Comrade nathan
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Aryanbeauty why can't you use multiple quotes? There is a quote option once you open a new reply.
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Amazing how you retract your stance once confronted with evidence, first you said China only provide material support during Korean war, I provided evidence that China was the main fighting force for North Korea during the Korean was and suffered the biggest Casualty.marwanjamiel said:How many veto weilding nations in the Security Council are currently against applying sanctions on NK? One, China. Thats all I'm going to say regarding NKs foreign relations.
I do not live in Sydney, I live in Canberra, get your facts straight first.
There are not "millions of refugees" from North Korea, hardly any can leave the country. I believe that you are also deviating from the point of my arguement. I never stated that the DPRK government is good, I was simply saying it is demonised in the press, and it does not live up to its bad image, created so that public opinion will sway against its development of nuclear weapons. The source I used to back my claim that the famine was exaggerated was the life expectancy of DPRK citizens according to CIA world factbooks. This also shows that they do live a "long life".
I simply do not care what you believe in.
Iraq did not "expel" the Jews, they left. There are more than 100 living there, because my family knew more than 100 Jews who were happily residing in Iraq. Israel has 1.3 million Arabs because those Arabs WERE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. It was European settlers coming in the masses to fulfil their Zionist dream, without asking the people LIVING on the land, that turned the demographic tide.
So the consequences of declaring war on Israel is getting nuked?
Here is the sentence that shows Israels ethnocentrism. Why is it only the Arabs, but not the Jews that live in the West Bank, that are under the authority of the Palestinian Authority? Settlers are legitamite targets of attacks, as Israel is using civlians in order to "invade" the West Bank. This is outlined by Ehud Olmerts realignment plan, where he plans to annex the areas of the larger settlements.
They are happier to live in Israel because that is where their family has lived for hundreds of years. Not all Palestinians lived in the West Bank and Gaza, many more lived in Israel proper, but were chased out. Ever heard of a small Palestinian village called Tel Abeb?
Critisism of Muhammed will only get you the death penalty in nations like Saudi Arabia. I would like to point out that Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Morrocco, all have secular governments. In fact 5% of Iraqis, and 5% of Arabs in general, are Christians, who are free to practice their religion.
Yes, if NSW police had to shutdown Sydney airport for security reasons, they can. But if Lebanons police wanted to shutdown Sydney airport, working because there are a large number of Lebanese in Sydney, well then there is a major difference.
This is a very black and white issue that has been greyed out by Israel, in order to confuse the world allowing it to continue its occupation. Is the West Bank and Gaza under the jurisdiction of Israel, or the PA? If you say both, then it just shows how Israel has figured out a way to control it, without being responsible for it or the people inside. Kind of reminds me of apartheid...
That is working under the assumption that all Palestinians are terrorists, yes?
Your demonisation of Arabs, and in particular Palestinians, is shocking.
Why don't you go to NK then? I assume you're old enough.Aznpsycho said:When the glorious revolution comes, I'll be laughing at you fools while you toil within the re-education camps.
No, I did not retract my stance. I was arguing against your point that the reason the US could not wipe out NK is because of Chinas support, while at the time China had just left civil war.Aryanbeauty said:Amazing how you retract your stance once confronted with evidence, first you said China only provide material support during Korean war, I provided evidence that China was the main fighting force for North Korea during the Korean was and suffered the biggest Casualty.
Secondly, you said North Korea and Russia were not in good relations. I provided the facts from Wikipedia that Russia and its predecessor USSR was the biggest aid provider to North Korea until USSR collapse, even after that Russia never had any conflict with North Korea, in fact it was one of the only two countries, trusted and visited by Kim Jong Il.
Thirdly, you said there are no evidence of famine in North Korea, despite the fact that many Aid workers from the west who are inside North Korea appealing for more food aid as a result of severe food shortages.
Fourthly, Now you are merely basing China is the only country that oppose sanction, the only reason Russia did not oppose is because China is going to veto a sanction it does not agree and there is no need for Russia to oppose it and ruin its relations with USA which it depend on.
Fifth, You claimed palestinian died of starvation yet you cannot provide any evidence or link or proof whatsoever! Should I call you a liar? OR give us PROOF.
The fact that you live in Canberra does not makes you more credible regarding the famine situation in North Korea, only if you visit North Korea and witness on the ground like those Journalist and Aid worker, then that will make you more credible unless otherwise give us a PROOF or SOURCE where you based your claim. Simple as that.
Currently it is estimated that up to 300,000 North Koreans are hiding inside China,LINk here millions will be an exaggeration but clearly North Korean risked their life fleeing their country even if they face death sentenceif caught by China and returned to their Country. That is how desperate the North Korean people are. The North Korean propaganda is not even convincing many of its own people and it is funny that they actually convince you that there's no famine in North Korea! Have you seen the North Korean refugee programe broadcasted by SBS a few months ago? If not you can see some of it here those videos are taken by North Koreans inside north Korea and those image don't lie.
Regarding Jews in Iraq
"Iraqi Jewish community, numbered at around 150,000 in 1948, was almost entirely driven out of the country by increasing persecution from the 1940s onwards. Today, fewer than 100 Jews remain."
Jews lived in Iraq before there were arabs in the area; for over 3000 years, they lived under babylonian rule, Assyrian rule, Parthian rule, Media and Persian Rule, Sassanid rule, Arab rule, Mongols and Turkish rule and even under Saddam Hussain. Clearly Jews can claim ownership of Iraq if Arabs living in Palestine can claim owenership of the land.
Now its your turn yo show me your source that they are not persecuted, they are not expelled, they are not forced to leave or is it based on what your mama says?
Here is the sentence that shows Israels ethnocentrism. Why is it only the Arabs, but not the Jews that live in the West Bank, that are under the authority of the Palestinian Authority? Settlers are legitamite targets of attacks, as Israel is using civlians in order to "invade" the West Bank. This is outlined by Ehud Olmerts realignment plan, where he plans to annex the areas of the larger settlements
Arabs living in West Bank and Gaza are not Israeli, they are Palestinian. They want to be Palestinian not Israeli and they have been fighting for that more than 50 years don't they? Now, are you trying to tell me that those palestinian arabs in westbank and Gaza want to be Israeli? They are under Palestinian Authority because West Bank and Gaza are ruled by PLA not Israel. If Israel is ethno-centric like arabs there will not be an arab left in Israel today. The fact is 1.3 million arabs inside Israel are safe , happier and enjoy higher living standards and freedom under any other arabs in other arab countries.
Pakistan has the harshest anti-blasphemy law. In 1982, President Zia ul-Haq introduced Section 295B to the Pakistan Penal Code punishing "defiling the Holy Qur'an" with life imprisonment. In 1986, Section 295C was introduced, mandating the death penalty for "use of derogatory remarks in respect of the Holy Prophet".
Is that only Saudi Arabia, more examples are Iran (regarding Salman Rushdie), bangladesh ( regarding Taslima Nasreen) etc.
This is a very black and white issue that has been greyed out by Israel, in order to confuse the world allowing it to continue its occupation. Is the West Bank and Gaza under the jurisdiction of Israel, or the PA? If you say both, then it just shows how Israel has figured out a way to control it, without being responsible for it or the people inside. Kind of reminds me of apartheid...
See how you contradict yourself by complaining Arabs in West bank and gaza having licence registration from PLA not from Israel ( apprently wanting israel to issue license plate for arabs?). What is the point of complaining if you want Palestinian arabs to rule themselves which Israel happily granted them. Gaza and Westbank are under the jurisdiction of PLA hence the people living inside are under palestinian law except Israelis who are not palestinians. Since, Palestine has not gained independence officially Israeli laws supercede Palestinian Law, as you can see that some parts are still under occupation. Israel only interfere inside Palestine on security matters which is every responsible govt should do. Personally I hope Israel do not leave occupied territories, as there is no point is trying to appease terrorists. IF settlers are legitimate target so are Palestinian gunmen.![]()
One settler one bullet.IF settlers are legitimate target so are Palestinian gunmen.
Thu Oct 12, 6:42 PM ETComrade nathan said:One settler one bullet.
US just fought 2nd world war as well, I have historical evidence that North Korea was already pushed back to chinese border, only after china sent millions of fighters with more than half a million chinese troops killed, they were able to push US troops back. And where is is your evidence that China did not fought but only provide material?marwanjamiel said:No, I did not retract my stance. I was arguing against your point that the reason the US could not wipe out NK is because of Chinas support, while at the time China had just left civil war.
They are in good relations, they never had any conflict, North Korea got less aid under Russia than USSR. And where is your proof that they are not in good relations or ever had conflict or bad relations?NK and Russia ARE not in good relations, obviously they had excellent relations during the Cold war, but you do know that has ended right?
The 2 million dead could be the old and the weak over 70 in stupid calculations like yours. Its like saying I do not believe any iraqis are killed under Saddam Hussein! lolIf there is a famine where 2 million people died (as stated by the West) then they should have a life expectancy much lower than 71, it should in fact be in the 50s, 2 million is almost 10% of NKs population!
A veto is a veto, it does not matter whether 4 other members support it nor not. A single veto is enough to stop all UN security Council resolutions. Yes it is ideal where all big five can agree on, that is why US is revising its draft to allow concessions for Russian and Chinese concerns so that China will not veto the resolution.Russia and France both tried to veto a resolution permitting war in Iraq. In world politics, you should not go alone. A veto would have a much stronger standing in the world community if you were supported by other countries in the Security Council.
They had PLENTY of work in Israel until they started blowing up buses and cafes, now Israel don't trust them and hired bulgarian, hungarian and thai guest workers instead of terrorist infested palestinians. They are paying the price for their cruelty. They are not in danger of starving to death, they have plenty of money funneled from islamic world to buy weapons, if weapons is more important than food then let them starve, thats their choice.Read what I said again, I never stated that Palestinians starved to death, I stated that is the only source of income that KEEPS them from starving to death. What I was stating was that they could not simply do something else to earn income, so they have to rely on the mercy of the IDF to allow them to trade for the day.
The official news agency announced in November 2005 that the US network CNN had “dug its own grave” after broadcasting a report on human rights in North Korea, which showed a public execution. The authorities in Pyongyang threatened to ban the Atlanta-based network access to the country. On the other hand, in May a team from the American network ABC was given permission to film a report on economic reform. Just to let you know that CNN had access to North Korea. Most major news network have access to North Korea although their movements are restricted. There are many North Korean dissidents inside north korea taking video footage of what is it like inside North Korea. I already provided the link earlier with See the video by yourself if you want to know the truth.How many journalists have visited NK? Just yesterday, CNN was showing footage of NK, but from a Chinese City on the Yalu river. So which aid workers were able to gain enough information about 2 MILLION people starving to death in NK?
We are talking about North Korea remember the title of this threat, there is a point in talking about refugees of North Korea in the context of North Korea. yes there are many countries who have famine especially in africa such as Darfur in Sudan where blacks are killed in thousands by Arabs militia. UN aid agencies do not act on behalf of western propaganda, they act when aid is needed. Amnesty International is not western propaganda, in fact they are considered anti american by some people. Medicines sans frontiers is not a propaganda organisation, all of them are respected humanitarian organisation who critisize any country, any govt any nation including the United States or China. If they are western propaganda they will not constantly cirticize America.People risk their lives to leave any underdeveloped country, why is it you single out NK? Also, who said that the famine in NK is not Western propaganda?
When you make claims at least give us your source otherwise it will be taken as you pull it out of your arse. I am yet to find your SOURCE in all of your post. If you want to be credible then give us your SOURCE. What your mother says is not a fact, unless its about your family matters.My mama?
You said arabs have legitimacy because they lived in palestine for hundreds of years before european jews returned, if how long they lived in legitimacy for ownership jews who lived in Iraq for 3000 continous years have every legitimacy to own a land and property in Iraq. Israel said many palestinian choose to leave, some of them are driven out by Israeli soldiers just like many jewish residents are driven out by palestinian from their controlled areas in west bank . In most cases Palestinian choose to leave on their own account read this. Do not excuse yourself by saying Wikipedia is Pro-Israel and Anti-Palestinian pro western blah blah blah. I only wish you read more about it before making baseless claims. Wikipedia and Britannica are very good source and they are not biased. If it seems to be biased it will tagged with neutrality disputed.The same is said about the circumstances of the Palestinian refugees, with Israelis saying that they chose to leave, while Palestinians saying they were driven out. Also, how do Jews claim ownership of Iraq being only 1% of the population? The Palestinians have a majority in the land of Palestine, so obviously they claim ownership to that land. It is not like Asians in Australia (who are also about 1% of the population) claim ownership of Australia.
Okay, so the West Bank and Gaza is under the Palestinian authority. Then how is it that Israeli settlements continue to be developed, the IDF makes the laws of the land, and there are still settler only roads connecting the settlements? (I will not deny it, the cars on those roads do get attacked). Why is it that the JEWS who live in the West Bank and Gaza are not under the jurisdiction of the PA, while the Arabs are.
I am merely saying arabs either muslims or christians have more rights and liberties under Israel than in muslim countries. No one in Israel is beheaded over gay sex or stoned to death and no one is jailed for critisizing islam or its prophet.Yes, like Palestinians are going to seek refuge in Pakistan. Did you see the list I gave you? I believe a Palestinian would be more likely to move to Jordan, Syria, Egypt, or Lebanon, nations bordering Israel, than nations that are not even Arabic such as Iran, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
Don't be so bitter about this, I am merely stating my personal opinion regarding West bank, It may or may not be the official policy of Israel. As Gaza withdrawal did not stop any attacks on Israel from Gaza, I said there is no reason for Israel to withdraw from West Bank settlement, as I believe it will not stop Palestinian attacks on Israel. So there is no peace even if israel withdrew altogether from Gaza and West Bank, they will only demand more and more. So let them fight as long as they want, israel will pay the price as well and see who last longer! But thats me.Yes of course, all Palestinians are terrorists. That is why they should not give back the occupied territories, because they are giving the land to the Palestinians, who I have just proven are terrorists, because the world said so. When I say the world, I'm talking the Americas, Europe, and Israel. The other nations don't count because they are backwards and are themselves terrorists, and so they do not belong to the world.
That's what SK's trying to do, by investing in Kyesong and Sinuiju. Unfortunately, in my opinion, these investments by Hyundai Asan are going to waste.Evergreen said:No-one will EVER dare attack NK, and if they did, NK will ensure that theyre long range missles will kill millions of the opposing country's lives. I think the most appropriate and logical step for NK is to re-unite in small increments with SK (since a sudden whole reunification would be too economically demanding). If anyone interferes with the re-unification, NK can use its nuclear missles as defence..sounds a likely future to me..
Also, there is no reason Australia would go nuclear, and it would be afucking retarded decision if they do so, we need to buy the technology and spend more and more on our defence, where now we still make a fortune by exporting uranium, so its very illogical to me. And its not like NK is gonna nuke a low pop country like Australia, that would be a waste for them, they would rather target China, Japan, USA.
Ye old st nick, you are retarded, get the fuck out of this thread, you moron.
Evergreen said:No-one will EVER dare attack NK, and if they did, NK will ensure that theyre long range missles will kill millions of the opposing country's lives. I think the most appropriate and logical step for NK is to re-unite in small increments with SK (since a sudden whole reunification would be too economically demanding). If anyone interferes with the re-unification, NK can use its nuclear missles as defence..sounds a likely future to me..
Also, there is no reason Australia would go nuclear, and it would be afucking retarded decision if they do so, we need to buy the technology and spend more and more on our defence, where now we still make a fortune by exporting uranium, so its very illogical to me. And its not like NK is gonna nuke a low pop country like Australia, that would be a waste for them, they would rather target China, Japan, USA.
Ye old st nick, you are retarded, get the fuck out of this thread, you moron.
Sure is. Unlike HotPot.Bendent said:kimchi is yummy.![]()
It made me laughRaginsheep said:Your an idiot.
That is all
and youre just as retarded for making an irrational comment rather than discussing it ggRaginsheep said:Your an idiot.
That is all