lyounamu said:
didn't you say that you came 12th or something?
That was in the Trial, but it was actually about 8th. They also had to count half yearly and yearly marks into this as well, and I did pretty well in them.
And as for how I did for in my exams:
English Advanced Task 1: Shit
Chemistry Theory: Worst exam I have ever done.
English Advanced Task 2: I felt good, buut I didn't write too much, and some people managed to write double what I did. =\
Physics Theory: Not excellently, but I'll do fine, I hope.
English Extension 1: The analytical was awesome, I wrote 11 pages, but the creative was shittttt
Physics Prac: Meh, not good
Legal Studies: This was probably one of the exams that I have been least prepared for in my life. But still, it was better than Chem Theory.

Chemistry Prac: I think I did well. Hopefully.