paint huffing moron
Re: Israel vs Lebanon

oh wow thanks for clearing that up, it all makes sense now$hiftyIceQueen said:for ur information they didnt warn anyone until after they bombd lebanon u idiot. and the reason behind the kidnappin of the soldiers is cause there are thousands of leb + palestineians [how eva thats spelt] were kidnapped by israel, and to begin with israel was and still is stolen from Palestine which means that there shouldnt even b an israel now
since usa is stickin up for em they should take all the israelis that way no arabs or israelis die n no bush or rice interfirin.
This is a picture of an actual flyer given out in Lebanon warning people of a bombing that was occruing later in the day
"The arab nations have a blatant disregard for human life (and peace treaties) whereas Israel is primarily concerned for its people living in peace and when retaliation occurs infrastructure is targeted...not inncoent civilians!"
as i said ur an idiot
everyone knows those papers were sent after more then 100 people died n as for targetin "inncoent civilians" i must stay exactly how is a baby not innocent [yes u r dumb] by the way they kidnappd 2 guys from da military not "innocent civilians" go learn sum stuff bout war then talk u waste of space