Originally posted by Soma
yeh i did that and it worked but i tried to do install it for the 3rd time and it didnt must have been something in the registry :S
Did you uninstall LiveUpdate as well?
There are components in NAV which must also be completely uninstalled, before you attempt to reinstall (cleanly I might add, don't install over the top of an existing install) NAV.
Items such as
LiveUpdate and Norton AntiVirus (2000, 01, 02, 03, 04, corporate, whichever) must be uninstalled individually, through Control Panel, and the system restarted before you try and install (freshly) another copy of NAV itself.
There are also "LiveUpdate" time-bomb removers and such 'extenders', but it is not up to me to decide if you want to do this or not, I'm just saying that there are 'ways' around such matters, however, Symantec and the Norton line of AV software do need support, and you should subscribe (legally) to receive virus definitions.