i took one look at q and after inital 2 minutes of sheer cant-breathe-heart-pounding-oh-my-god terror i realised that it actully was perfect 4 me. *big kiss to question writer*
Act 2 Sc2 ( the only one i actully was awake 4) calpurnia and ceaser. so ceasers the hot shot on campus-most powerful man in the world at that time. hes about to be killed for being so bloody powerful. and what happens? his wife (who is barren) manages to manipulate him and gets him to stay home! then decuius comes along, and also manages to control and manipulate ceaser. so although ceaser should be all mighty, he is in reality kinda weak. and also discussed alot on manipulation-cuz not always obvious whos pulling strings
my protfolio was harder...i had all this stuff on propaganda...
my portfolio material...god i hope my marker doesnt hate yanks

i had the american pledge of alligience (mass propaganda to instill patriotic feelings in kids-very subtle and not really that obvious because so accepted by american people-however looking at it from an outside view its really really strange-having to stand and face the flag with hand over heart and recite the pledge every single day?? ) and my other portfolio was an anti war poster-and here i said how sometimes powerplay was obvious-cuz poster so strightforward and obvious.
umm techniques? was that like color choice for poster? and like maniupulation, compromise, pleading, commanding of calpurnia?
well u know what...its over...screw it!
as william wallace said (in my other portfolio material taht i ran out of time and didnt include

"they may take our lives, but they'll never take....our FREEEDOOOMMMMMMM"
no more english!!!