ashimation said:
And the stupid cunts who drive them when there is no need -- they are responsible (partly) for fucking climate change.
The stupid mothers with their 'family fwd' to keep their kids safe. Most of them can't even fucking drive, so when they cause a crash, guess who will die -- the other person.
I hate fucking WANKERS who drive hugeass cars in the city -- IT'S NOT OFF ROAD you fuckwits! argh!!!!!!!!
I agree. It's a load of shit, honestly, and these women are often found doing U-turns WHILST ON THEIR MOBILE PHONES, with a bub strapped in the back.
4WDs are only for areas like mine, semi rural and rural, honestly, why do you need a 4WD in the city? Often you never even venture out here, not that i'm complaining.... we have a shitload here, just about every 2nd person owns one. You only need one if you venture to the countryside.... there are things called people movers (as ugly whales as they are) if you need it for the space.. Ah well ... have fun experiencing a higher centre of gravity and being more susceptible to rolling.
bizadfar said:
-ANd yes people on the Motorways going LESS than 110. I was behind this Silver toyota seca on the way to blacktown. THe driver struggled to keep it inside the lane properly and struggled to keep it at constant spped. Mostly going from 85km/h to 100km/h. Keep in mind i had my L plates on. I got sick of it and changed lanes and gave her the look (too bad windows greatly tinted) I looked in my rear view, and what do i see? P plate.... I mean who the hell goes below 110km/h on a motorway. There is absolutely nothing out there. No Cruise control is not an excuse, I didn't even know how to turn mine on (i pushed the button, dash lighted up cruise, i let off and the needle dropped rapidly, i stepped back on it quickly and turned cruise off)
Oh sorry, I'm on my Ls still (not for long, hehe) and I go at 80-90km. *shrugs*.
I'm sorry..... Pfft I don't need cruise control, i'm heaps good at maintaining the perfect 80km lol... I wish I could go a bit faster on the freeway....legally.
bizadfar said:
- Old drivers, as they especially the slow ones. Yes going slow may be safe, but old drivers do just as stupid things.
-Short drivers (old are deadly) This short person was sitting in a camry and like trying to look over everywhere. I could tell she couldn't jackshit, disaster waiting to happen. All you need is a damn cushion. It's that simple.
- P plater punks who think u want to race them or some shit. (very funny when they are in some turbo corolla rice shitbox) Funny enough i got off the line way infront then let off a bit at around 60km/h.
- P platers that think they are god of the road, and cannot drive for shit. The one infront of me could literally not stay in one segment of his lane, one second right up on the dotted lines near the wall, next second on the other dotted lines near a car...
-People who change lanes dangerously(weaving). This sparks alot of road rage (eg my dad). I can't really talk, i use to do the same thing long ago.
Yes/No, Stfu I'm short and I cannot help it ... though i'm perfectly fine when I'm driving, yes P platers think they're the shiz, Yeah most can't drive due to being in an automatic vehicle... sorry its true at least here, oh and as for weaving... fuck that, I hate it and its disgusting, you have no consideration for what stress you may be inflicting on others.
mr_brightside said:
Crazy Indian (Sorry Bookie) Taxi Drivers .... ohhh...
lourai*87 said:
- it pisses me that because im a learner people assume i am going slow or am incompetent. I am doing my 50kph or slightly over (the speed limit) and people sit behind me getting the shits. And then they sit on my arse. If i didnt have my L i really dont think this would happen
- when im doing my max 80 on a 2 lane road (speed limit 100), the lane is going to end in say 500m, and some car comes right up behind me when they could clearly overtake.. i give them room to do so, but noooooo they stay there on my arse. And then when the lane ends they sit there with a crabby expression on their face, and continue to tailgate me until either they or i turn off.
- people not giving way on roundabouts. A van cut in front of me today the dickhead. and then 5 meters later they decide to pull over anyway.
- people who tend to get the shits just because i decide to exercise some caution when going down a windy slope. I am extremely sorry that i do not wish to go flying off the edge.
I'm completely in agreement with you here.:rofl: I give people room to overtake me generally if they're keen to go at 100 on my winding country road... (limit's 80). Have fun crashing into a tree...
Except I turned into an intersection on the green light, and this lady who's at the red light cuts across me.... nearly t-boning me...:mad1:
Oh and trucks are pretty scary, as are Manual buses when the driver fucks up a hillstart:mad1: and you're behind them.. ohhhh and if you tailgate me... consider yourself dead.

And logging trucks,.... holy mother fucker...