Hey guys,
A word of advice with Ecocomp. Lots of people join the Organising Committee because they think its something good to put on their CV (and it is). But at the end of the day, if that's all you want it for, there's not much you'll get out of it.
I'm the Head Co-ordinator for Ecocomp this year and just to give you an idea of some of the things I've done: spending hours putting question booklets into envelopes and posting them to NZ, plenty of late nights at the ComSoc office doing data entry and building excel spreadsheets to use for record keeping.
It sounds unexciting, and it is, but most committed Ecocomp people do what they do because they realise that without volunteers like themselves high school students would not have the opportunity to participate in the competitions. Its only because of people like Minai and Bambul sacrificing so much time and effort that students like yourselves had the opportunity to sit the competitions in Years 11 and 12. So every year a new group of students is needed to replenish the members that graduate from Uni.
Once again, thanks for all showing interest in the competitions and I look forward to meeting you sometime in the not too distant future. I'm on Industry Training till July so I only come in during nights.
By the way, the end of year dinner is an Ecocomp event so none of you guys will have to shout. Unfortunately, there's no free beer, but it will be my shout for the incomming 2006 co-ordinators.