Sarah168 said:
i studied P&P to death in ee1,
I will pray for your soul. ee1 = english extension 1 right? I find any english study of a text totally ruins it for me personally... but anyway...!
Mr Colins was FANTASTIC! I literally cringed when he came into the room right before he proposed to lizzy. LOL! I nearly peed my pants with empathy for the guy (e.g. laughter) 10/10 for me!
Lizzy needed to keep her jaw up a little. She was like that 70's actor... veronica or something? Never used to have a closed mouth. You could always see her tonsils... mmm tho I think she played the part well besides that!
Mr Bennet was a fuking legend. Loved him. Crocodile tears were played brilliantly (at the end). Good on him! Loved his characterisation and his non-shaven jaw. Loved that pig snippet as well... funny! I don't think its in the book, but anyway, nice humour!
Jane was gorgeous (omg HOT!!)! Bingley was the FUNNIEST guy on set. He looked as though he were an "IM" (moderatly disabled) according to mum, but gees, he played it well! He got me in stitches just before he would propose to Jane (something about him being a protencious or pompous ass (forget the exact wording of it)... just the way he said it. Plus him running out of the room awkwardly when him and darcy came to the bennet's house unexpectedly. LOL!
Not all good though. The 2nd proposal was just bullshit. I'm sorry. Hollywood WAS NOT EVEN INVENTED IN THE 18TH CENTURY! Darcy looked like david hasselhoff coming out of the surf in 90210 or someting... lol... *cough* The music here pissed me off as well.
... Though... I really liked the music otherwise in the ball scenes. I liked the fact that the musicians were given a fair time on camera as well. Note... the cello guy in the first ball scene is awesome! He's fully ripping into those strings... good on him! Though not sure if this was the "correct" way to play a baroque-style Cello (modern day version wasn't created untill I THINK late 19th century). The knees/calves couldn't support such a crazy movement, plus I think he was holding his bow at the frog WHICH IS INCORRECT for a Baroque bow. Supose to hold it at the balence point... GRRR! This annoyed me almost as much as the 2nd proposal. And wtf they didn't have a Cello at the 2nd ball either. I listened carefully for one, and there wasn't --> just a stupid double bass (nor did I see one). GRRR! This is NOT common during the 18th century. NOT IMPRESSED!
I actually laughed when Mrs Bennet ran after lizzy after Colin proposed to her. The geese were running outta the way with their usual comical "HONK!", etc. Small things like this really help the film... which other versions of P&P don't have.
The dress/setting in this, I think was SO MUCH MORE realistic then other versions of P&P. This one actually showed they were poor --> e.g. hair not done up 100%, etc. Plus the camera focused more on lizzy when she was soaked (omg droool!!) rather then otherwise. Just a minor observation... that only a male could pick up.
Good movie I'd say for the 2 hour time period given.