marriage is very important, but i'm actually not surprised to peoples thoughts on wanting not to marry, but as a person that's been to many places overseas, when compared, particularly australia has lower marriage rates. ofcourse many factors effect this, such as religion, social status, education...personally i wouldnt want to live with someone without the marriage, i mean, the guy or girl could just sex u then leave, and you have no right to ask them where they are, or why they left you, that's for people who care about virginity, for people who don't, same thing, you cant really question why anybody does anything, it is less likely that this will happen when married, because you are sure that the person really loves you, and this is only one of the many examples. marriage, well, it is a symbol, a commitment in front of people, vowing that you will love eachother until the end, people can live together without marriage, but you have less rights, less guarantee it will work out.