NRL Thread (2 Viewers)

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C U Next Tuesday.
Feb 7, 2004
Bleeding Red, White and Blue.
Bookie said:
Sharks dont think theyre top 4 contenders! We're fucking wooden spooners at this rate [still on top of you guys]. We're shit. But we don't cheat. You can't deny your cheating ways, right? So now you change the focus to "Go Roosters! We love cheating!"

Im not sure when i heard that you people said that you wanted to be top4 contenders but im preety sure i did- i think footy show?> but:
Article 1
If i find any more articles, i will post. i just cant be fucked right now.

Oh and let me remind you- ur 2 pts ahead of us atm-Which isnt all that much. And wooden spooners?, i hate Sharks but that isnt possible considering you're the near-top of the ladder in comparison to other clubs. You dnt sound like you have much hope in your club....hmm.

What did i say that made u think i said Roosters cheat. Are u stupid or something? Or havent you been reading (but i doubt that you havent because u have been replying), ive been arguing against your views that WE DO NOT CHEAT. I changed your bias and not valid view from "Roosters are cheats" to another: "We dnt give a shit for what you have to say because your arguments have no validity." Got it?


year of the dog
Aug 24, 2004
kimi said:
Like snickerdoodle said about his bulldogs, i appreciate everything my players do on the field and i love them all to bits.
*sniff* I'm a she! A she who sees your point but sees the other side to it. Let's face it, we all like to moan and bitch about arch rival teams. I like to moan and bitch about my own team too, but I'll defend them to the death if I hear a bad word said about them. So it's a kind of lose-lose situation.


C U Next Tuesday.
Feb 7, 2004
Bleeding Red, White and Blue.
snickerdoodle said:
*sniff* I'm a she! A she who sees your point but sees the other side to it. Let's face it, we all like to moan and bitch about arch rival teams. I like to moan and bitch about my own team too, but I'll defend them to the death if I hear a bad word said about them. So it's a kind of lose-lose situation.
oh im sorry !! lol, i think i kept seeing males and i forgot to look at your gender. Im a she too dw :p

Yeh, thats exactly like me actually. I like to bitch about rival teams but not demean them to the point its pathetic. i dnt make stupid accusations that have no validity. Ill bitch if i hate them but i dnt go as far as to say that they are cheaters. I bitch and moan about my team when i know they played a shit game when they could of played better- but i get angry when other people (supporters for other clubs) do it cos they dnt understand. And i will defend my team to death because its my team and i love them. The point im getting at is that there are people who hate the roosters- and find it entertaining to call them cheaters and make accusations. Which frustrates me because there is no validity. So then when we bitch about their club and we call ourselves better than them- they call us up-ourselves. It IS a lose-lose situation.


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
Either of you trying out to be cheerleaders :D ?

If not, fuck both your teams.

How can you say that I have no valid arguments? Please have a read and look at them. I am mentoning and even giving my salary estimates to prove my point. You are such a shit stirrer.


C U Next Tuesday.
Feb 7, 2004
Bleeding Red, White and Blue.
Bookie said:
Either of you trying out to be cheerleaders :D ?

If not, fuck both your teams.

How can you say that I have no valid arguments? Please have a read and look at them. I am mentoning and even giving my salary estimates to prove my point. You are such a shit stirrer.
Me...a shit stirer? wtf. I have read your arguments. And they are pathetic. Illl refer to your first post in your thread of how you explain Roosters to be cheats and how you use the term 'overrated' to call someone cheats. Rather, your arguments are immersed in bias rather than fact. And like you said- salary estimates- theyre ESTIMATES meaning made up to suit your argument and points- theyre not genuine authentic proof that they are the exact salary caps so therefore your estimates mean jackshit to anyone.

What does 'wanting to be or not wanting to be a cheerleader' got to do with anything? Come up with a better comeback- and you can go fuck yourself and your shit team.

How the fuck am i a shit stirer? You answer that. Im only defending my team in which you continue to demean. The only shit stirer around here is you: and im not alone in this opinion.


BOSer #13412
Mar 6, 2005
<enter funny remark here>
kimi said:
Me...a shit stirer? wtf. I have read your arguments. And they are pathetic. Illl refer to your first post in your thread of how you explain Roosters to be cheats and how you use the term 'overrated' to call someone cheats. Rather, your arguments are immersed in bias rather than fact. And like you said- salary estimates- theyre ESTIMATES meaning made up to suit your argument and points- theyre not genuine authentic proof that they are the exact salary caps so therefore your estimates mean jackshit to anyone.

What does 'wanting to be or not wanting to be a cheerleader' got to do with anything? Come up with a better comeback- and you can go fuck yourself and your shit team.

How the fuck am i a shit stirer? You answer that. Im only defending my team in which you continue to demean. The only shit stirer around here is you: and im not alone in this opinion.
no matter what someone syas there is going to be bias, everyone prefers their club and hates another, therefore there will be bias in EVERYONES comments.


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
Exactly Shorty. Eels suck. Roosters cheat. Sharks rule. But they suck football-wise.

I can see you're trying to defend your team, but will you admit that your club is borderline on the salary cap [at the least]?
Would you admit that my player salary list is close to reality (give or take $100k from the total)? you wont

Fuck it - just stop. I've made my arguments clear, and those who wish to belive them may, and I sure do. The Roosters are cheats. 700k over the cap. Buying Anasta and Harrison is not helping.

I call it quits.

Roosters are cheats.


C U Next Tuesday.
Feb 7, 2004
Bleeding Red, White and Blue.
shortygb said:
no matter what someone syas there is going to be bias, everyone prefers their club and hates another, therefore there will be bias in EVERYONES comments.
That is true- i myself am bias. But i dnt manipulate arguments to make them demean another club and call them cheats. I have never accused sharks of being over the salary cap because i know this may not be necessarily true. I only comment when bookie makes arguments that are NOT valid in anyway, are manipulated in a way to make it seem valid, and his bias views are used rather than fact. I therefore, do not rely on people's perspectives but on solid factual evidence.

bookie said:
Exactly Shorty. Eels suck. Roosters cheat. Sharks rule. But they suck football-wise.

I can see you're trying to defend your team, but will you admit that your club is borderline on the salary cap [at the least]?
Would you admit that my player salary list is close to reality (give or take $100k from the total)? you wont

Fuck it - just stop. I've made my arguments clear, and those who wish to belive them may, and I sure do. The Roosters are cheats. 700k over the cap. Buying Anasta and Harrison is not helping.

I call it quits.

Roosters are cheats.
I will say that we are NOT breaching the salary cap due to reasons being: (1) there is no action taken by the NRL to say that we are, (2) it doesnt work out when you calculate, no matter how much you try and make it seem like we are 2million over bookie.

Your Salary list has no validity and you have no credbility so no, i wont take it as close to reality.

What did i say like pages ago, STFU. You made a lame attempt to make your arguments clear but they are NOT valid, driven by pure bias, are not supported by FACT, manipulated to suit your perspective and you have no credbility. So no, i will not beleive what you have to say.

Whats wrong with Anasta and Harrison? Dnt use the term overrated cos that is also driven by bias, assumption and jealously more like it. Signing two people doesnt mean we are 700 k over the salary cap.

You make assumptions that just make me laugh.

Bye, You suck.


Oct 21, 2004
Western Sydney
all u ppl saying how all the other teams are shit, well if a team can beat the St George Dragons record of 11 premierships in a row, then i will call them a decent team.:)


BOSer #13412
Mar 6, 2005
<enter funny remark here>
Bookie said:
Eels suck
cmon now that was uncalled for, i didnt do anything to you or say anything negative about your fact i was supporting you in calling the roosters cheats.

but the only way they can be called cheats is if they are found out , and lets face it they probly wont. there has to be evidence to show this and the exact amounts of each players salarys. as much as we can say they are over the cap (which the probly are or close to it)

to roosters fan it doesnt mean your not cheats and youve won the argument it means that you just havent been found out yet (if you are cheating but how can we BoSers know that?)

we will know whos right when the proper auditors get the information and make their judgement. so for now can we jsut drop the subject?

we all support and hate diffrent clubs can we leave it at that?


C U Next Tuesday.
Feb 7, 2004
Bleeding Red, White and Blue.
Boo_ said:
lol, an evil dragons supporting whore thank u very much
oh Shit, calling u a whore is a compliment...uh uh...U SLUT! :p

Boo_ said:
all u ppl saying how all the other teams are shit, well if a team can beat the St George Dragons record of 11 premierships in a row, then i will call them a decent team.:)
Actually bradley, you've never won a premiership as ST GREOGRE ILLAWARRA. And those premierships where ages ago- your team has changed completely now.

shortygb said:
cmon now that was uncalled for, i didnt do anything to you or say anything negative about your fact i was supporting you in calling the roosters cheats.

but the only way they can be called cheats is if they are found out , and lets face it they probly wont. there has to be evidence to show this and the exact amounts of each players salarys. as much as we can say they are over the cap (which the probly are or close to it)

to roosters fan it doesnt mean your not cheats and youve won the argument it means that you just havent been found out yet (if you are cheating but how can we BoSers know that?)

we will know whos right when the proper auditors get the information and make their judgement. so for now can we jsut drop the subject?
Well well, what do u expect? If someone critisise your club, would you step out to defend your club? It didnt help when you kept agreeing with bookie with every single point- which was even valid in the first place.

If BOSers didnt know in the first place if we were cheating or not, then dnt make assumptions. Its that simple- you dnt accuse someone of cheating without evidence. If Roosters were cheating, then the NRL would of done something already- even if we supposedly own the NRL (which is total Bullshit)- then im sure they wouldnt be blinded by the fact that there are many people and clubs who WILL voice their opinion if they are passionate about this issue. At this stage, there is NO evidence to say we are cheating.

So just STFU ok? Yes, duh- u will know whos right when there is information, but there is none at this stage so dnt make assumptions.

I tried to drop the subjects but you ppl kept me going.


Oct 21, 2004
Western Sydney
kimi said:
oh Shit, calling u a whore is a compliment...uh uh...U SLUT! :p

Actually bradley, you've never won a premiership as ST GREOGRE ILLAWARRA. And those premierships where ages ago- your team has changed completely now.
excuse me a a dragons loving slut...get it right next time...*shakes head*

um, are u blind, i never said st george illawarra, i said ST GEORGE DRAGONS. who cares if hte team has changed, the record still stands.
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