Israel attacks Lebanon (2 Viewers)


Oct 13, 2004
darek_arsenal said:
Ofcourse i dont agree with the killing of innocent civilians, but what did the Arab armies do to Israel during the 1948, 1967, 1978 wars? They not only invaded a sovereign country but they also caused 2,400 Israeli civilan casualties in the 1948 conflict. Were'nt those Jews innocent? They had just escaped the death camps of Aushwitz, and now had had to fear for their lives from Arabs.
I dont get it, whats your point?

Are you saying this is revenge or something?

Israel response is exessive - illegal. Why argue against it


Oct 13, 2004
darek_arsenal said:
Lol...might I argue that Shebaa farms are part of the Golan Heights not Lebanon
Still doesnt explain why its under Israeli occupation

and Syria says Shebaa is Lebanese land btw.


May 26, 2005
Jordan.J said:
I dont get it, whats your point?

Are you saying this is revenge or something?

Israel response is exessive - illegal. Why argue against it
No ofcourse i'm not saying its revenge, but you must understand that though the death of 400 Lebanese is alot, the Arabs have killed more Israeli civilians in the past wars.
Aug 13, 2004
darek_arsenal said:
No ofcourse i'm not saying its revenge, but you must understand that though the death of 400 Lebanese is alot, the Arabs have killed more Israeli civilians in the past wars.

ok say u are right.... it doesnt explain any of this.

FOX news are saying that the footage of the cars burning and families dead is a lie, that the media is on hezbolahs side, Because hizbolah planned all this to demonize Israel and they want lebanese dead.
Well that just FOX news way of covering Israel. "They killed these families because hibzolah made us."

Remember first, hizbolah kidnapped the soldiers to make a prisoner swap, and second, hizbolah started firing rockets at Haifa and Israel only after Israel bombed Lebanon.
FOX news representation of hezbolah is wrong, even france recognizes hezbolah as a resistance, rather than a terroist group. Hezbolah are stupid, they didnt expect to be invaded by Israel. It wasnt some big plan to make lebanon suffer, FOX news are incredibly dumb, why would hezbolah have built all this infrastructure and looked after lebanese people for years, then get them all killed???

Israel say they are attacking to stop the rocket attacks, but they only started after Israel bombed lebanon.


Jul 2, 2004
Jordan.J said:
But if they withdraw, Israel will demand Hezbollah to disarm. Im not sure if thats practical right away, the closest soloution will most likely be for them to integrate into the Lebanese army and be under control by the Lebanese government.
I support Hezbollah being disarmed because if it isn't, the situation in Lebanon could happen again. Armed Hezbollah militias undermine the Lebanese army and the Lebanese government.

Integrating them into the Lebanese army is would cause the soldiers to have divided loyalties. The soldiers must swear an oath of alliegance to the Lebanese government or something so their agenda is clear.

I dont mind if Hezbollah continues to exist as long as they are not a threat to Israel. They have done great social work for the Lebanese people. Except, what will happen if Hezbollah has a majority in parliament?


Nov 29, 2005
sam04u said:
Recently, I was asking an Israeli soldier how he justified the bombing of the Internation Airport of Beirut and I must admit that is the only bombing he Justified. (He claimed that hezbollah were planning to fill a commercial plane with Ketusha Rockets and Explosives and fly them into an Israeli capital), this should be confidential information But i feel like sharing it.

However, he also said that the militants were following guide lines and many strikes were very uncoordinated, random following very think guide-lines. He admitted that they were using excessive force and that they were intentionally 'aggravating' a Lebanese response so that they could 'make an example out of Lebanon' and 'Kill anyone who made a stand against Israel'.
this is one person's opinion and i tell you i heard an israeli soldier speaking the other day who side quite the contrary epxlianing how israel's attacks (every single one of them) is justified and various stages of 'management' clear each attack order. this soldier showed much empathy for the lebanese peopel but strongly stood behind the notion that this has been a long time coming..

so dont follow one solider's POV because just like in this forum everyone sees things differenly with their own opinion..


Nov 29, 2005
codereder said:
ok say u are right.... it doesnt explain any of this.

FOX news are saying that the footage of the cars burning and families dead is a lie, that the media is on hezbolahs side, Because hizbolah planned all this to demonize Israel and they want lebanese dead.
Well that just FOX news way of covering Israel. "They killed these families because hibzolah made us."

Remember first, hizbolah kidnapped the soldiers to make a prisoner swap, and second, hizbolah started firing rockets at Haifa and Israel only after Israel bombed Lebanon.
FOX news representation of hezbolah is wrong, even france recognizes hezbolah as a resistance, rather than a terroist group. Hezbolah are stupid, they didnt expect to be invaded by Israel. It wasnt some big plan to make lebanon suffer, FOX news are incredibly dumb, why would hezbolah have built all this infrastructure and looked after lebanese people for years, then get them all killed???

Israel say they are attacking to stop the rocket attacks, but they only started after Israel bombed lebanon.
first of all...are u like sleeping with FOX news...your obsessed...if i really wanted i could claim various news organisations are bias too...i was watching BBC the other day and they had this whole segment on war torn lebanon and they are reporting from this one village...a HEZBOLLAH VILLAGE!! the idiots!!! they interviewed the nieghbour of a hezbollah militant...the poor guy lost his home....whoe gives a fuck!!

might i also explain to you hezbollah has been firing rockets at israel for months even years...nothign was done by israel BUT plee with them to stop! this was the last straw so u can chnage your order of event or add a pre event "Remember first, hizbolah kidnapped the soldiers to make a prisoner swap, and second, hizbolah started firing rockets at Haifa and Israel only after Israel bombed Lebanon. " first they fired rockets to be nuiciences and try and disrput israeli citiznes lives because yes you guessed it THEY DENY ISRAEL'S RIGHT TO EXIST!!! how can that be tolerated in today's spociety...the outright denial of one country to exist...only a lunatic can claim such a thing cough cough ahmebidjan (iran's "president")


Oct 13, 2004
jenzipoo said:
first of all...are u like sleeping with FOX news...your obsessed...if i really wanted i could claim various news organisations are bias too...i was watching BBC the other day and they had this whole segment on war torn lebanon and they are reporting from this one village...a HEZBOLLAH VILLAGE!! the idiots!!! they interviewed the nieghbour of a hezbollah militant...the poor guy lost his home....whoe gives a fuck!!
What exactly is a hezbollah village?

So you dont care that people have lost thier home? This contradicts your statement that Israel "cares" about the Lebanese people. There are thousands of stories like this, but as you said "who gives a fuck"

and who cares if the BBC had a whole segment on Lebanon. In case you didnt know most of whats happening is in Lebanon. Most people dying are Lebanese civilians. Most things destroyed in Lebanese infrastructure. Its not like the BBC ignore whats going on in Israel. Dont be ignorant and believe that because they had one segment on Lebanon they they're biased.

jenzipoo said:
might i also explain to you hezbollah has been firing rockets at israel for months even years...nothign was done by israel BUT plee with them to stop! this was the last straw so u can chnage your order of event or add a pre event "Remember first, hizbolah kidnapped the soldiers to make a prisoner swap, and second, hizbolah started firing rockets at Haifa and Israel only after Israel bombed Lebanon. " first they fired rockets to be nuiciences and try and disrput israeli citiznes lives because yes you guessed it THEY DENY ISRAEL'S RIGHT TO EXIST!!! how can that be tolerated in today's spociety...the outright denial of one country to exist...only a lunatic can claim such a thing cough cough ahmebidjan (iran's "president")
Nothing was done by Israel?? LOL

you should do stand up, your quite funny.

Israel have killed Lebanese sheppards across the border, there have been battles on the border cause by them, they've violated Lebanese air space, they've sent in Mossad agents into Lebanon.
Some started by Hezbollah, some started by Israel but please dont give us your BS that Israel were just quietly minding their own business and all of a sudden they hit. You lose credibility

Maybe if Israel will release Lebanese prisoners that they've held for 20 years without charge, and stop occupying land that isnt theirs then this wouldnt have happend. Just a thought
Aug 13, 2004
jenzipoo said:
first of all...are u like sleeping with FOX news...your obsessed...if i really wanted i could claim various news organisations are bias too...i was watching BBC the other day and they had this whole segment on war torn lebanon and they are reporting from this one village...a HEZBOLLAH VILLAGE!! the idiots!!! they interviewed the nieghbour of a hezbollah militant...the poor guy lost his home....whoe gives a fuck!!

might i also explain to you hezbollah has been firing rockets at israel for months even years...nothign was done by israel BUT plee with them to stop! this was the last straw so u can chnage your order of event or add a pre event "Remember first, hizbolah kidnapped the soldiers to make a prisoner swap, and second, hizbolah started firing rockets at Haifa and Israel only after Israel bombed Lebanon. " first they fired rockets to be nuiciences and try and disrput israeli citiznes lives because yes you guessed it THEY DENY ISRAEL'S RIGHT TO EXIST!!! how can that be tolerated in today's spociety...the outright denial of one country to exist...only a lunatic can claim such a thing cough cough ahmebidjan (iran's "president")

r u sure that hezbolahs been firing rockets for years, unprovoked??? i know that after the israel withdrawal in 2000, Israel constantly flew over lebanese airspace. Hezbolah was defending south lebanon, and there were occasionally small quarals between hezbolah and the israeli army, hezbolah never attacked israeli civlians or infrastructure.
I dont support hezbolah, but wat my point is, Israel is saying hezbolah has made life hard for lebanese, i am saying israel has made life harder for the israelis.


Nov 29, 2005
Jordan.J said:
What exactly is a hezbollah village?

So you dont care that people have lost thier home? This contradicts your statement that Israel "cares" about the Lebanese people. There are thousands of stories like this, but as you said "who gives a fuck"

and who cares if the BBC had a whole segment on Lebanon. In case you didnt know most of whats happening is in Lebanon. Most people dying are Lebanese civilians. Most things destroyed in Lebanese infrastructure. Its not like the BBC ignore whats going on in Israel. Dont be ignorant and believe that because they had one segment on Lebanon they they're biased.
pffft ure pathetic please read what iu wrote....i said their segment was trying to evoke sympathy amongst its viewers but totally lost any credibility as soon as they tried to present a bleak picture of the situation but then showing a HEZBOLLAH militant and the sorrow of him losing his house..thats pathetic

i am totally against the loss of civilan life but when they try and create a vision of the lebanese poeple suffering and use a terrorist (who ironically is the root of their suffering...and dont say they provided infrastructure etc. because im refering to the situation with israel solely!)

Jordan.J said:
Nothing was done by Israel?? LOL

you should do stand up, your quite funny.

Israel have killed Lebanese sheppards across the border, there have been battles on the border cause by them, they've violated Lebanese air space, they've sent in Mossad agents into Lebanon.
Some started by Hezbollah, some started by Israel but please dont give us your BS that Israel were just quietly minding their own business and all of a sudden they hit. You lose credibility

Maybe if Israel will release Lebanese prisoners that they've held for 20 years without charge, and stop occupying land that isnt theirs then this wouldnt have happend. Just a thought
why thank you ill consider it...NOT

please provide me with evidence where this has occured..

how i view it is that BOTH israeli and lebanese citizens are suffering from this islamic fanatic terrorist group...these pigs want nothing more than the destruction of an entire country because they believe it does not exist...groups like hamas and hezbollah REFUSE to have a two state solution or peace they want the TOTAL destruction of israel (or as they so 'nicely' follow their good old funder iran...the zionist regime)

i didnt say israel did nothing....they had diplomatic plees to end the attacks and for lebanon to follow up on its side of the resolution 1559!


Nov 29, 2005
Oh yes because life for israelis has been so easy over the last few years???
Because parents dont have to worry about their children as they step out of their homes?
If Israel didnt react to any of this the terrorist organisations would take it as a sign of weakness and thus a reason to attack more and more. Whatever israel did in reaction none of this would be resolved and many civillians would still suffer, probably thousands of Israeli people


Nov 29, 2005
codereder said:
i am saying israel has made life harder for the israelis.
what the hell does that mean!!! for the first time in israel's history there is staggering support for olmert and his left and right wing bullshit!! israel is sick of living in fear..scared of sending their kids to the mall, cinemas, on buses..sick of fearing for their lives as they walk down the street, drive to visit relatives, go to synangogue, go to school, go to nightclubs..

(this is from ALL the islamic extremist pigs who outright deny the right for the state of israel to exist..dont be quick to attack me saying that not hezbollah coz its all and as benyamin netanyahu said today this is a stern warning to any group that feels that israelis lives should be disrupted anymore!)
Jul 22, 2006
im back

jenzipoo said:
first of all...are u like sleeping with FOX news...your obsessed...if i really wanted i could claim various news organisations are bias too...i was watching BBC the other day and they had this whole segment on war torn lebanon and they are reporting from this one village...a HEZBOLLAH VILLAGE!! the idiots!!! they interviewed the nieghbour of a hezbollah militant...the poor guy lost his home....whoe gives a fuck!!

might i also explain to you hezbollah has been firing rockets at israel for months even years...nothign was done by israel BUT plee with them to stop! this was the last straw so u can chnage your order of event or add a pre event "Remember first, hizbolah kidnapped the soldiers to make a prisoner swap, and second, hizbolah started firing rockets at Haifa and Israel only after Israel bombed Lebanon. " first they fired rockets to be nuiciences and try and disrput israeli citiznes lives because yes you guessed it THEY DENY ISRAEL'S RIGHT TO EXIST!!! how can that be tolerated in today's spociety...the outright denial of one country to exist...only a lunatic can claim such a thing cough cough ahmebidjan (iran's "president")
firstly id lik to let u all know how bias u hav been...ur all stickin up israels arse... about whoeva kept goin on about the fact that 2 soldiers that were kidnapped n then sum 1 goin on bout 3.... well we ALL know that so y dont u come up with a betta reason for the attack...since there were THOUSANDS...of leb/palestianian men/women/children that were kiddnapped

so if u wanna argue the fact that 2 or 3 were kidnapped then vry1 else can argue that THOUSANDS were kindapped

2/3 israelis=soldiers
Thousands leb/palestinians/arabs=soldiers/civilians

by th way 2/3 doesnt compare to the thousands

another thing is y is vryone goin on bout 8 killed...just a fact for u there are thousands of leb/palestians that died for NO REASON

& bout this thing on how they [israel] is bombing places where hezballah militants are located is no excuse for killing ALL the leb civilians[that died]

i also mentiond earlier that ISRAEL SHOT [& it was aimd n all] at a camera man from AL JAZIRA..........and he seriously has nothing to do with hezballah....and they usd a GUN not missile so u cant say that there was sum hezballah person near by

also y r u blamin hezballah if its there country they can defend it for no matter wat reason it may be ........jus lik the way israel is defending theirs.....

how is it that israel keep goin on bout how hezballah has many bombs n missies n weapons of mass distruction....when israel has all these warships, planes missiles etc...

Also this how thing bout how ur sayin its fine that israel is firing bombs at places where hezballah is is it that only wat a max of 10 r located in those areas whereas there are hundreds of civilians there

and yeah they hav been bombin israel HOWEVA hav u seen palestine ????????it aint lik israel is lettin them off

in the end weneva hezballah n hamas attack israel .......israel attacks bak to me it aint lik they are bein really "out forced"

also hell yeah we deny israels right to exist.....n it doesnt mean if sumone says sumthin u disagree with that theyre lunatics or stupid or wateva

there are thousands of people that KNOW bout the war n vrything bout it [srry "sweety" but ur not the only one] n they seem to think ...KNOW that wat israel is doin is takin it to far

and wat they r doin is bombin the WHOLE doesnt mean that if ur a Shiti that means ur wit hezballah......... hezballah sre shiti howeva they arnt the ONLY shiti in lebanon ...........israel is jus killin vry + anyone who gets in there way

in wat there doin is against human rights n pretty much all the rights a human yeah it is against the law + illegal wat there doin

n dont bother sayin that if hezballah didnt exist there would b NO war cos there would since ISRAEL IS PICKIN FIGHTS WITH THE ARABS [NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND]

oh yeah n they arnt aimin at the hezballah there tryin to kill ppl so others can get scard n leave, n they r aimin at things from water to electricity to shops, tv/radio stations etc. n they r killin ppl .......n they dont hav nythin to do wit hezballah

and just to let u know that it is ok if u dont go for ur country

u sed 1st hezballah kindapped a israeli soldier......>>>sowi luv but israel was the one that kindappd the THOUSANDS i mentioned earlier
Aug 13, 2004
jenzipoo said:
what the hell does that mean!!! for the first time in israel's history there is staggering support for olmert and his left and right wing bullshit!! israel is sick of living in fear..scared of sending their kids to the mall, cinemas, on buses..sick of fearing for their lives as they walk down the street, drive to visit relatives, go to synangogue, go to school, go to nightclubs..
So now israel makes people live in fear, there kids are dead, malls cinemas and buses have been blown up, they have no power, running out of food and water. And on top of all this suffering israel has caused lebanon, the fear israelis were living in before, im sorry to say, has become so much more greater, there not damaging hezbolah, there just torturing them, and making them angry. Its obvious that anti israel behaviour will increase because of there "response".
And there were much better options for israel.
Jul 22, 2006
jenzipoo said:
first of all...are u like sleeping with FOX news...your obsessed...if i really wanted i could claim various news organisations are bias too...i was watching BBC the other day and they had this whole segment on war torn lebanon and they are reporting from this one village...a HEZBOLLAH VILLAGE!! the idiots!!! they interviewed the nieghbour of a hezbollah militant...the poor guy lost his home....whoe gives a fuck!!
yeah wat is a hezballah village???????

by the way u cant say anything u heard on sum israeli tv station coz they seem to b bullshitin ..yes they r.........n they cannot mak up their minds
one person says a missile from leb is from iran the other says its from syria
there jus tryin to find a reason
oh and I give a fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nov 29, 2005
Man you are seriously deluded!!!

firstly those people captured were commiting crime those Israel soliders were doing nothing but watching the border, and Hezbollah took them because they wanted israel to react this way.

secondly: Tell me, did israel recieve pamphlets warning them of Katush's being dropped into their homes, or suicide bombers wanting to blow places in israel up...hmm i think not.
Israel warend people saying get away from those area's quite a few hours in advance if people chose to ignore it while its sad and horrible people died, they were warned, what other country is moral enough to warn civliians??? answer me that?


Nov 29, 2005
codereder said:
So now israel makes people live in fear, there kids are dead, malls cinemas and buses have been blown up, they have no power, running out of food and water. And on top of all this suffering israel has caused lebanon, the fear israelis were living in before, im sorry to say, has become so much more greater, there not damaging hezbolah, there just torturing them, and making them angry. Its obvious that anti israel behaviour will increase because of there "response".
And there were much better options for israel.
What are those better options?
Negotiation, that clearly doesnt work!!
Israel has been living in fear before this, its a strong country its kept out thousand upon thousands of suicide bombers who omit that fear in their lives.
Trust me if there were better options israel wouldve taken them, Israel respects lives more then anything else even the land, unlike these people who willingly kill themselves to kill others
Jul 22, 2006
R.G. said:
Man you are seriously deluded!!!

firstly those people captured were commiting crime those Israel soliders were doing nothing but watching the border, and Hezbollah took them because they wanted israel to react this way.

secondly: Tell me, did israel recieve pamphlets warning them of Katush's being dropped into their homes, or suicide bombers wanting to blow places in israel up...hmm i think not.
Israel warend people saying get away from those area's quite a few hours in advance if people chose to ignore it while its sad and horrible people died, they were warned, what other country is moral enough to warn civliians??? answer me that?
fuck ur shiting me man y dont u get it in ur thick head that THOUSANDS of civilians sum who were unda 16 were taken for no reason keep dreamin that they are ALL doesnt mean that wat israel n usa says HAS to b true
and they began givin letters sayin they were gonna bomb afta they hit sum of the area

and it doesnt mak it right it u say... hey guess wat im gonna bomb ur house so please leave......thats jus sum israeli lozr sayin hey look we should do this so we cant get in trouble

and about ur FIRSTLY point i want to know exactly wat they [more then 20,000] did ??? ok if u cant find out wat each of them did then dont say they are terrorists
Jul 22, 2006
R.G. said:
Man you are seriously deluded!!!

firstly those people captured were commiting crime those Israel soliders were doing nothing but watching the border, and Hezbollah took them because they wanted israel to react this way.

secondly: Tell me, did israel recieve pamphlets warning them of Katush's being dropped into their homes, or suicide bombers wanting to blow places in israel up...hmm i think not.
Israel warend people saying get away from those area's quite a few hours in advance if people chose to ignore it while its sad and horrible people died, they were warned, what other country is moral enough to warn civliians??? answer me that?
fuck ur shiting me man y dont u get it in ur thick head that THOUSANDS of civilians sum who were unda 16 were taken for no reason keep dreamin that they are ALL doesnt mean that wat israel n usa says HAS to b true
and they began givin letters sayin they were gonna bomb afta they hit sum of the area

and it doesnt mak it right it u say... hey guess wat im gonna bomb ur house so please leave......thats jus sum israeli sayin hey look we should do this so we cant get in trouble

and about ur FIRSTLY point i want to know exactly wat they [more then 20,000] did ??? ok if u cant find out wat each of them did then dont say they are terrorists

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