Wah your so active on Bored of Studies man!
Oh yeah where abouts is your school/do you live? There are good tuiton centres/tutors at Fairfield and Hurstville i think.. but it might be a bit far?
Esl scales the same as Advanced I think - so thats pretty good for you (since u came here only for about 5 yrs, where did u come from?). Yeah in Standard its very hard, i did Standard in Prelim and got like 94/100 (in report - final mark and ranked first but only got band 5 so...)
Good choice with North Shore. Mr Waldron, Adv English very good choice lol. But it won't really help you I think for someone who does ESL. I got a really good tutor (not one to one but institutional but he is really good and I think he may be full, I can give u his centre's number if u want but I'm not sure if its conveninet for you, its in Chatswood and his name is Alan Nanva or something) I think he pales to Mr Waldron - but he is quite good...
Oh really? I live in Chatswood..... so yeah. So fairfield and hurtville might be a bit far for me though. (I go to Willoughby Girls btw)
Well, for english, Mr Waldron speaks and pronounced everything SO clearly, and I take notes (dictate) a lot (cuz I fell like it... lol) it helps me a lot with listening.... like i can write as fast as I could without missing anything he said (I tried.... it works most of the time though

) Btw, thanks for helping though, I might not be able to go to the place that you're talking about, cuz I want to stay and tutor within Chatswood area, so I don't really have to spend time finding places or traveling.....

I like Mr Waldron cuz he gave me a reasonable mark

I'm quite happy with that.
I admit that I learnt most of my english from watching films, but it works for me!
I came from Taiwan.... a very tiny little country next to China

It's good to hear that there's someone as good as mr Waldron (but it's extremely rare though, since he's one of the BEST English teacher I've ever known.....). But wow, your prelim mark is very impressive!!