I was just thinking that because of the rotation, the earth bulges at the centre and flattens at the poles. So decrease the rotational speed, the equator would be closer to the centre and at the same time the poles would be further away becaues they are flattened less due to there being less of an ellipsoid shape?
I guess you could say that, But I'm not really too sure about the whole "bulging" thing.
As something1 and I said, it probably has more to do with the centrifugal effect.
edit: just realised i said "value of g decrease" -I meant increase due to less fling off
Yes please, no long responses. just some nice phy questions.
Can they test this in the HSC? As far as physics course goes,

. I've never seen any textbooks or notes mention the centrifugal force effects from earth's angular velocity.
centrifugal force itself is not really a *"force"- its a fictitious force so I avoided that word in all my tests, I just say "fling off"*
And you could definitely talk about that in HSC, along with things you could read off the equations e.g. altitude, mass of celestial body etc*
Just wondering:
- When AC generator feeds current into an external circuit, back emf is induced in the external circuit right? since the AC is constantly changing--> change in flux--> emf. But for DC, the current remains constant, hence no back emf?