New Dragons and Eels chant! (4 Viewers)

Mr Muscles

Sep 26, 2005
All around the world
kimi said:
Fucking hilarious.
that is exactly what i thought about the website. props to whoever spent the time to go out of their way to humiliate that team from the eastern suburbs... you know the homosexual latte sipping sunsilk poofs....also known as the rorters!
theyre scum bandwagon 'supporters' deserve to be humiliated just as much, but i spose following such a shit team is enough...aye pumpkins


BOSer #13412
Mar 6, 2005
<enter funny remark here>
Mr Muscles said:
that is exactly what i thought about the website. props to whoever spent the time to go out of their way to humiliate that team from the eastern suburbs... you know the homosexual latte sipping sunsilk poofs....also known as the rorters!
theyre scum bandwagon 'supporters' deserve to be humiliated just as much, but i spose following such a shit team is enough...aye pumpkins
you are a dead set idiot arent you?

she wasnt talking about you friggen post

so you must be a scum bandwagon supporter too!

Mr Muscles

Sep 26, 2005
All around the world
shortygb said:
you are a dead set idiot arent you?

she wasnt talking about you friggen post

so you must be a scum bandwagon supporter too!
lolol.....the parrascum 'supporter'...always has to put his worthless 2 cents in...
no shit she wasnt talking about my post but i chose to put what she said out of context and make it apply to my post u stupid kid. now hows about you crawl back under ur rock, and continue choking just as ur scum of a team continue to do year in year out...
hope u enjoyed my parramattatitude sunshine:)


C U Next Tuesday.
Feb 7, 2004
Bleeding Red, White and Blue.
mr_muscles said:
that is exactly what i thought about the website. props to whoever spent the time to go out of their way to humiliate that team from the eastern suburbs... you know the homosexual latte sipping sunsilk poofs....also known as the rorters!
theyre scum bandwagon 'supporters' deserve to be humiliated just as much, but i spose following such a shit team is enough...aye pumpkins
You continue to amuse me with your idiocy and clear lack of logic.

mr_muscles said:
lolol.....the parrascum 'supporter'...always has to put his worthless 2 cents in...
no shit she wasnt talking about my post but i chose to put what she said out of context and make it apply to my post u stupid kid. now hows about you crawl back under ur rock, and continue choking just as ur scum of a team continue to do year in year out...
hope u enjoyed my parramattatitude sunshine
At least he knew that he couldnt think of a better comeback then making sure he had to twist my words and pull them out of context. So you admit you're lame, ey steriods boy?


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
brogan77 said:
Atanasoff Berry Computer
History of the first computer invented. The first computer ever made was Atanasoff Berry Computer (ABC). The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was the world's first electronic digital computer, according to a 1973 court ruling by US Federal Judge Earl R. Larson. It was built by John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry at Iowa State University during the period of 1937 to 1942. The new device incorporated several major innovations in computing, including the use of binary arithmetic, regenerative memory, parallel processing, and separation of memory and computing functions. The Atanasoff-Berry ruling ultimately superceded and invalidated the ENIAC patent of Mauchly and Eckert and named John Vincent Atanasoff the inventor of the electronic digital computer. The links included herein relate to the Atanasoff-Berry Computer.
So Muscles got hold of this Anastloff Berry computer eh?


BOSer #13412
Mar 6, 2005
<enter funny remark here>
50 year old paedophile steroid taking bandwagon loser said:
lolol.....the parrascum 'supporter'...always has to put his worthless 2 cents in...
no shit she wasnt talking about my post but i chose to put what she said out of context and make it apply to my post u stupid kid. now hows about you crawl back under ur rock, and continue choking just as ur scum of a team continue to do year in year out...
hope u enjoyed my parramattatitude sunshine:)
ahhh i get it now so your a 50 year old paedophile steroid taking bandwagon all makes sense why your so stupid....some advice, get a root (if anyone would come near you), lay off the drugs and get a life...

and btw you cant laugh out loud out loud...idiot...
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BOSer #13412
Mar 6, 2005
<enter funny remark here>
Bookie said:
But maybe the Anastaloff Berry was a one off. Maybe computers disappeard off this Earth until 1972. Just maybe. And 1972 is only 33 years ago.
does it matter, muscles is still a 50 year old paedophile steroid taking bandwagon loser no matter what...
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BOSer #13412
Mar 6, 2005
<enter funny remark here>

i know too bookie, because i found out...i did some snooping around and found out who muscles really is, and who he goes for...

Muscles, Muscles, Muscles. I understand now why you are addicted to steroids. If i was a Bulldogs supporter like yourself, and having guys like Willie Mason to look up to- then i would probably be a drugo too. Your illiterate way of speech and your obvious lack of knowledge in structuring a sentence is now understandable. The fact you cannot tell apart "one" or "won" is evidenced by the fact, you are surrounded by some pretty comprehensible circumstances. Though, we ARE grateful for fans like you. You keep the police force employed and active.

You truly do amuse us. Now, we do understand why you steal comebacks and jokes. It’s in your nature obviously.

Seeing as you love us so much to share your pathetic and stolen jokes, here’s one specially done for you:

Steve Folks hears of new young recruit who lives in Bosnia. Folks catches a plane to war torn Bosnia and tracks the young boy down. He risks life and limb dodging bombs, bullets and grenades but finally find him and convince him to come to Australia.

The boy does a full pre-season, plays all the practice matches and gets picked on the bench in the seniors for the first game of the year. Ten minutes into the first quarter, Big Willie down with a severe knee injury. Folk turns to the boy and says "This is it son, go to prop and show us what you can do."

The boy proceeds to play the greatest debut game in NRL history. He scores three tries, makes five try saving tackles, and makes 40 hit ups.

Folks tells the team what the boy from Bosnia has been through and that he is a model lesson for all. Folks then pulls the boy aside and says "Go into my office son, ring your Mother and tell her what you did today". He proceeds to do so.

"Mum", he says down the phone, "Guess what I did today? "I don't care what you did today his Mother replies. "I tell you what happened here today", she goes on. "Your Dad was murdered, our house torched, our car blown up, your sister raped and your brother abducted." "Gee," says the boy. "I feel a bit responsible for what happened". The Mother replies "So you should be. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have shifted to Canterbury."

Stop harassing and picking out flaws in other people’s teams, we don’t care that you are observant. Go observe how shit your own team is at the moment. It truly is lame and pathetic. Just because you won the premiership last year- doesn’t mean you have the superior right to bag out other teams who played shit this year. You’re fucken 12th for god’s sake. And don’t blame injuries, blame your own players who can’t deal with pressure and who are not up to scratch and yes, choking. THAT’S RIGHT, DOGS CHOKING.. And perhaps blame your own club for signing some guy for 400k and being ripped off because he’s injured for ½ his contracted years. Damn stupidity. It’s also funny, because you managed to tease all the teams that were way ahead of you in the ladder. Why, didn’t you observe that aspect pumpkin?

Look at the clubs you have teased and how they have beaten your team:
Sharks: Round 4- 26-12
Roosters: Round 6- 29-16, Round 26- 32-12
Eels: Round 23- 56-4
Dragons: Round 1- 46-28 (yes, you won. Wow, Look where they are on the ladder and look where YOU are.)

Your own records over the years have been shit. Don’t comment on other people’s teams and what they have achieved over the years. In 2002, you were last. And why?, bcos u rorted the salary cap. So don’t dare comment or call the Roosters the stupid name Rorters because then, you’ll just being a hypocrite. As the joke goes:

Q: Why do Bulldog's administrators never drink out of the bottle?
A: Because they can never manage to get the cap back on.

Your own players are also bloody pathetic. Either they can’t keep their legs closed or their mouths closed. Drunken Rampages, Rape Allegations, Abusive Personas- go criticize how shit your own players are before you start commenting on other teams and voicing the stupid opinions you have. Idiots who bloody mess up their own office is rather stupid. Actually, total stupidity.

Don’t even get us started on your fans. Whilst it is true, we cant generalize- it does make us wonder when guys like you decide to give your own fans a bad name by being a bitch to other teams and then not having the balls to tell us who you support. And clearly not having much support for your own team when you start fighting in the stands than participate in watching your team lose. Anyways, the point is- we found out who you support for AND we just wanted to say, that you must have great support for a team who you obviously don’t have the balls to tell us bcos you cant defend them. However, we do understand- it is difficult to defend a team of rapedogs.

And how do we know- well Shifty, we know a lot.

-Shortygb (figuring out who you really are) and Kimi (the essay, of course).

and i suppose you would remember this:

theres my "worthless 2 cents" muscles...enjoy my parramattitude!
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Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
Well, I had a good read, and although you have conclusively bagged out the Bulldogs - how do you prove that Shifty is Muscles? I think this is an invalid and unreliable theory and would have to give it a C-. You have not discussed WHY you think Shifty is Muscles. Looking through the evidence I could not pick why. I may have laughed. But then I found it was written by Kim. Sorry. It was lame.

Mr Muscles

Sep 26, 2005
All around the world
shortygb said:

i know too bookie, because i found out...i did some snooping around and found out who muscles really is, and who he goes for...

Muscles, Muscles, Muscles. I understand now why you are addicted to steroids. If i was a Bulldogs supporter like yourself, and having guys like Willie Mason to look up to- then i would probably be a drugo too. Your illiterate way of speech and your obvious lack of knowledge in structuring a sentence is now understandable. The fact you cannot tell apart "one" or "won" is evidenced by the fact, you are surrounded by some pretty comprehensible circumstances. Though, we ARE grateful for fans like you. You keep the police force employed and active.

You truly do amuse us. Now, we do understand why you steal comebacks and jokes. It’s in your nature obviously.

Seeing as you love us so much to share your pathetic and stolen jokes, here’s one specially done for you:

Steve Folks hears of new young recruit who lives in Bosnia. Folks catches a plane to war torn Bosnia and tracks the young boy down. He risks life and limb dodging bombs, bullets and grenades but finally find him and convince him to come to Australia.

The boy does a full pre-season, plays all the practice matches and gets picked on the bench in the seniors for the first game of the year. Ten minutes into the first quarter, Big Willie down with a severe knee injury. Folk turns to the boy and says "This is it son, go to prop and show us what you can do."

The boy proceeds to play the greatest debut game in NRL history. He scores three tries, makes five try saving tackles, and makes 40 hit ups.

Folks tells the team what the boy from Bosnia has been through and that he is a model lesson for all. Folks then pulls the boy aside and says "Go into my office son, ring your Mother and tell her what you did today". He proceeds to do so.

"Mum", he says down the phone, "Guess what I did today? "I don't care what you did today his Mother replies. "I tell you what happened here today", she goes on. "Your Dad was murdered, our house torched, our car blown up, your sister raped and your brother abducted." "Gee," says the boy. "I feel a bit responsible for what happened". The Mother replies "So you should be. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have shifted to Canterbury."

Stop harassing and picking out flaws in other people’s teams, we don’t care that you are observant. Go observe how shit your own team is at the moment. It truly is lame and pathetic. Just because you won the premiership last year- doesn’t mean you have the superior right to bag out other teams who played shit this year. You’re fucken 12th for god’s sake. And don’t blame injuries, blame your own players who can’t deal with pressure and who are not up to scratch and yes, choking. THAT’S RIGHT, DOGS CHOKING.. And perhaps blame your own club for signing some guy for 400k and being ripped off because he’s injured for ½ his contracted years. Damn stupidity. It’s also funny, because you managed to tease all the teams that were way ahead of you in the ladder. Why, didn’t you observe that aspect pumpkin?

Look at the clubs you have teased and how they have beaten your team:
Sharks: Round 4- 26-12
Roosters: Round 6- 29-16, Round 26- 32-12
Eels: Round 23- 56-4
Dragons: Round 1- 46-28 (yes, you won. Wow, Look where they are on the ladder and look where YOU are.)

Your own records over the years have been shit. Don’t comment on other people’s teams and what they have achieved over the years. In 2002, you were last. And why?, bcos u rorted the salary cap. So don’t dare comment or call the Roosters the stupid name Rorters because then, you’ll just being a hypocrite. As the joke goes:

Q: Why do Bulldog's administrators never drink out of the bottle?
A: Because they can never manage to get the cap back on.

Your own players are also bloody pathetic. Either they can’t keep their legs closed or their mouths closed. Drunken Rampages, Rape Allegations, Abusive Personas- go criticize how shit your own players are before you start commenting on other teams and voicing the stupid opinions you have. Idiots who bloody mess up their own office is rather stupid. Actually, total stupidity.

Don’t even get us started on your fans. Whilst it is true, we cant generalize- it does make us wonder when guys like you decide to give your own fans a bad name by being a bitch to other teams and then not having the balls to tell us who you support. And clearly not having much support for your own team when you start fighting in the stands than participate in watching your team lose. Anyways, the point is- we found out who you support for AND we just wanted to say, that you must have great support for a team who you obviously don’t have the balls to tell us bcos you cant defend them. However, we do understand- it is difficult to defend a team of rapedogs.

And how do we know- well Shifty, we know a lot.

-Shortygb (figuring out who you really are) and Kimi (the essay, of course).

and i suppose you would remember this:

theres my "worthless 2 cents" muscles...enjoy my parramattitude!
lol...well if it isnt mr. shercock homes himself...its great that you think you have 'revealed' me by saying that i am some other member, but what if i was to turn around and say that the 'shifty' member u accused me of being (with evidence that doesnt even come close to sufficing beyond reasonable doubt) has infact no personal relationship with myself and hence gives me the right to dismiss your entire post...lolol, ill hafta admit it did bring some laughs and made me wonder just how deep into ur bandwagon skin ive cut with my A-class remarks aye parrascumattitude...
And to my many adoring fans out there... please excuse the delay, however, NRL Trivia is currently undergoing technical difficulties and will be continued in the not to distant future....enjoy


BOSer #13412
Mar 6, 2005
<enter funny remark here>
i ll tell ya how i found out...

i looked through muscles past posts until i found this one

and if you look further on i found this

so i looked up shifty on the members list and found

and if you look at Muscles join date and first post, it is right after his last activity.
Shifty Last Activity: Last Activity: 26th September 2005 04:22 PM
Muscles First Post: 26th September 2005, 04:39 PM

And it makes sense that he never teased the bulldogs, and why he would mention anything, because there is so much on the bulldogs...

Mr Muscles

Sep 26, 2005
All around the world
shortygb said:
i ll tell ya how i found out...

i looked through muscles past posts until i found this one

and if you look further on i found this

so i looked up shifty on the members list and found

and if you look at Muscles join date and first post, it is right after his last activity.
Shifty Last Activity: Last Activity: 26th September 2005 04:22 PM
Muscles First Post: 26th September 2005, 04:39 PM

And it makes sense that he never teased the bulldogs, and why he would mention anything, because there is so much on the bulldogs...'re a funny guy...not only do u support the parrascum fleas, you're also a bit of a conspiracy theorist. So because of a slight coincidence between me and this 'shifty' character you are definite we are the same person. Your extremely poor evidence is still failing to suffice the beyond a reasonable doubt notion needed to prove your 'theory' munchkin...
Really the only way to prove (beyond reasonable doubt) i am the same person as 'shifty' would be if you physically saw 'shifty' typing on these forums and you had seen me physically typing on the forums, and myself and 'shifty' had a strong resemblance...and since there is no way you could have done that you will once again leave me no option but to dismiss ur poorly presented post...


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
shortygb said:
Steve Folks hears of new young recruit who lives in Bosnia. Folks catches a plane to war torn Bosnia and tracks the young boy down. He risks life and limb dodging bombs, bullets and grenades but finally find him and convince him to come to Australia.

The boy does a full pre-season, plays all the practice matches and gets picked on the bench in the seniors for the first game of the year. Ten minutes into the first quarter, Big Willie down with a severe knee injury. Folk turns to the boy and says "This is it son, go to prop and show us what you can do."

The boy proceeds to play the greatest debut game in NRL history. He scores three tries, makes five try saving tackles, and makes 40 hit ups.

Folks tells the team what the boy from Bosnia has been through and that he is a model lesson for all. Folks then pulls the boy aside and says "Go into my office son, ring your Mother and tell her what you did today". He proceeds to do so.

"Mum", he says down the phone, "Guess what I did today? "I don't care what you did today his Mother replies. "I tell you what happened here today", she goes on. "Your Dad was murdered, our house torched, our car blown up, your sister raped and your brother abducted." "Gee," says the boy. "I feel a bit responsible for what happened". The Mother replies "So you should be. If it wasn't for you we wouldn't have shifted to Canterbury."
Greg, or Kim, or the writer of this unoriginal joke - You have labelled Steve Folkes as an item [a folk]. You then pluralised this and he became "Folks". This shos a lack of respect. Now having a first name that is impossible to spell, I can only see the agony that Steve "Folk" would go through should he read this. Make a joke about him, but please, get the name right.


BOSer #13412
Mar 6, 2005
<enter funny remark here>
Bookie said:
Dude. Greg spent his whole day doing this. He's not wrong. Shifty, you have been busted.
not all day, i got bored only took me half an hour

Bookie said:
Greg, or Kim, or the writer of this unoriginal joke - You have labelled Steve Folkes as an item [a folk]. You then pluralised this and he became "Folks". This shos a lack of respect. Now having a first name that is impossible to spell, I can only see the agony that Steve "Folk" would go through should he read this. Make a joke about him, but please, get the name right.
Kim did the whole essay, i think she got it off a website, not sure what one.

Muscles aka Shifty said:'re a funny guy...not only do u support the parrascum fleas, you're also a bit of a conspiracy theorist. So because of a slight coincidence between me and this 'shifty' character you are definite we are the same person. Your extremely poor evidence is still failing to suffice the beyond a reasonable doubt notion needed to prove your 'theory' munchkin...
Really the only way to prove (beyond reasonable doubt) i am the same person as 'shifty' would be if you physically saw 'shifty' typing on these forums and you had seen me physically typing on the forums, and myself and 'shifty' had a strong resemblance...and since there is no way you could have done that you will once again leave me no option but to dismiss ur poorly presented post...
Your caught out, admit it.

and once again you cant laugh out loud out loud...

but i can see your shame in hiding who you support...


New Member
Oct 5, 2005
Hey dont knock da brudaz at the Bulldogz. You touch dem n i touch u. n it aint gonna b good.

call it da rezurektion of da man

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