Muslim People in Australia (1 Viewer)


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Captain Gh3y said:
A person must not, on the ground of religious belief or activity of another person or class of persons, engage in conduct that incites hatred against, serious contempt for, or revulsion or severe ridicule of, that other person or class of persons.
Hmm... on second look, I really don't like the sound of that.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Lol, that's pretty bad calling him a terrorist, but I think joking is the first form of accepting, I would rather here him call a muslim athlete a terrorist then someone who didn't actually have any respect for the religion.
Islam isn't a cult, it's a religion, I'm sick of people judging me based on my religion but I would never be less proud of what I believe. We have a few atheist/agnostic radicals here, you guys should try and ignore these racist Ignoramuses.
They Include:
Captain Ghey
& Sometimes Not-That-Bright (But very rarely, I think his problem is more with Religion than islam).


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
sam04u said:
We have a few atheist/agnostic radicals here, you guys should try and ignore these racist Ignoramuses.
They Include:
Captain Ghey
& Sometimes Not-That-Bright (But very rarely, I think his problem is more with Religion than islam).
I have never heard them ever discriminate anyone on the grounds of race. What is your bloody problem!?

Islam is an ideology, not a skin colour, no-one is born with a religion, they learn it and it is never inherited like your skin colour or shape of your nose. I am more likely to ignore you because you are bigoted and homophobic.
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Feb 2, 2005
ihavenothing said:
I have never heard them ever discriminate anyone on the grounds of race. What is your bloody problem!?

Islam is an ideology, not a skin colour, no-one is born with a religion, they learn it and it is never inherited like your skin colour or shape of your nose. I am more likely to ignore you because you are bigoted and homophobic.
SO is a jew they dont have to believe in Judaism.. so why is everyone fucken cunt called anti-semite if they mention sometin bad about a jew?

The whole point here is discrimination.. and in all levels that shouldnt be allowed regardless if you are born with it or u belive it.. everyone won is human.. so essentially then watever race ur are doesnt matter u still have the same number brains and organs etc. therefore u shouldnt discriminating from anyone at all under any circumstance.

people have the right to believe in things and thats their. but people dont have the right to discriminate against these people whether u believe in it or not is irrelvant. Its not about tolerance or respect but simply the fact people have different interests.
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Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
The word and concept of anti-semitism have gotten mixed up a lot, but the Jewish race are genetically distinct, and they do not have to believe in Judaism, and by the same token not everyone who practices Judaism is a member of the Jewish race.
I don't see why I should be legally obligated to respect the beliefs of someone who believes that a paedophile is the greatest man to ever grace the Earth, just as noone should be legally obligated to respect my belief that legalising marijuana is a good idea.

There may also be a legitimate case to discriminate against Islamic people, for example during Ramadan their performance may decrease due to fasting, or taking five breaks a day to pray may disrupt everyone else working around them, especially if they are supposed to be attending meetings or serving customers at such times.
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Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
"people have the right to believe in things and thats their. but people dont have the right to discriminate against these people whether u believe in it or not is irrelvant. Its not about tolerance or respect but simply the fact people have different interests."

Yes people do have the right to beleive in what they want. Just like i have the right to point out the inconsistencies and flaws in their religion. Why cant i take religious beleifs as just another factor?
Like Waf said if i was an employer why would i want someone who is a fundamentalist beleiver? Especially if i was looking for someone to be a creative thinker, someone who is heavily religious automatically makes me think a few words such as: brainwashed fool, indoctrinated, the tool of someone else and not open to change.

Of course i have the right to say whatever the hell i want. This isnt an Islamic country and in the west we practise free speech, meaning i can descriminate whenever i want, Ofcourse to avoid hassles i would never say i didnt hire someone because they are Islamic, i would say because:
they wanted 5 breaks a day which would impact my business
They wanted a month of leniency as they choose not to eat, effectiving their productivity
They wanted special rules made for them, like no ham in the company fridge
They personally preached to me, meaning they would likely do this to customers which could alienate them.
They beleive that women are inferior, which would create conflict in my mixed workplace
They said my annual christmas celebrations would offend them, presuring me to cease which would impact on moral.

Not to say that i would ever be an employer, just that if i had to pick someone, it would be Steve from down the road who is normal, not some fool who wants me to cater to their every needs.

P.S iam not an athiest, iam not an agnostic, and the only radicals i have seen recently are muslim nutjobs launching rockets into civilian Israeli cities.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Okay, you looked at some of the 'stereotypical' muslim traits, but not at the 'realistic' australian muslim traits.

But since we're going off of 'stereotypical' apparent (which is not true) traits lets fairly judge a few others:

They are more likely to be honest and fair to the customers. (which will bring customers back)
They are more likely to be loyal to the company and not steal or cheat you.
They are likely to respect customers and not make 'sexist' slurs at women in the company or customers they may deal with.
They are likely to accept affirmative action and are likely willing to help new members of the organisation.
They are more likely to respect you as there employer and work equally as hard for understanding there particular needs, including simple things like 3-day religious holidays. (Honestly, It's like my HSC Schedule would interefere with my Ramadan religious schedule, meaning I will be tired and hungry and lacking energy due to racial prejudice) I think they changed it though so they don't conflict, I would be very 'grateful', if they didn't.
They are more likely to be consistent (and not late, as they have schedules which they would likely follow. Including the usual night out where they get drunk and may incriminate the company which may never happen with an islamic worker. )

There are many more....


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
sam04u said:
They are likely to accept affirmative action and are likely willing to help new members of the organisation.
Affirmative action implies that the person being discriminated in favour of is weaker and can't get the position by themselves.
They are more likely to be consistent (and not late, as they have schedules which they would likely follow. Including the usual night out where they get drunk and may incriminate the company which may never happen with an islamic worker. )
Apart from football players who get out of control on the piss, how many workers incriminate their company through big nights out? Not many, because company's aren't responsible for what their employees do after hours. Also blatant stereotypes about non-Muslims not having schedules etc is stupid.


Revered Member
Sep 16, 2004
Yeh I work as a kitchen hand and we have some muslim employees to "cleanse" their body before praying they go to the kitchen sink and wash their feet in it.

It's disgusting, we have to put up with this several times a day (and night) usually with some utensils and stuff to wash already in the sink.

Then they would take up some parts of the office room where other people can't access.

They usually take more breaks than others for praying, smoking or toilet. Taking "short" breaks which means they still get paid for the time.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
so isnt that your employers problem ?

rofl @ the muslim employees take more breaks than others for smoking and toilet ?


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
We have a few atheist/agnostic radicals here, you guys should try and ignore these racist Ignoramuses.
They Include:
Captain Ghey
& Sometimes Not-That-Bright (But very rarely, I think his problem is more with Religion than islam).
I think the reason you may feel I have some sort of hatred of Islam or whatever, is that Islam is imho the most powerful religion that is leading the the most heinous of acts all over the world right now. The faith of your average Australian muslim (that I've met) is much stronger than the faith of your average christian and in some ways I do respect that (I think in a way it's more logical), but having so much blind faith, such assurance that you are right and everyone else is wrong... it leads to terrible conflict.


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
sam04u said:
They are more likely to be honest and fair to the customers. (which will bring customers back)
They are more likely to be loyal to the company and not steal or cheat you.
They are likely to respect customers and not make 'sexist' slurs at women in the company or customers they may deal with.
They are likely to accept affirmative action and are likely willing to help new members of the organisation.
They are more likely to respect you as there employer and work equally as hard for understanding there particular needs, including simple things like 3-day religious holidays. (Honestly, It's like my HSC Schedule would interefere with my Ramadan religious schedule, meaning I will be tired and hungry and lacking energy due to racial prejudice) I think they changed it though so they don't conflict, I would be very 'grateful', if they didn't.
They are more likely to be consistent (and not late, as they have schedules which they would likely follow. Including the usual night out where they get drunk and may incriminate the company which may never happen with an islamic worker. )

There are many more....
You are more stupid than I originally thought, where are the facts??? I want to see them, these are just assumptions. Oh I'm sure Muslim men will not sexually harass non-Muslim women *COUGH COUGH*.

You have just strung together a list that has nothing to back itself on claiming that a Muslim is better than your average human being. I have never claimed that white people, agnostic people, gay people are better workers, you are ignoring the fact that everyone is different and yes, some Muslims DO drink.


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
I hate that fucking Keysar Trad, turned a peace rally into a "lets retaliate at Israel" rally. As well as coercing Muslims into ignoring anti-discrimination laws to discriminate against homosexuals.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
I hate that a substantial ammount of my fellow aussies, hate me. Because of something I have choosen to live by. I choose to be muslim, even though I know of the other religions and the same scientific theories which any of you do. In some cases I even know more then alot of others living in Australia who are 'Atheist' by choice.

I hate how people discriminate against me because I'm muslim, and how thousands could be rallied for the 'expulsion', of my ancestary from a country which they have as little right to as any other citizen.

I hate when people think a minority of muslims represents the majority of muslims and use that as a tool for attacking the majorities, as an exuse.

I hate how nobody, questioned Serius statement "They will preach their religion to me and my customers", yet people questioned that a muslim who prayed 5-times a day, would make sexual slurs at women.


I choose to be muslim, and that defines me, I don't define my religion. Neither should the terrorist minorities, I don't judge you by your minorities and you should return the favour.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
sam04u said:
I hate that a substantial ammount of my fellow aussies, hate me. Because of something I have choosen to live by. I choose to be muslim, even though I know of the other religions and the same scientific theories which any of you do.
They hate your religion. They're still all for letting you live your life here, they're still all for giving you protection under the law from any threats/violence anyone may place on you, they're still for giving you equal pay to all other australians.

In some cases I even know more then alot of others living in Australia who are 'Atheist' by choice.
Let's not make this a 'which belief's intellectual penis is bigger' contest.

I hate how people discriminate against me because I'm muslim, and how thousands could be rallied for the 'expulsion', of my ancestary from a country which they have as little right to as any other citizen.
What do you mean 'little right to' ? That's nonsense. Do you believe that land rights should only come into existance based on history?

I hate when people think a minority of muslims represents the majority of muslims and use that as a tool for attacking the majorities, as an exuse.
What do you mean minority tho? While I'm sure it's a smaller number that are actually willing to pull off attacks, the support for these attacks in the muslim world is imho high. I can see their reasoning for supporting these attacks, I can understand somewhat why the violence is happening... to claim it's just some fringe majority that support this sort of violence is silly.

I hate how nobody, questioned Serius statement "They will preach their religion to me and my customers", yet people questioned that a muslim who prayed 5-times a day, would make sexual slurs at women.
Are you saying that there's not a feeling in the wider muslim community (not just in australia) that allowing women to wear skimpy clothes is a bad thing?

I choose to be muslim, and that defines me, I don't define my religion. Neither should the terrorist minorities, I don't judge you by your minorities and you should return the favour.
I agree, you shouldn't judge individual people by minorities. There are alot individual muslims out there who are really great people. But if we're going to do a thorough analysis of islam today, we have to say there is alot of anger, violence, and suppression.

In Muslim nations, you are not free to say you're christian, to say you're atheist, even if you're a very nice person - or you will be dealt with in the harshest of ways. Here, there is intollerance across the polulation, alot of people don't like muslims because of what they see as happening around the world, this can probably make life as a muslim in a western nation tough - but you're still respected (at least in theory) equally under the law. If someone bashes you for being muslim I and many others will stand up and say 'that's wrong, he needs to be punished'.

This doesn't mean that we should ignore the tollerance in Australia of course, it is still something to be dealt with, but I think it gives it some perspective.


New Member
Apr 7, 2006
Nolanistic said:
Sixth pillar of islam

"And mohammed said, caps lock is cruise control for jihad."
there are only five pillars in islam.

Michael Hart in "The 100, A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in the History," New York, 1978., p. 33 "My choice of Muhammad (pbuh) to lead the list of world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in the history who was supremely successful on both the secular and religious level. It is probable that the relative influence of Islam has been larger than the combined influence of Jesus Christ and St. Paul on Christianity. It is this unparalleled combination of the secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad (pbuh) to be considered to be the most influential single figure in human history."

M.K Gandhi, statement published in "Young India," 1924
I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind..........I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and his mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was no more for me to read of that great life."


New Member
Apr 7, 2006
Not-That-Bright said:
You cannot use the koran to prove the existance of god, by saying that it is written by god...
Quran: A Teacher to Modern Scientists

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Besides providing guidelines in personal, social, moral and spiritual spheres of humanity, the Quran touches upon diverse scientific topics like astronomy, geology, embryology, genetics, biology, archeology etc. Some of these are mentioned below to prove the Quran's Divine origin. [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]The Big Bang ! [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Currently, the Big Bang model of the origin of the universe is the cosmological paradigm most widely accepted by astronomers. It holds that about 15 billion years ago the universe began with the explosive expansion of a single, extremely dense matter, the primordial mass. Only after the development of radio telescopes in 1937 that, the necessary observational precision was achieved in order for astronomers to arrive at the above conclusion. What does the Quran say about our universe's origin? [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"Do not the unbelievers see that the Heavens and the earth were joined together, then We split them apart." (21:30) [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Expanding Universe [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]In 1925, Edwin Hubble (after whom the Hubble Space telescope is named) provided the observational evidence for the expansion of the universe. Stephen Hawking (author of 'A Brief History of Time') states: "The universe is not static, as had previously been thought, it is expanding". So what did God reveal in the Quran, 1400 years ago? [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"And the firmament, We constructed with power and skill and verily We are expanding it" (51:47) ("We" is the Arabic plural of respect, not the Christian plural of 'trinity") [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]The Existence of Sun's Orbit [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Ancient people use to believe that the Sun revolves around the earth. Later, Nicholas Copernicus in 1512, laid his Heliocentric Theory of Planetary motion, which placed the sun motionless in the center of the solar system with all the planets revolving around it. Modern science tells us now that the sun too is not still, but is in motion. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]The sun traveling at roughly 150 miles per second takes about 200 million years to complete one revolution around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy and 25 days to make one complete rotation around its own axis. See how beautifully and accurately God revealed this phenomenon in the Quran: [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its orbit with its own motion." (21:33) [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Conquest of Space by Human [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Human exploration and the conquest of space began with the launching of the Russian Satellite, Sputnik I on Oct. 4, 1957. Then followed the launching of humans into space, which eventually led to a manned space flight to the Moon on July 20th, 1967. Thus the dream of humanity since the dawn of civilization to go beyond the earth to the heavens was realized. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]The Quran, 1400 years ago, clearly predicted human's advancement and the possibility of space flight. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"O assembly of Jinns and humans, if you can penetrate the regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! You will not penetrate them save with a power (of God)." (55:33) [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]The Protective Atmosphere [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Earth is constantly bombarded by meteoroids that disintegrate upon the atmosphere and by lethal rays emitted by the sun. This UV radiation is absorbed by the Ozone layer forming the outer fringe of our atmosphere. Thus our atmosphere along with its Ozone layer is a protective covering for us. Life possibly could not have existed without it. How meticulously, does our Lord sustain and protect us against this atmospheric destruction. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"And We have made the atmosphere a protective roof, yet do they turn away from the Signs which these things point to." (21:32) [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Embryology [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]The Dutch naturalist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) produced lenses powerful enough to prove that many tiny creatures are not spontaneously generated but are produced from eggs. The science of Embryology as we know it today did not discover many of the detailed aspects of human embryonic development until the 1970s, using powerful microscopes, ultra sound and fiber optics technology. See how the Quran described the stages of embryonic development. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"God fashioned man from a small quantity (of sperm)" (16:4) Fertilization takes place with only one sperm among several tens of million produced by man. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"Then We placed him as a drop in a place of rest" (23:13) Implantation of the blastocyst in the uterus. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"Then We made the drop into a leech like structure..." (23:14) This resemblance of the human embryo to a leech is an appropriate description of the human embryo from days 7-24, when it clings to the endometrium of the uterus. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"And He (God) gave you hearing and sight and feeling and understanding." (32:9) The internal ears appear before the eyes, and the brain (the sight of understanding) differentiates last. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Dr. E. Marshall Johnson [2] Professor of Anatomy, concluded after studying verses from Quran: "The Quran describes not only the development of external form but emphasizes also the internal stages - the stages inside the embryo of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science... so I see nothing in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved..." [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Gender Determination [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]The concept of "Gender Determination" as being described by geneticists, is one of the outstanding informations revealed to us in the Quran. This information is now a known fact, that sperms are the deciding factors in determining the type of gender (male or female) in the new embryo. This determination through the male sperm is due to the fact that sperms have an X and Y chromosomes, while the female ovum has only X Chromosomes (X, X). Through the Quran, The Almighty informs us that it is the male sperms that determine the type of gender for the new offspring: [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"Does man think that he will be left uncontrolled (without purpose)? Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (in humble form)? Then did (God) make and fashion (him) in due proportion. And of him He made two sexes, male and female..." (75:36-40) [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Existence of Pairs in All Creation [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Before the dawn of the modern era, humans conceived that only animal life was divided into two genders, male and female. Then the discovery was made that this phenomenon was present in plants and vegetation too. We have found this reality existing in every creation, animate as well as inanimate, though in different forms. In electricity, these two genders can be classified as positive and negative. North and south pole describe it in magnetism, electron and proton in atoms, matter and antimatter etc. Even bacteria could be positive or negative, while the truth is, this creation is made of pairs. At the time the Holy Quran was being revealed in the 7th century C.E., we knew of pairing in animals and plants only, but the Quran describes the phenomenon in the most lucid manner: [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"Hallowed is He, Who created pairs in all things, those that grow from the earth and of themselves, and what they know not." (36:36) [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]The Quranic statement: [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"...And what they know not" is as true today, as it was when Holy Quran was revealed. Though we have discovered that every created thing exists in pair, we have yet to discover many things that exist. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]We have expounded scientific marvels from the Holy Quran to convince sincere seekers of truth that it is the infallible Word of God. No mortal being can ever speak with such authority, finality, knowledge, perfection, and precision coupled with exotic beauties of expression, as does God in the Quran. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]By realizing these Truths about the Quran and the religion of Islam revealed by our Creator and Sustainer, many modern scientists are turning towards it. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Dr. Keith Moore [3], Professor of Embryology, after analyzing the verses of the Quran for three years comments: "It has been a pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Quran about Human Development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God or Allah because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later" [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Dr. Maurice Bucaille [4], French Physician, after studying Quran and comparing it with modern science, addressed the French Academy of Medicine in 1976 proclaimed: "Our knowledge of these disciplines is such, that it is impossible to explain how a text produced at the time of the Quran could have contained ideas that have only been discovered in modern times". [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson [5], Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, proclaims: "...These Hadiths (sayings of Muhammad) could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific knowledge that was available at the time of the writer (7th century)...It follows that not only is there no conflict between genetics and religion (Islam) but in fact religion (Islam) may guide science by adding revelation to some of the traditional scientific approaches... There exist statements in the Quran shown centuries later to be valid which support knowledge in the Quran having been derived from God". [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Dr. Tejatet Tejasen [6], Professor of Anatomy, attending the Eighth Saudi Medical Conference, stood up and likewise announced: "From my studies and what I have learnt at this conference, I believe that everything that has been recorded in the Quran 1400 years ago must be true. That can be proved the scientific way". [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]These men of knowledge, in their unbiased studies of the Quran, all proclaimed its truthfulness as a Revelation of Almighty God. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]"Soon we will show them Our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth) and in their own soul, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth..." (41:53) [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Guidance to humanity proclaimed in the Quran is complete and applicable to all societies and all times. Whether we are living in the Stone Age or the Space Age, riding in horse pulled carriages or flying in Space Shuttles, we haven't changed a bit. We still possess physical and emotional desires, we live in societies, interact with one another, establish social, political and economic systems; thus the relevant need for guidance by our Creator in all these spheres of our life. Islam is the only religion which is totally compatible with scientific facts and provides complete, explicit and clear guidance in all spheres of life. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]The Quran was revealed in Arabic, but translation of its meaning are available in English and other languages for non-Arabs. Likewise Islam is not restricted to people of the east or Arabs, it is a universal religion revealed for all of mankind. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]We invite all sincere humans to study Islam with an open mind. Don't blindly follow the whims and paganistic influences of the environment around us. God bestowed upon us this superb mind to seek and live the truth; for we all will be accountable on the Day of Judgment for our beliefs and deeds. Don't delay your salvation. Welcome to Islam![/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]References: [/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]1) Dr. T.V.N. Persaud, Professor and Head of th[/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]e Department of Anatomy, University of Manitoba, Canada, received in 1991 the most distinguished award presented in the field of Anatomy in Canada, the J.C.B. Grand Award. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]2) Dr. E. Marshall Johnson, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, and the Director of the Daniel Baugh Institute, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]3) Dr. Keith Moore, Professor of Embryology, Department of Anatomy, Univ. of Toronto, Canada, recipient of numerous awards and honors, including in 1984, the J.C.B. Grand Award, which is the highest honor granted by the Canadian Association of Anatomists. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]4) Dr. Maurice Bucaille, French Physician, Author of 'The Bible, the Quran and Science, Seghers, Paris, 1987. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]5) Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, and the President of the American Fertility Society. [/FONT]
[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]6) Dr. Tejatet Tejasen, Professor and Head of Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chiang, Thailand[/FONT]


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
rehan said:
blah blah blah
me in the other thread where you posted that said:
Embryology in the form that appears in the koran was already known in greece by hippocrates, I believe.

The rest can be put down to 'um k'.

How's bout this:

You provide me an example of someone using the koran to come to a hypothesis about some aspect of the world, that then ends up being true through research. You see, 'predictions' that occur AFTER THE FACT (i.e. with the big bang one, muslims did not come up with the big bang hypothesis from the koran, what they did was after the hypothesis came into existance they matched it up with those verses) aren't all that convincing.

Also, 1,000,000 other holy books and 1,000,000 other predictive texts make the same sort of 'after the fact' predictions. Why believe yours other the others?

I mean seriously, do you actually read that nonsense you posted up?
Human exploration and the conquest of space began with the launching of the Russian Satellite, Sputnik I on Oct. 4, 1957. Then followed the launching of humans into space, which eventually led to a manned space flight to the Moon on July 20th, 1967. Thus the dream of humanity since the dawn of civilization to go beyond the earth to the heavens was realized.
The Quran, 1400 years ago, clearly predicted human's advancement and the possibility of space flight.
Oh ok, sounds interesting...

"O assembly of Jinns and humans, if you can penetrate the regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! You will not penetrate them save with a power (of God)."
wtf mate?

Before the dawn of the modern era, humans conceived that only animal life was divided into two genders, male and female. Then the discovery was made that this phenomenon was present in plants and vegetation too.
Er, alot of plants are hermaphrodites.
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