Just a couple of Latin quotes..
Sero in periculis est consilium quaerere.
It's too late to ask advice when the danger comes.
Syrus, Maxims
Non tu scis, quom et alto puteo sursum ad summum escenderis, maximum periclum inde esse ab summo ne rursum cadas.
When you have just climbed out of a deep well and are perched on top, you are in the greatest danger of falling in again.
Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, 1150-1151
Neque cuiquam mortalium iniuriae suae parvae videntur.
Nobody underestimates his own troubles.
Sallust, Bellum Catilinae, Caesar's Speech
Stultum est queri de adversis, ubi culpa est tua.
It's stupid to complain about misfortune that is your own fault.
Syrus, Maxims
Stultum facit fortuna quem vult perdere.
If fortune wants to do you in, she makes you stupid.
Syrus, Maxims
Vivere commune est, sed non commune mereri.
Everyone lives, but not everyone deserves to.
Prudentius, Contra Orationem Symmachi, II, 807
Stultus est qui stratum, non equum inspicit; stultissimus qui hominem aut veste aut condicione aestimat.
The man who inspects the saddle blanket instead of the horse is stupid; most stupid is the man who judges another man by his clothes or his circumstances.
Seneca the Younger, Epistular Morales, XVII, 23-25
Cui plus licet quam par est plus vult quam licet.
A fellow who gets more than he deserves wants more than he gets.
Non pote non sapere qui se stultum intellegit.
A man must have some wit to know he is a fool.
Syrus, Maxims
Magna res est vocis et silentii temperamentum.
The great thing is to know when to speak and when to keep quiet.
Seneca the Younger, Proverbs, 74
Late ignis lucere, ut nihil urat, non potest.
A fire can't throw a great light without buring something.
Syrus, Maxims
Fidem nemo umquam perdit nisi qui non habet.
No man loses honour who had any in the first place.
Syrus, Maxims
Sermo datur cunctis; animi sapientia paucis.
Speech is given to many; intelligence to few.
Syrus, Maxims
Quidquid praecipies, esto brevis.
Whatever you want to teach, be brief.
Horace, Ars Poetica, 333
Sensus, non aetas, invenit sapientem.
Good sense, not age, brings wisdom.
Syrus, Maxims
Facile remedium est ubertati; sterilia nullo labore vincuntur.
Exuberance is easily corrected; dullness is incurable.
Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, II, 4, 6
Res quanto est maior tanto est insidiosior.
The bigger the undertaking, the trickier it is.
Syrus, Maxims
Probitas laudatur et alget.
Honesty is praised while it starves.
Juvenal, Satirae, I, 74
Nusquam est qui ubique est.
He who is everywhere is nowhere.
Seneca the Younger, Epistulae Morales, II, 2
Cantabit vacuus coram latrone viator.
A traveller with an empty pocket can whistle in a robber's face.
Juvenal, Satirae, X, 22
Paratae lacrimae insidias, non fletum, indicant.
Easy tears show treachery, not grief.
Syrus, Maxims
Tempus erit, quo vos speculum vidisse pigebit, et veniet rugis altera causa dolor.
The time will come when looking in the mirror grieves you, and that grief will be another cause of wrinkles.
Ovid, De Medica,ine Faciei Liber, 47-48
Adspicere oportet quicquid possis perdere.
You ought to watch whatever you can lose.
Syrus, Maxims
Quod tacitum velis esse, nemini dixeris. Si tibi ipsi non imperasti, quomodo ab aliis silentium speras.
What you want to keep secret, tell no one. If you could not control your urge to tell, how can you expect silence from anyone else.
Seneca, Proverbs, 16
Virtuti melis fortunae creditur.
It's better to trust in courage than luck.
Syrus, Maxims
Nuper erat medicus, nunc est vespillo Diaulus. Quod vespillo facit, fecerat et medicus.
Diaulus used to be a doctor, now he's an undertaker. His clients end up in the same state.
Plautus, Captivi, Prologus, 22
Quid, cede, te obsecro tam abhorret hilaritudo?
For Heaven's sake, why are you and cheerfulness complete strangers?
Plautus, Cistellaria, 54
De inimco non loquaris sed cogites.
Don't wish ill for your enemy; plan it.
Syrus, Maxims
Quod sum eris.
I am what you will be.
Epitaph on Roman tombstone
Sero in periculis est consilium quaerere.
It's too late to ask advice when the danger comes.
Syrus, Maxims
Non tu scis, quom et alto puteo sursum ad summum escenderis, maximum periclum inde esse ab summo ne rursum cadas.
When you have just climbed out of a deep well and are perched on top, you are in the greatest danger of falling in again.
Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, 1150-1151
Neque cuiquam mortalium iniuriae suae parvae videntur.
Nobody underestimates his own troubles.
Sallust, Bellum Catilinae, Caesar's Speech
Stultum est queri de adversis, ubi culpa est tua.
It's stupid to complain about misfortune that is your own fault.
Syrus, Maxims
Stultum facit fortuna quem vult perdere.
If fortune wants to do you in, she makes you stupid.
Syrus, Maxims
Vivere commune est, sed non commune mereri.
Everyone lives, but not everyone deserves to.
Prudentius, Contra Orationem Symmachi, II, 807
Stultus est qui stratum, non equum inspicit; stultissimus qui hominem aut veste aut condicione aestimat.
The man who inspects the saddle blanket instead of the horse is stupid; most stupid is the man who judges another man by his clothes or his circumstances.
Seneca the Younger, Epistular Morales, XVII, 23-25
Cui plus licet quam par est plus vult quam licet.
A fellow who gets more than he deserves wants more than he gets.
Non pote non sapere qui se stultum intellegit.
A man must have some wit to know he is a fool.
Syrus, Maxims
Magna res est vocis et silentii temperamentum.
The great thing is to know when to speak and when to keep quiet.
Seneca the Younger, Proverbs, 74
Late ignis lucere, ut nihil urat, non potest.
A fire can't throw a great light without buring something.
Syrus, Maxims
Fidem nemo umquam perdit nisi qui non habet.
No man loses honour who had any in the first place.
Syrus, Maxims
Sermo datur cunctis; animi sapientia paucis.
Speech is given to many; intelligence to few.
Syrus, Maxims
Quidquid praecipies, esto brevis.
Whatever you want to teach, be brief.
Horace, Ars Poetica, 333
Sensus, non aetas, invenit sapientem.
Good sense, not age, brings wisdom.
Syrus, Maxims
Facile remedium est ubertati; sterilia nullo labore vincuntur.
Exuberance is easily corrected; dullness is incurable.
Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, II, 4, 6
Res quanto est maior tanto est insidiosior.
The bigger the undertaking, the trickier it is.
Syrus, Maxims
Probitas laudatur et alget.
Honesty is praised while it starves.
Juvenal, Satirae, I, 74
Nusquam est qui ubique est.
He who is everywhere is nowhere.
Seneca the Younger, Epistulae Morales, II, 2
Cantabit vacuus coram latrone viator.
A traveller with an empty pocket can whistle in a robber's face.
Juvenal, Satirae, X, 22
Paratae lacrimae insidias, non fletum, indicant.
Easy tears show treachery, not grief.
Syrus, Maxims
Tempus erit, quo vos speculum vidisse pigebit, et veniet rugis altera causa dolor.
The time will come when looking in the mirror grieves you, and that grief will be another cause of wrinkles.
Ovid, De Medica,ine Faciei Liber, 47-48
Adspicere oportet quicquid possis perdere.
You ought to watch whatever you can lose.
Syrus, Maxims
Quod tacitum velis esse, nemini dixeris. Si tibi ipsi non imperasti, quomodo ab aliis silentium speras.
What you want to keep secret, tell no one. If you could not control your urge to tell, how can you expect silence from anyone else.
Seneca, Proverbs, 16
Virtuti melis fortunae creditur.
It's better to trust in courage than luck.
Syrus, Maxims
Nuper erat medicus, nunc est vespillo Diaulus. Quod vespillo facit, fecerat et medicus.
Diaulus used to be a doctor, now he's an undertaker. His clients end up in the same state.
Plautus, Captivi, Prologus, 22
Quid, cede, te obsecro tam abhorret hilaritudo?
For Heaven's sake, why are you and cheerfulness complete strangers?
Plautus, Cistellaria, 54
De inimco non loquaris sed cogites.
Don't wish ill for your enemy; plan it.
Syrus, Maxims
Quod sum eris.
I am what you will be.
Epitaph on Roman tombstone