Nah I just had a 'week 0' so lecture notes and then exercises to complete. They made a big deal of it saying that by law they can't force you to do anything but they said if you wish to do well it is in your best interests to do so (I wont quote it itl make me look like fk). This is for ACST212. They seem to be very upfront in this unit. Like I click on the unit admin stuff and I get this:
Should I be pursuing an actuarial degree?
The following are warning signs that you are unlikely to complete an actuarial degree in a reasonable time and that you would be better served by pursuing some other degree.
Obtaining a grade of Fail in any unit in the recommended program.
Obtaining a grade less than Credit in STAT171 or ACST101.
Having a GPA of less than 2.5 on the old 4 point scale, or 4.5 on the new 7 point scale.
If any of the above criteria apply to you, you might think you can fix the problem by repeating the relevant unit, or by attempting easier units to boost your GPA. This merely hides the symptom. It does not alter the fact that you will have difficulty passing several later ACST units on your first attempt.
In particular, if your GPA is less than 2.5 or if it took you more than one attempt to obtain a grade of credit or better in STAT171, then historical evidence suggests that you are unlikely to pass ACST212 on your first attempt.
Lol the make it sound like not doing well in something is like a disease...