Hi all.
I'm bored and tired and procrastinating. Exam tomorrow that I know NOTHING for. And I mean nothing. I think I went to about 5 lectures out of the 25 or so that we had and fucked if I paid attention in them.
I'm also a little disturbed as I have just found blood stains on the curtain next to me and no explanation for them.
No, Accounting was heaps easy. This was e-business. Some weird attempt at fitting a computing course into a business degree and ends up having very little to do with anything :S
Was much better than I expected though. 15 mark q where all you had to do was design a 2 table database
Oh and Woody, you may not have noticed but when someone starts a new page they are responsible for throwing a new page party for the rest of us and sacrificing young virgins in the name of the mafia.
As it is your first page I'll cover for you, but don't let it happen again.
*throws party*
*sacrifices virgins* (umm... we're starting to run low on virgins, I think someone should stop by the store and pick some up on the way home)