Takuto said:
Q: Analyse and present information about the occurence, symptoms, cause, treatment/management of a named non-infectious disease
Down syndrome (trisomy 21)
Occurence - The occurence of Down syndrome increases with maternal age. 1 in 1250 babies born to a 25 year old mother will have Down syndrome; 1 in 385 babies born to a 35 year old mother will have Down syndrome; and 1 in 38 babies born to a 44 year old will have Down syndrome
Symptoms - Down syndrome is chracterised by certain facial features such as a flat apperarance of the face, slanting eyes, small mouth, large protruding tounge, as well as a single crease on the palm and only one flexion furrow on the 5th finger. People with Down syndrome also have straight pubic hair

(although I might not put that one into my answer if they ask it in the HSC)
Cause - Down syndrome is caused by the fertilisation of an ovum that has undergone non disjunction of chromosome 21, resulting in that ovum having 2 copies of chromosome 21. When this undergoes fertilisation with a normal sperm, the resulting zygote will have three copies of chromosome 21. This will result in the over expression of genes on chromosome 21, resulting in increased production of certain products.
Treatment/management - There are no effective treatments for Down syndrome, however certain symtoms can be managed. Symptoms such as poor circulation can be managed with blood pressure medication and digoxin (a medication to improve the pumping ability of the heart). Surgury can be used to shorten the tounge so it does not protrude, and to repair any heart defects, intestinal blockages and spinal problems that occur as a result of Down syndrome. Physical therapy can also be used to increase muscle control, and special eduction programs can increase cognative development.
...that was a long one =]
To answer takutos qu, Im coming 1/14 (although my class isnt particularly smart)