ahh u dickhead, now u tell me!!!!Originally posted by Newbie
hi people dont buy lexmark printers
i just spend the last hour trying to fix my broken computer
damn lexmark
damn computer illerate people like me
ROFLSays: I want a man who is motivated and has goals.
Means: I want a rich man
Says: I want a man who knows how to treat a woman.
Means: I want a rich man
Says: He's from a really good family.
Means: He's from a really rich family.
Karate isn't a real martial art. See who's scared.Originally posted by mic
i have plans on that day...black belt karate bf, who will sort frigid out, if he's not careful
hehe words of wisdom....could be applied to some ppls hereThe best way to never score with a woman is to show too much interest in her.
ahha there goes our collective dreams out the windowIf you are very attractive, rich, and novel and show no interest in her she is almost guaranteed to want to fuck you
haha bl wenhuiScenario 3: A girl says any of the following to you:
"You're like a brother to me"
"You're like a big teddy bear"
"I feel like I can talk to you about anything"
"You're so nice"
"Can you help me with my homework"
Ladder Theory Explanation: You are on the friends ladder. So Sorry.