tell him you'll lose weight if he gets penis extension surgery.
*seriously though, you should tell him that if he cant appreciate you for who you are then why should you take his advice? tell him that you arent going to be treated like that. if you let him boss you around about this then what will be next? when you can get married? whether you can or cant have kids? when you are allowed to visit your own family? i know this sounds extreme, but i know a really great woman who has let guys push her around all her life. she's over 40, and only now has she got enough confidence to tell people to bugger off when they try to push her around. do you want to end up like that? stand up for yourself now or you might never have the guts to again.
*seriously though, you should tell him that if he cant appreciate you for who you are then why should you take his advice? tell him that you arent going to be treated like that. if you let him boss you around about this then what will be next? when you can get married? whether you can or cant have kids? when you are allowed to visit your own family? i know this sounds extreme, but i know a really great woman who has let guys push her around all her life. she's over 40, and only now has she got enough confidence to tell people to bugger off when they try to push her around. do you want to end up like that? stand up for yourself now or you might never have the guts to again.