My drama teacher's been saying that you should just kind of start, and if it isn't what you end up doing foryou exam, it's okay, at least you've been acting, you know? So I wouldn't stress about it.
I've been writing a musical, but it doesn't have anything to do with school. I'd love to do a monologue from it, but aparently if you do something self devised your more likely to die a terrible terrible death.
Hey, any of you guys want to act or anything after you finish? Eventually I want to get a group of like ten people at the most and just travel around the room, performing musicals and plays and things that we'd write, we'd make the sets and costumes and share direction. Well, that little pipe dream's what's getting me though this year anyways.
Any guys out there I have a hell of a play for you to do a monologue from. It's called "Rhinosceros" and it's translated from French, and it's about a town being taken over by rhinosceroses/rhinosceri and it's sort of political in away, but one scene has teh guy turning into one. I reckon it would be really effective if you did it right. Kind of weird, but hey, anything that distinguishes you from the rest of us, eh?