Ive been rlly lazy lately n bored, no motivation whatsoever and idk what to do
everyone is always like to me: ‘what r ur goals? Focus on those’ BUT I DONT HAVE GOALS THATS THE THING
is there something i rlly want? No
do i want to be first? It’ll be nice but eh
what if u fail? I probably wont
what if u get rlly bad grades? It’s ok im still in yr 10
idk what to do or how to solve this problem bc ik it will just get worse n worse as i enter senior yr
ive been told to ‘just start studying’ but every time i do i either get rlly bored mid way or just be like ‘eh ik these’ n move on idk what to do
motivational videos dont work, seeing someone more successful than me doesnt work bc i generally dont care if someone is better than me like eh, the thought that ill probably end up not going uni also doesnt scare me be i can either go to tafe n work from there (even tho my parents r uni doctors i dont see it as embarrassing tbh) to go uni or just go to unis overseas
u can tell me the most motivational thing ever n ill still not care (‘what if u die without accomplishing anything?’ ‘Well ik that i have at least died happy’)
n what annoys me the most is bc i havent always been like this, i came first on roughly every single subject at my old skl for 3 consecutive yrs, in primary i was always top 3 in the entire year group from yr 1 up to yr 6
i think its because i moved skls? But i moved to selective that should motivate me more!
idk i have a serious problem n i need help to fix it bc i refuse to continue living like this (n i tried working on myself but it was hopeless)
It sounds like you’re going through a really tough time, and it's completely okay to feel this way. Here’s a response that acknowledges your feelings and offers some perspective:
It’s totally understandable to feel unmotivated, especially after a big change like moving schools. It sounds like you’ve had a lot of academic success in the past, which can make the current lack of motivation feel even more frustrating. Remember, it’s normal to go through phases where you don’t have clear goals or direction.
Instead of focusing on big goals, try setting smaller, more manageable ones. For example, aim to study a subject for just 15 minutes or explore a new hobby that interests you, even if it’s just for fun. Sometimes, engaging in activities you enjoy can spark new interests or passions.
Also, don’t underestimate the importance of taking care of yourself. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, eating well, and taking breaks when you need them. It might also help to talk to someone—a teacher, a friend, or a counselor—who can provide support and guidance during this time.
Lastly, remember that you don’t have to have everything figured out right now. Life is about exploring and discovering what you enjoy and value, and it’s okay if that takes time. You’ve already accomplished so much, and you have the potential to find what truly excites you again.
It's important to remind yourself that it’s okay to seek help and that your feelings are valid. You’re not alone in this!
I hope this helps