We are supposed to discuss, with evidence from the readings, whether henri fayol's functions of management are still relevant in today's predominantly service economy...
But none of the readings seem to even mention the service economy. So how can we use them as evidence?
Henri fayol - practioner and thereotician basically compares fayol to other management theorists.
revisting fayol gives a description of fayol's background.
what is management...seems to talk about four perspectives on what management is. I can't see how this is relevant to fayol's functions or the service economy.
why do managers do what they do seems to talk about a lack of evidence on management theories. Again, i don't see how this is relevant to the topic.
But none of the readings seem to even mention the service economy. So how can we use them as evidence?
Henri fayol - practioner and thereotician basically compares fayol to other management theorists.
revisting fayol gives a description of fayol's background.
what is management...seems to talk about four perspectives on what management is. I can't see how this is relevant to fayol's functions or the service economy.
why do managers do what they do seems to talk about a lack of evidence on management theories. Again, i don't see how this is relevant to the topic.