I should educate you on the difference between 'nerd' and 'geek'. When you say 'nerd' you should think about Stephen Hawking or Einstein. Someone who is studious and passionate about their acadmics and has a limited social life. 'Geek' on the other hand is some one who has a limited social life and is interested in some things, notably computer hardware, computer specifications, programming, comic books, role playing games, fantasy, star wars/trek, japanese anime and must know at least three languages (basic being english, darlek and COBOL). Must not necessarily be intelligent. Prime example is the comic store guy from the simpsons (or lexicographer, also a selg confessed geek

). Of course I realise the irony that writing a thorough critique on the differences makes me a nerd eheh.
As for the 'financial difficulty' bit, going to UNSW will not disadvantage you unless you are from interstate. I mean, all unis charge the same HECS for medicine and similar uni amenities fees.