Originally posted by tonberry_kun
those who put 8 * 1024 were all ppl who did multimedia cuz they got it confused with the way to calculate the size of a bitmap 
and since each character those numbers are already in bytes, u divide by 1024 to get the kilobytes
Very true

I had this one the other page (Page 3 or 4)
Originally posted by tonberry_kun
*DING DING DING* we have a winner!
Hey... what about me

Originally posted by Jeo
I do multimedia and still got it right.
I got it wrong, I'm an 8*1024 person
Originally posted by holl
Each caharacter is worth 1 bit so u have 2 didivde by 8 to get it into bytes then divide by 1024 for kbs
Each character is not 1 bit, it is 1 byte.
1 byte = 8 bits.
See tonberry's post, or my post on the previous page.
You do not need to divide by 8 at all, if it is already in
Originally posted by juber
question 6 is still a bit weird i thought.
It didn't really ask anything in particular.
The one thing that put me off "a" was "character"
Field name, size, type, and attribute all described the data in the database. and this seemed more attractive than "a" which had "character" in it.
Please tell me does this make any sense? What does "character" mean in terms of this?
I've answered this in another thread, or perhaps this thread.
Question 6 asked for
data structures.
"Which terms are used to describe the
structure of data stored in a database?"
File > Record > Field > Character
This was preliminary (Year 11) I believe, if not Years 9-10 Computing Studies for those that did it.
The answer is A, because they are all data structures and can be used to describe the
structure of data stored in a database.
Field names do not describe the
structure of data, nor does the size itself, or type (data type), quite possibly the attribute will describe ONE COMPONENT of structured data.
Juber, character = the smallest unit of data that people can handle. It is a single letter, number, punctuation mark, or special symbol that can be displayed on the screen. (Taking the literal definition).
I'll quote:
Flat file
databases organise data
using data structures called ... (you guessed it) files, records, fields and characters.
File - block
of data, divided into a number of records.
Record - collection of facts about an entry in a database, divided into a number of fields.
Field - specific category
of data, made up of characters.
Character - smallest unit of data (see above definition).