I actually wrote a really sad story, i re-read it and nearly burst into tears in the middle of the exam!! It ended up being a mixture of a whole bunch of my ideas at the time....
basically outlining the dying thoughts of an old man, whose wife had died four years beforehand. His "Journey of the Heart" is the memories he talks about, and relates everything back to his beautiful deceased wife, and his estranged daughter whom he hasn't seen since she was sixteen years old.
He loved his wife and his daughter, but never understood why they both did not get along, and forced the daughter to leave at such a young age, permanently leaving a scar within his heart.
At the end, just as he is taking his dying breaths, he realises that his daughter is standing next to the hospital bed, stroking his hair and crying into the pillow. She tells him that she is not his daughter, and his wife had kept that secret from him his whole life, and he had used his life loving somebody that did not love him enough back to tell him the truth, and this formed the basis for the mother-daughter friction.
So, the man dies, and it ends with him walking through heaven's gates, with his wife standing, smiling, waiting. As he reaches the gates, he brushes her aside, finally realising the truth.
So I was happy with it