Most ANNOYING things when Driving (4 Viewers)


Jun 25, 2005
- people who don't indicate are soooooooooo fucking annoying. how hard is it to flick on an indicator? what's that? not very? no, that's what i thought.
- people who don't pass you when there's PLENTY of opportunity (eg highways where there's limited overtaking lanes), then tailgate you
- people who tailgate
- people whose speed is erratic
- people who speed up when i'm trying to overtake because they're doing 80/90 in a 100km zone, and end up with me doing 120 to get past them, drop right back down to 100 after passing and they disappear out of sight. wtf, just let me past you.
- people who dont merge when you are letting them in (like watch what's goiing on around you fuckers)
- people who wont let you in when you're trying to merge (some consideration please?)

but i think ppl who tailgate me when i'm already like 20k over the limit is the most annoying thing. it's fucking DANGEROUS people, and i'm already speeding, so fuck off. grrrrrrr >_<


Oct 12, 2004
Bah *comes here to rant*

I was driving home just then in a 3 laned road... medium traffic conditions... I was on the left, some guy was on the right...

I guess we were both trying to get in the middle lane since that lane was considerably faster than the rest...

Cept I got in first... I indicated, checked, went into middle lane... Now I was side by side with the car/TANK on the right... 2-3secs after I've been in the lane, I see his side indicators go on and I'm like, oh shit *HONK* so he knows I exist since his 4-door ute was like, double my car in height or some shit... So he stops indicating...

Later, about 300m away, I slow down to take a left into a side street and when the fag passes me, HE HONKED ME BACK!

How the F@RK did he pass his Ls test?? The first thing you learn is that you don't use your horn to display anger/talk to friends rarara.... I beeped him to warn him that if he keeps merging he WILL cause an accident, and it will be his own fault cos he didnt check his BLIND SPOT... I mean, what was the point of beeping me back? Did I do something wrong? If so, WTF DID I DO WRONG???

I hate people like that who don't appreciate someone else helping them to get out of paying ~$6k for panel damage - his own, AND MINE.


Fark, I'm going to watch some Family Guy to make myself happy again.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland

Lol biggest coincidence ever.... just as soon as I read the part about Family guy I heard the intro to it cos my brother just put it on :uhhuh:

I was driving home just then in a 3 laned road... medium traffic conditions... I was on the left, some guy was on the right...

I guess we were both trying to get in the middle lane since that lane was considerably faster than the rest...
They are always the worst situations... I usually watch the other car whilst turning even though it can be dangerous either way cos a car in front could brake suddenly... but if you dont look to your side then the other car can move into the lane as well. Its a lose-lose situation. By the sounds of it, the guy that intended to hit you did the latter option, and thats why he just looked and then took his time to change but by then you'd changed!

Later, about 300m away, I slow down to take a left into a side street and when the fag passes me, HE HONKED ME BACK!
Yeah this was a situation I was in one time:

I was the green car, this lady behind me in the orange one started beeping me and shouting profanities (despite 100m previously nearly deciding to enter the main road whilst I was 10m away!) because I prevented her from turning left and continuing on. I had gone as far forward as I could and to the right of my lane knowing people need to get through, but I have to be in the left lane because only metres after the turn is my left turn off and their is no way you can go from the right lane to the left when people are going straight and all over the place. Everyone does what I do when needing to make a right and then a left turn. But this women really shitted me off, she was going on for like a 1min at the lights at me, it wasnt my fault! I was on the verge of getting out of my car and saying 'shut the fuck up its not my fault'.... not road rage or anything but its annoying not being able to explain why your doing what you are to some twit... much like again in your situation 'Ciel' with the beeping him to essentially helping him, this women in my case didnt realise I had done everything possible to try and let her through!
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Aug 25, 2005
^fuck that just hang your head out the window and give them a piece of your mind. kinda reminds me i chased some women into a carpark and got out and had a psycho at her for literally running me off the road ie me having to drive up the gutter and almost crashing into a pole bc she just decided it would be a fab idea to change lanes while i was right next to her. kinda felt sorry after it though she was a bit shaken :s lol.

mmm today i almost got side swipped TWICE. first time the bitch was crazy and could keep the car in a straight line. i was about 30 metres behind her and she almost ran into a pole in the middle of the road and full swerved to avoid it. im then cruising in the left hand lane approaching her car then she decides she wants to change from the right lane to the left lane while im right next to her. so i beep her away and she almost fucking crashes AGAIN, swerving all over the road.

then the next guy must not of know i was side-behind of his car. it was two lanes i was in the left he was in the right, we approach the first round about and he cuts into the left abit then continues back into the right hand lane. im like fair enough he must not of seen me. we come into the second roundabout and he does it AGAIN, so i beep him and glared him down. then he turned around and he was a massive black guy and i went.. eeep. na i think he knew what he did after i beeped him so yea...


The Hammer Is My Penis
Aug 23, 2006
My parents annoy me when I'm behind the wheel because they get incredibly nervous when I'm driving, especially in the city. It's always fun when you go to change gears and they grab your arm in a deathgrip because you pulled up half a metre short of someone else's bumper and now you can't change gears. The sharp intake of breath whenever I do anything also gets to me; it's almost as if they don't trust me when I'm driving. I wouldn't say I'm an excellent driver, but I'd like to think - and a lot of people agree - that I am pretty good.


Oct 12, 2004
pottsy44 said:
he was a massive black guy and i went.. eeep.

It reminds me of the time (last wk) when my bf, a male friend, and I were in Cabra finding a parking spot in a parking lot...

Don't laugh.

Yeah well, anyways... we're in the red car and we just saw a Camry getting out, so we just stop in the middle of the carpark (wide enough to fit 3 cars) and indicate right... The blue car is the FAG who was all the way on the other side... At the time the Camry is getting out, the Fag starts heading around the carpark and indicates left cos he saw someone was getting out... by then, the Camry was in the green car position.. We were waiting for the Camry to go past us before we start reversing into our spot... But before that happens, the blue FAG just suddenly swoops into our spot without indicating..

My friend sitting in the rear seat saw all this, and when the fag got into our spot, he was like WTF, gets out, slams the cardoor and yells out, "HEY BUDDY!

He gets to the drivers side of the fag and starts yelling through the window about how we got here first and we were waiting for the parking spot, and how the fag just went in without indicating cos he saw the whole thing happen... It was so scary seeing a usually docile friend going straight off at (who turns out to be) an old asian man...

The old man didnt get out of his car until after we took the spot he was initially indicating at, and after we bought our parking ticket...

He probably didnt know we were waiting there, probably thought that he got lucky... But people like that should think (and look) twice before just turning their car anywhere... He didnt deserve to get away with it...


Oct 12, 2004
ObjectsInSpace said:
My parents annoy me when I'm behind the wheel because they get incredibly nervous when I'm driving, especially in the city. It's always fun when you go to change gears and they grab your arm in a deathgrip because you pulled up half a metre short of someone else's bumper and now you can't change gears. The sharp intake of breath whenever I do anything also gets to me; it's almost as if they don't trust me when I'm driving. I wouldn't say I'm an excellent driver, but I'd like to think - and a lot of people agree - that I am pretty good.
My mum gets nervous too.

It's been happening ever since I got my Ps...

Everytime I take a corner ANYTHING over 40kmh, she will grip the doorhandle.... If it's 60+kmh, not only does she grip the doorhandle, she will take one foot and brace herself with her toes on the glovebox area...

EDIT: If I was in Schoolie's situation, I'd stick my head out and say, "IF YOU'RE IN SUCH A HURRY, RUN UP THE KERB WHY DONT YOU!?"
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paint huffing moron
Feb 4, 2004
gold coast
nonwhite immigrants are, as a rule, the worst drivers on the road.


May 25, 2005
Nthrn beaches
People who do not adjust their acceleration when going up hills. Like in a 90 zone, and a small hill, some people are going 70, cause they dont adjust their accelerators.


When you go to overtake someone, and they see you are on your P's, and they speed up, and won't let you pass. OR people who pass you, then slow down in front of you

There are some really stupid people on the road i'll give you that


May 25, 2005
Nthrn beaches
breaking said:
nonwhite immigrants are, as a rule, the worst drivers on the road.
Based on experience over the past week i'm going to have to agree with that:

Black person tailgating me in the middle of the road
ALSO, Asian learner who couldn't stay in her lane, and almost hit an Audi driving next to her.


Oct 12, 2004
Oh wow, a black person and an asian learner...

I think it's because anyone who isnt white stands out, so you notice them more.

I reckon white people are just as bad on the road... every morning I get a white driver tailing my ass, then there's the ones that dont know when and when not to give way, not indicating, putting on fucking makeup, reading the newspaper/documents on the steeringwheel, etc...

What really annoys/scares me is the white idiots who travel around in a little car with a carload of drunk guys...

I've also had a car accident in which I was totally stationary, and some car which was crawling around didnt even know I existed and her left front directly hit my right front. How is that possible? Because she was too busy chatting to her friends and blasting gay music. Did I mention she was white?

Speaking of that, white girls in their convertibles singing along to shit like barbie girl also pisses me off. I hate it when they dont concentrate on the road.

Not saying asian mums aren't bad either. One nearly reversed into me the other day cos she didnt realise she kept it in reverse (after she crawled backwards from changing her mind about running a red)

And a curry rear ended me...

Then there was that old white man who thought he had ALOT of room to pass in a cross intersection, making me have to slow down to almost 50 for him to pass safely...

Fark, too many to list...

But I think it's not so much a rule that they're the worst drivers on the road. It's a stereotype.


Jan 29, 2005
CieL said:

It reminds me of the time (last wk) when my bf, a male friend, and I were in Cabra finding a parking spot in a parking lot...

Don't laugh.

Yeah well, anyways... we're in the red car and we just saw a Camry getting out, so we just stop in the middle of the carpark (wide enough to fit 3 cars) and indicate right... The blue car is the FAG who was all the way on the other side... At the time the Camry is getting out, the Fag starts heading around the carpark and indicates left cos he saw someone was getting out... by then, the Camry was in the green car position.. We were waiting for the Camry to go past us before we start reversing into our spot... But before that happens, the blue FAG just suddenly swoops into our spot without indicating..

My friend sitting in the rear seat saw all this, and when the fag got into our spot, he was like WTF, gets out, slams the cardoor and yells out, "HEY BUDDY!

He gets to the drivers side of the fag and starts yelling through the window about how we got here first and we were waiting for the parking spot, and how the fag just went in without indicating cos he saw the whole thing happen... It was so scary seeing a usually docile friend going straight off at (who turns out to be) an old asian man...

The old man didnt get out of his car until after we took the spot he was initially indicating at, and after we bought our parking ticket...

He probably didnt know we were waiting there, probably thought that he got lucky... But people like that should think (and look) twice before just turning their car anywhere... He didnt deserve to get away with it...

hahaha I accidently did that to someone last week.
looking for a park in Central saw someone coming out, floored it over and indicated about to reverse and this asian bloke behind me is like *beep beep* and I was like "oh lol didnt c u ther", and drove off.


CieL said:

It reminds me of the time (last wk) when my bf, a male friend, and I were in Cabra finding a parking spot in a parking lot...

Don't laugh.

Yeah well, anyways... we're in the red car and we just saw a Camry getting out, so we just stop in the middle of the carpark (wide enough to fit 3 cars) and indicate right... The blue car is the FAG who was all the way on the other side... At the time the Camry is getting out, the Fag starts heading around the carpark and indicates left cos he saw someone was getting out... by then, the Camry was in the green car position.. We were waiting for the Camry to go past us before we start reversing into our spot... But before that happens, the blue FAG just suddenly swoops into our spot without indicating..

My friend sitting in the rear seat saw all this, and when the fag got into our spot, he was like WTF, gets out, slams the cardoor and yells out, "HEY BUDDY!

He gets to the drivers side of the fag and starts yelling through the window about how we got here first and we were waiting for the parking spot, and how the fag just went in without indicating cos he saw the whole thing happen... It was so scary seeing a usually docile friend going straight off at (who turns out to be) an old asian man...

The old man didnt get out of his car until after we took the spot he was initially indicating at, and after we bought our parking ticket...

He probably didnt know we were waiting there, probably thought that he got lucky... But people like that should think (and look) twice before just turning their car anywhere... He didnt deserve to get away with it...
Hate it when that happens.

Similar thing happened to me, but I just blasted the horn at them. And like any polite driver, they just ignored me and took the spot anyway. :(


paint huffing moron
Feb 4, 2004
gold coast
mr_brightside said:
hahaha I accidently did that to someone last week.
looking for a park in Central saw someone coming out, floored it over and indicated about to reverse and this asian bloke behind me is like *beep beep* and I was like "oh lol didnt c u ther", and drove off.
id be like "ahh ya fuckin' asian!" and force my way into the spot


Breathe and Stop
May 11, 2004
I'm not sure if its been mentioned, but bicycle riders shit me. If they cannot ride at 60km/hr, then they shouldn't be on the road. You would expect the same with a car. This just results in people half-changing lanes, which doesn't only slow down traffic, but it can possibly result in more crashes.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland

Yeah that can be so annoying, yesterday in a 70 zone had someone on their bike, its like ffs just use the path... as if a cop is going to get them for it. Worst one is though when its a single lane road and theirs a group of riders, they often dont show any courtesy and your stuck behind them unless you decide to overtake (illegally if its double lines).

Yeah well, anyways... we're in the red car and we just saw a Camry getting out, so we just stop in the middle of the carpark (wide enough to fit 3 cars) and indicate right... The blue car is the FAG who was all the way on the other side... At the time the Camry is getting out, the Fag starts heading around the carpark and indicates left cos he saw someone was getting out... by then, the Camry was in the green car position.. We were waiting for the Camry to go past us before we start reversing into our spot... But before that happens, the blue FAG just suddenly swoops into our spot without indicating..
Did you have your car already in reverse? If you didnt, he may have thought you were indicating to park somewhere in front instead of behind. In anycase though, I can sympathise with the old guy, it could have just been an honest mistake.... your friend is a nob for having a go at an elderly man in the way he did (Fair enough point it out from inside your car or something when he gets out, but going up to him in his car in a fit of what is essentially road rage is uncalled for)


Oct 12, 2004
mr_brightside said:
hahaha I accidently did that to someone last week.
looking for a park in Central saw someone coming out, floored it over and indicated about to reverse and this asian bloke behind me is like *beep beep* and I was like "oh lol didnt c u ther", and drove off.
At least you acknowledged it was their spot and drove off.
The asian at Cabra just turned his engine off and stayed in our spot...

I dont know if this is true or not, but when I was doing my RSA, the tutor or whatever you call them was telling us that some car parked in her in-law's reserved parking spot... and the in-law drove this huge 4WD, so he just parked literally on top of the offender and wrote their car off...


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
People who don't indicate, indicate too early or too late

Indicating too early would be like if they put their indicator on and don't turn at the first street, but the second one that's a block down the road. Nobody needs that much warning.

People who have 2 L/P plates on the front and back of their car. I can see one P plate fine, you don't need 2.

People with crap dangling from their rear-view mirror. It's pointless, it creates a blind spot and it's illegal. Take the dice/rosary beads/boxing gloves off.

When a one-laned road becomes a 2 laned road at an intersection, and the left lane is blocked by cars or something maybe 30 metres on the other side of the intersection, you only go in the left lane to overtake slow things like trucks, or if the person in the right hand lane is turning right.
I can't stand it when someone gets in the left hand lane then takes off reeeally slowly, meaning I have to go behind the bus/truck anyway.

Ack to drivers. They're all stupid.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
Yeah I agree with most of that.

Yeah I hate no indicating, I nearly got t-boned the other day at a roundabout cos this guy didnt indicate so I thought he was going straight... I usually wait to make sure and this guy dead set must have changed hi mind at the last sec cos I would have sworn he was going straight. Then when he was behind me I saw he was a on a mobile!! Another similar incident where this guy had his indicators on for 1km but didnt intend to turn...and wadda ya know, on his mobile. Heaps of other instances like this as well, old people generally love to not cancel their indicators. And not indicatin I just hate because its always full license holders doing it, showing how great they are... I always indicate.

The plates thing, its not really annoying just stupid... like one time I saw an L plater with 2 outside the car and 2 inside!

Biggest one though is that left lane slow arse one... that really craps me. The whole point of getting in that lane is to overtake, especially if its off the lights and the lane ends 50m aheag! Happens all the time.
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