I don't do Italian for my HSC, but I did it in year 9 and 10 and I have been there twice! I am very lucky! Has anyone else been there?
Does anyone know of a place called 'Gubbio'? I went to the 'Festa de Ceri' which was absolutely awesome. It is a little medieval town and I love it! I also love florence, I really liked Venice the first time I went but last time it wasn't as good for some reason. I think there were too many tourists.
What are some of your fave Italian words? I have a few little sayings I like, mostly from movies and ones I have learnt from our Italian friend.
LOL once I accidently told a girl that I don't have mad cow disease. She was talking about mad cow disease and I was trying to say that we don't have it in Australia but it came out 'Non ho la mucca pazza' and it took me a little while to realise what I said meanwhile everyone was laughing

You should really see il postino, it's really good in my opinion. It's really cute
