pogroms, and the most infamous, Adolf Hitler's Holocaust.

Yes you are one of them, you share the same ideals as those of Hitler, no wonder Hitler's books are best sellers in arabs countries.

Now anybody who opposes the Jewish oppression of the Palestinian people has hatred towards Jews? How about rabbis who oppose it. Does that make them Anti-Semitic with hatred towards Jews?
No but you use palestinians as scapegoat to promote hatred against jews like most arabs does. The biggest opressor of palestinians are Lebanese as I mentioned before, if any of you really cared about them, Palestinians will not live like slaves in lebanon.

You're a complete moron and you keep deflecting the question. When did I say that? Here is the question I've been asking for a few posts now.
How can you criticise the Palestinian people because a tiny minority of them have read "Mein Kampf"? when almost all Israeli people have read the Torah which asks for the Genocide of the Canaanites. (Which would be almost genetically indifferentiable from modern day Lebanese people.)
I do not critiseize any books they read, I critisize people like you who use them as a pawn to promote your ingrained hatred against jews. By the why critisize jews for reading Torah while your Quran called for genocide of all non muslims, which definitely means most of australians today?

Bare in mind the Palestinians have had their land stolen from them. And have been left scattered throughout the Middle-East
bear in mind that it was lebs who oppressed palestinians in the most inhumane ways. Perefect example is a palestinain refugee camp continually shelled with canon and tanks since last week.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Ahmadinejad is not against himself. Bare in mind, Ahmadinejad is very Semitic. (Serious face.)

He has nothing against the Semitic people (Including the Jews and Christians) and especially not the Semitic people which inhabit his country. (The majority) If you have any evidence however which suggest that he is Anti-Semitic, please provide it. (Conjecture wont work here.)
Ahmedinajad is NOT semitic by race or language . Iranians/persians are not semitic. In fact they are very very different from Arabs. Iran is not a member of Arab league becacuse it is not an arab country. In fact Iranians/Persians are disgusted with Arabs.

What more evidence do you need asking for Israel to be wiped off the map.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“Regardless, They've lived in Europe for centuries. They have no right to come in and displace millions of Palestinians living there.”

Regardless? You talk of Palestinians having a homeland in Palestine yet you wish to discount the thousands of years that the Jews have lived there? Nice double standard. You talk of right of return yet you reject Jews the right of return?

“You don't have to be a practising Jew to go to Israel and displace the Palestinians. (You only need to be born of a Jewish mother to go to Israel.”

Your point? Earlier you made the point of them mixing with other cultures in an attempt to make it seem as they are not ‘true’ Jews (don’t deny it because that was clearly your intention), yet they are still Jews and have continued with their faith! How does that disqualify them from coming to Israel?

“I haven't denied that. But that doesn't give European Jews the right to displace the Palestinians who lived there. What have they done to deserve losing their land? Why should they be scattered throughout the middle east?”

OMG! Why do you continue with this façade of them being kicked out of their homes? They clearly weren’t, history records this, yet you deny it. They did not lose their land, they sold it to Jews and they rejected the UN partition plan by declaring war on Israel and in doing so lost the remainder of that land.
Clearly I am not wrong about anti-semitism:

• discrimination against or persecution of Jews
• relating to or characterized by anti-Semitism; hating Jews
• Anti-Semitism (alternatively spelled antisemitism) is hostility towards or prejudice against Jews (not, in common usage, Semites in general — see the Scope section below). This happens on an individual level and goes on to the institutionalized prejudice and persecution once prevalent in European societies, of which the highly explicit ideology of Adolf Hitler's National Socialism was the most extreme form.

“I have made it crystal clear, that I have not been and never will be Anti-Semitic.”
Haha, you wish.

“I'm not talking about the modern day Israeli Zionist state. I am totally and completely against it.”

Which makes you very much anti-Zionist and therefore anti-Semitic.

“But I am pro-estabilishing a state for the Jewish people. Perhaps somewhere in Europe (Where they were expelled and persecuted.) There is no reason why the Palestinians deserve to lose their homes.”

In Europe? You do realise that just about every Jew in the world will reject that! Europe is the graveyard of modern Jewry? Yeah, you have total understanding of the situation, don’t you (said sarcastically).

“Because I'm against the State of Israel, I immediately become against the entire Arab and Jewish people?”

No, you are against the Jewish people. This is only because you are against the creation and the notion of a Jewish dominated state. If you wanted to criticise Israel that would be fine, many people including Israelis, Jews and Zionists do. But you continually lie and demonise Israel, hence you are against the interestests of the Jewish people.

“I actually have extensive knowledge of it. My point remains.”

Haha, you wish. If you had extensive knowledge you would know that the Torah says do not murder.

“Who believes that the Jews are descendants of Pigs?”

Many Arabs do. You should really watch MEMRI more often to see what comes out of the Arab World.

“I'm against all of that. But you have no right to criticse the Arab world because it disagrees with these harsh realities.”

I am not against people disagreeing. However I am against them when they start to talk to lie about Israel. Please watch MEMRI! It highlights these points so well.

“Where anybody who tries to oppose the Israeli government are branded terrorists,”

No, but people who attack Israel’s civilians are called terrorists, as they should in any context.

“Ahmadinejad who said he disagrees with the Israeli country being formed (which a huge amount of people agree with.”

No, generally the radical left and right wing political people agree with that.

“Christians, Jews, Muslims and many others.) is painted to be a criminal and a monster. Infact, the Jewish media even accused him of asking for the Genocide of the Israeli "people". That is a terrible lie.”

‘Jewish media’? If by that then you mean every major news channel, then yes and FFI it was not a terrible lie, it was a terrible and shocking truth.
“No, I have actually done the complete opposite. I have told the truth about the situation,”

On numerous occasions you have presented your ‘truth’ and in every situation I have shown just how wrong you really are.

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