Hi all. I'm new to the Jodi Picoult arena, and I started with her latest novel-
CHANGE OF HEART which just absolutely blew me away. It's been recommended to me by a friend, and now
I recommend it to everyone. I think what's best about it is that despite the seriousness and intimate issues she explores, Picoult never fails to add humour and comedic moments, ohhh especially from

(God love her! made me laugh endless times)
OK, OK SO BEFORE YOU ALL SHUT ME DOWN AND SAY, "Blah blah blah. You're boring." *YAWNS*, HERE'S THE REAL REASON WHY I LOVED THE BOOK: What's made it more brilliant- specially for me as a HSC student- is that
it's made me see how the stuff and subjects we're learning in class actually ARE (in a way-and mind you, at this stage, any way counts) useful in the real world. Lol you've probably figured by now that yes, I'm one of those who ask
'when the f*ck am i ever going to use integration and differentiation in the real world?! its not like im going to go up to buy asian food during happy hour and start integrating to calculate the twenii dola im going to pay for my 10 take away boxes, am i?!' (dooont worry, i am asian myself
), and ahh yes, one who also thinks that English is just a mere So You Think You Can Bullshit? competition. *bash*
But anyhoo, I seriously surprised myself as I sat there

-ing the book and just-

!!!! OMG look, its the dude i doodled on in my Religion book! What's his face...ummm...yes!...Maiamonides! Pikuah Nefesh! Oh, oh look! Mitigating and aggravating circumstances! Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day! *faints*
Plus!, it's soooo good and sooo universal that I used it as an
ORT for both my "imaginative journeys" extended response, and my "telling the truth" module. i know, i know.. i said English can go die, but meh, i gots to do what i gots to do

it helps
ALOT if u talk about things that you're passionate about..gets u "into it" and before you know it,
VIOLA! u have out-bullshitted the rest!
.: I give it ten thumbs up.