i am very much against the rise in HECS and subsequent increase in debts for many if not all uni leavers in the future, so as of such reason, just wanted to noe how everyone's financial life is coming along.
apart from this i'd also b interested if anyone would b interested in some sort of disscussion/help in order for others to avoid/escape the debt trap (maybe through forum disscussion or private lectures, etc)
or u may just b interested in investment, bcoz as u and i noe, university can only teach you how you can make money, but not how you can keep the money in your wallet.
(*plz b truthful abt the poll and i do realise this poll is biased, as many BOSforum users r better off than the general student population)
thx everyone
apart from this i'd also b interested if anyone would b interested in some sort of disscussion/help in order for others to avoid/escape the debt trap (maybe through forum disscussion or private lectures, etc)
or u may just b interested in investment, bcoz as u and i noe, university can only teach you how you can make money, but not how you can keep the money in your wallet.
(*plz b truthful abt the poll and i do realise this poll is biased, as many BOSforum users r better off than the general student population)
thx everyone