Muslims respond to the death of osama bin laden (1 Viewer)


Liberty Matrix
Jul 22, 2008

“How sound is the news of the martyrdom of Sheikh Osama bin Laden?”
“O Allah, make this news not true”
“Allah protect us in our loss”
“God willing, news is not true. Catastrophic if it is authentic.”
“O Lord for your kindness”
“May Allah increase you rank in Jannah o Sheikh Usamah!”
“Ameen AMEEN AMEEN! May Allah give you a place next to our beloved Prophet (saws), ameen ameen”
“Please everyone calm and pray”
“We ask God to be the news is not true Lord of the Worlds”
“God damn you, Obama”
“Shut up and delete this thread”
“I think the Americans are doing this to make a good excuse for leaving Afg this year.”
“I hope with tears in my eyes that it is false. But if it is the will of Allah(swt) then may Allah(swt) grant the Sheikh ul Mujahideen, the status of a Shaheed and a place in Jannat ul Firdaus..”
“Inna li Allahi wa inna ilaihi raaji’oon. May Allah forgive his sins and raise him to the ranks of greatest Shuhada in the modern history of Islam.Ameen”
“Jihad will not stop because of Sheikh’s death, it will continue until we gain victory.”
“Kullna osama bin laden kullna osama bin laden kullna osama bin laden”
“I’m with Osama either in winning a victory or earning status as a martyr”
“May Allah accept his martyrdom and enter him into al-Firdaws with the Ambiya, Shuhada and the Saliheen.This day is the greatest day of shame in the history of Pakistan and what dignity had been left in calling oneself a Pakistani has now gone. Wallahi if the people of Pakistan keep on tolerating the kufr and riddah of that filthy kafir Zardari after this day, then may Allah deal with them as He sees fit.However, not all is so bad. Events like this are sent by Allah to remove the munafiqeen from the ranks of the Muslims. In the aftermath of this, we’ll see many munafiqeen, including ‘scholars’, come out in happiness and support for the Americans.Good news for Osama inshallah and good results for this Ummah inshallah.”
“This has not been confirmed by the Mujahideen what ever the out come Usamah bin Laden is the most influencial man of our times and May Allah accept all his sacrifices ameen”
“If it is true then we must thank Allah that America was not able to capture him alive. Else they would be humiliating him like Saddam Hussain. At last he may have find his greatest desire of Shahada.”
“Think not of those killed in the way of Allah dead, but alive with the Lord. We consider him a martyr. O Allah, accept the martyrs. And join us by the Lord of the Worlds”
“Brothers and sisters the order to attack the shaykh didn’t come from Obama, it came from Allah SWT and we should be aware that Allah SWT has the power to obliterate the White House in no time. So have yaqeen in Allah SWT because today the kufaar celebrate but tomorrow the ash of their fitna will block out their joy.”
“It seems obama has secured his seat in the white for the next term. This week only, he proved the world he was born in america by releasing his birth certificate and now he killed america’s worst enemy.”
“The celebrations are amusing. Cheer all you want kuffar, you only have a limited amount of time in this dunya in which to do it. And then you will see the reality of this life.”
“I hope Allah sends them [an] earthquake that will choke them further”
“And if its true it would be the most shameful moment for the pakistani people who could not protect 1 muslim hero…its a black day and a day when we should keep our voices and gazes lowi personally feel the lowest i have ever felt, we couldnt protect our beloved Sheikh”
“Mashallah the whole nation is celebrating the death of one man. Shaykh osama was a true lion.”
“We renew our pledge of allegiance with the Covenant and the first with the Lord to continue our path until the end. We will continue .. We will continue .. We will continue ..”
“Coming Oh America; Coming Oh Jews, Coming Oh rejectionists (Shi’a); Coming Oh Kufar, secularists, and apostates. Arrivals are coming and they are bringing the coffins with merciless devices”
“May Allah bring thousands osama to give nusra to his deen”
“Ya ikhwati wa akhawati, hold your horses. No conclusion should be derived until we get word from Muslims who are affiliated with him and who can confirm so. No words should be taken from the enemies of Islam and Muslims. They faked so many videos in the past of him, so why can this not be one of them? Just look at those beer-drinking, hog-eating, incestuous, red-necks, uncle sams, house negros, vatos locos, all celebrating outside the White House. It’s like a holiday for them. Really a sad bunch of people. I’m just waiting for the Chocolaty Muslims, Talafies, and those borderline murtad/moderates to join the ugly bandwagon of cheering this so-called victory.”
“I dont get it. How come Shaykh was living next to militray area and he was not seen before. Seems like a plot of america to wage war on pk. Anyways, it will be good to see pk fighting america ….actually Excellent!”
“please let them celebrate, they are celebrating their own end.
osama is in the heart of every muslim, even those who dont admit publicly.
in sha Allah its the start of something. this is the day muslims will remember Allah alot and seek the destruction of this pharoanic nation of our time.
oh Allah destroy this nation for their hatred and enmity toward your deen
oh Allah seal their hearts with disbelief they shall never taste faith untill they taste your severe punishment.
oh Allah send them endless tornados to destroy their homes and earthquakes to crash them.”
“Why can’t people admit he was killed? he is a human being, not a prophet. another man will replace his shoes, its easy.”

Religion of peace, right?


Sep 18, 2009
m8 a shitload of muslims were killed by this fucker too.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Uni Grad
in all honesty, i lold at the comment after “God damn you, Obama”


May 16, 2009
Its amusing to see the media screw up Osama with Obama! Not only Fox, but CNN! :\



May 3, 2011
Fuck you. All my old accounts are banned fool. Arn't you civil engo working in council. Can't remember your name.


BORIS? Fuck havn't been on here in agessssss.

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