Originally posted by Asquithian
wow ur really narrowing ur negligence work there...haha i was just reading my torts book and i dont think there are any cases dealing with snow accidents
*looks confused like a first year should due to something not bein in text book*
never mind...lets just stick to ambulance chansing (go unsw!)
Not Australia necessarily. The industry is relatively small.

Anyway a lack of cases doesn't mean it's not an issue. It is definitely an issue. Everyone is trying to cover their arses down there at the moment. Things like terrain parks, if a kid smacks himself up on a rail or something. The potential for problems is definitely there.
But yeah, as I said, you do medicine because you want to. If you don't get in and decide against backdoor-ing it, going for a law degree doesn't mean you become a lawyer. They are extremely useful degrees to have for anything to do with business which, if you don't do something like med, you are likely to be involved in.
There shouldn't be a 'gold-digging' like quality attached to persuing a law degree just for having one. It is only a degree. Medicine on the other hand is a career. That is not a degree you do just for the hell of it.