How do you answer the questions that ask you to simply 'explain' or 'describe' the following processes that occur in a given context?
e.g. 6 marks -
Explain the "insert context here" system considering the following:
- collecting
-data accuracy
-the needs of the user
and how they interrelate with each other.
These questions are the death of me. They jsut ask to explain..... like what?!!?!
Sorry i cant get a better example of a question. I cant find any right now. Ill post one later if i find a good example.
I'll give it a go for this question

Collecting: Let's pretend the post box in this thread is the "insert context here" system

. If you do not insert any word in the box. The system will automatically respond
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters. So the system does not let you post anything because there is no data for it to collect. Similarly to your "insert context here" system, if there is no data, it will not proceed to the next step as it didn't collect any data.
Data Accuracy: Ok so you want to say "hello" but you insert "helo" instead. This is a form of inaccuracy data as it's misspelling. So in the "insert text here" system, if data is inaccuracy, the system may not notify and continue proceed to the next process, making the data to be transmitted in faulty form, affecting other systems or user who interact with this inaccurate data
The needs of the user : There must be a reason for a system to be created. The needs of the user are so important that it is a guide for system designers to know what the purpose of the system they're designing and how they can approach the solution and development of that system.
Analysing: The system has to analyse the data that is insert so that it's able to transform them into the information. For instance, if you want to post this message in this forum : "Hi" in bold, you have to write {B}Hi{/B} right? (sorry I can't use the square bracket otherwise it'll think it's an HTML code). The system will analyse the message {B}Hi{/B} and they'll say "oh hey there is a html code here and it wants the message to be in bold!". The system will then carry on the next step is to transform that data {B}Hi{/B} into
Hi as requested information. Another example is when you say "fuck" (ikr but it's an example), and the system notice: "there is swear word here, let's give him a notification". So to sum up,
analysing is an important step in any system to decide how the data would be transform when displaying and identify issue in the entered data.
These elements are just the fundamental aspects and processes of every system that they all carry out to perform the tasks. If the system does not proceed through any of those element, the information it displayed will be incorrect and may cause misunderstanding to the users.
I hope that would help