Questions to People With a Religion/No Religion. (1 Viewer)

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Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

i don't believe in a god, but generally agnostic

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

so long as two people are consenting and mature enough toe make the decisions, and its safe. though much under 18 and i do personally feel its improper, i'm not going to place my views on someone else

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

similar to the last one, personally, i'd never have sex with someone outside of a serious relationsip (which i see marriage as a part of). however, like the last question, if other people do so, i have no issue.

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

evolution fully. not even sure what aspects can be taken to refer to.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

open minded, but have yet to see evidence for the former

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

yes, a lot in my past

Question 7: (almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

yes, with the restrictions that things like alcohol already face

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

100% support the existance of the death penalty, in my view limited to murder, and allowing both death and life in prison to be options at sentencing for flexibility.

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

odd terminology. though i've no interest at all in guys, i see no issue with it. love who you want to love. no odder, in its essence to me, to guys that date really really skinny girls. if it works for them, why should i care?

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

yes, since things like people wouldn't be a cause..... i'd say, freedom, truth, justice

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

somewhat. when i was very little received some mormon instruction, though was never a part of it. aim to read through the bible in the next couple months


Resident Priss
May 2, 2003
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
Yep - Christian (Catholic)

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)
Yes i belive that they have the right to chose whether they want to or not

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?
Yep i believe in evolution - the gradual transition from ape to man - we were always taught that throughout school (catholic school) and they taught that the Gensis story was just, ah how would you put it, more of an allegory rather then a true account of how we came about

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.
ah i'd have to say no not really - i like the idea of believing in a higher beeing i think for me its just a comfort thing to believe that i'm never actually really alone so i dont think i would want to give that beleif up regardless of the 'evidence' that could disprove it

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?
No fortuintly i have not - but i do have strong opitions regarding a persons right to end their own life when they are ill

Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?
Ah well it would depend what for - legalising them for medical purposes i would be okay with that - but legalising recreational drugs most deffiently not but that is not based on relgious beliefs at all

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)
no i dont believe anyone has the right to take someone elses life

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?
I am - i live in canberra and i am all for the introduction of the civil union legilsation - i think people should have the right to be with the person they love - thats one thing i really disagree with about my religion because if i were in that sitution i would wnat to have the choice and not have to give up my faith

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)
ah i dont know - i would if something awful was happening to my family and i could save them

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?
considered them as in converting - no; but i'm very interested in what other religions believe and some of the diffences between what they believe and what i believe - so yeah more for academic purposes


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
two questions on the basis of this thread...first, the quote there is about the number of "nonreligious", which isn't at all the sameas the number of athiests.

second, what is the reasoning in the questions picked?


Sep 2, 2005
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

No, I'm Atheist.

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

Yes, why not?

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Yes. Sex is not just for procreation but also for pleasure.
Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?


Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

No. Even if there was evidence for God's existence i would disregard it, since by definition god doesn't exist for me, that's an absolute.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?


Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?


Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

In general no, but I don't have a strong stance on the issue.

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Sure. More gays = less competition. Don't care waht others do.

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)


Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?



MissSavage29 said:
I am - i live in canberra and i am all for the introduction of the civil union legilsation - i think people should have the right to be with the person they love - thats one thing i really disagree with about my religion because if i were in that sitution i would wnat to have the choice and not have to give up my faith


Right on.

<-------End Threadjack---->


Mr Sir
Jan 23, 2006
sam04u said:
Rise in Atheism lately has compelled me to make this topic.
So, I have a few questions to people willing to answer them.

Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Question 7:(almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?
1 Yes, Christian
2. No
3 No
4 No
5. Yes
6. No
7 Never
8 Yes
9 No
10 Yes
11 Yes


Active Member
Oct 13, 2005
Entangled in the fabric of space-time ...
1. Yes, Catholic
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Why wouldn't you?
5. Yeah probably, if you can prove either way.
6. No
7. Depends on circumstances, but probably.
8. No
9. Yes
10. Yes, cause hasn't come up though.
11. Yes

As you can see, my beliefs in Catholicism are pretty weak.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Nope, you're just honest.
Thanks, almost have enough data to compile this.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
I don't believe that the belief in a God/Gods is neccessary for me to continue my existence. I'm greatly against most established religious institutions.

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)
People are accountable for their own actions. I believe everyone has a right to make decisions to how they should live their lives without the threat of intimidation, coercion and hostility towards their choices. Though there is a limit to the age at which one is deemed able to make informed decisions but that is not limited but the age of the person but more by their maturity and there is no set age for that but an age limit is possibly the best solution to prevent a person taken advantage of.

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)
Yes. Protection should be promoted. This is why prostitutes exist and should be allowed to continue their practise.

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?
From a philosophical and scientific background, the overwhelming evidence and the theoretical foundations of anything besides evolution is in my opinion a weak attempt to argue against what should be a widely celebrated scientific discovery worthy of it's own public holiday. I greatly await to hear of news of the latest advances in genetics. This is not to say that the possibility that God may have initiated the 'Big Bang' has not crossed my mind. Even if he did exist it wouldn't change a thing in my life.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.
Yes, but whether God(s) exists or not is irrelevant. It has very little impact on how I'll decide to live my life.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?
Yes, on numerous occasions.

Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?
I have to try pot or ecstacy one day to have a better understanding of the merits of legislating for or against drugs. I was formerly a hardline advocate against drugs but I've grown partial to the idea of relaxing the negative attention aimed at drugs. However the use of heroin I'll greatly advocate against. I'm still of the opinion that certain drugs should not be 'legalised' like copying a television program onto a video cassette was not 'legalised' until recently but taking action against the distribution or used of say marijuana should not be enforced.

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)
Yes, I intend to carry out my own form of capital punishment whenever I deem neccessary if agitated sufficiently.

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?
Yes, though in the past I admit to treating certained suspected homosexuals with sceptism if they display highly camp tendencies but there is nothing wrong with normal people practising homosexuality.

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)
I don't hold onto life all that strongly or sacredly. I exist to serve my family and friends, I exist to fill roles and obligations and it shall stay that way until I find something to give me direction or something worth striving for. Until then, once my roles and obligations have been filled and completed my continued existence is rather unneccesary.

Question 11:
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?
Yes, I would search endlessly for a religion that suited me and my beliefs but I have yet to find one that complements my ideals. The complications of organised religion is the obligations to perform certain rituals, attend certain functions, and associate with groups of people who believe in that religion. I go out of my way to avoid social gatherings where I come into contact with people I do not wish to associate with, even if it's just one person but in most cases most people, I deplore the idea of sacrificing my freedom to erect more boundaries, structures and rules with which to govern my existence, and I don't always feel the need, nor have the financial capacity, to 'religiously' attend anything within a defined schedule. So even if it was a private religion it's still oppressing on my freedoms to do whatever I want, whenever I want without the need to check if it was holy or not by some Bible or life guide. Religion leaves little room for choice in my opinion.


oh hi
Feb 24, 2006
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
Sometimes. If I feel like believing, Christianity. Eastern Catholicism, the liberal one.

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?
Yes, I believe that we evolved from the ape species.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)
No, never.

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?
Yes. I think the proper term is homosexuality, not homosexualism.

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?
No. I'm legally an Eastern Catholic.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
sam04u said:
Nope, you're just honest.
Thanks, almost have enough data to compile this.
It would be nice (and academically sound) if those contributing had some idea as to what your agenda, sam04u. Is there anything in particular that you are trying to prove, or are you just exploring what you consider to be the 'rise of atheism'?


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
No. Atheism.

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)
As long as they know what they are getting themselves into (which is what I guess age of consent is all about). Their choice, but protection should be advocated.

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)
That is fine, again their choice on protection, they might want a child but not be into marriage (eg some de facto couples)

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?
We came from the stars.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.
If someone can prevent me with evidence I will consider it. The bible is not evidence.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Not in any fashion then contemplating how much a specific cause of death would hurt.

Question 7: (almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Depends on the drug. Cocaine etc not particularly, LSD and similar sure why not as long as it is illegal to perform actions that will be affected by it that endangers other people (such as driving).

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)


Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?


Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

Yes. That depends on the circumstances at the time and if I think it would contribute an appropriate amount to the cause.

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

Not really since I've "been myself" ie when I was 7 or so I considered the possibility of there being a God then again I was also wanting the X-men to exist in real life as well.


Proud TB =)
Jun 21, 2005
At my comp
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

No.. but i reckon that maybe in the begining there is someone higher than us who created some things in the world..

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

Yes if they both want to

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)


Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

Yes.. i believe that we all came from a cell and blah blah blah

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.


Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Yeah.. thought it's normal to

Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Maybe just marijuana

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

No.. i say just lock them up for life.. think that's the worst anyone deserves

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Hell yes

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

Yeah.. maybe country? hmmmm.. friends maybe.. grr i dunno

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

Yes, they all just never work out..


brogan77 said:
And you're a teacher?!

What a sorry state of affairs...
Let's all hope he's teaching something like R.E or Christian Living....

EDIT: Gender corrected :)
Last edited by a moderator:


Jan 2, 2004
littlewing69 said:
Let's all hope she's teaching something like R.E or Christian Living....
He teaches Mathematics.

Generator said:
It would be nice (and academically sound) if those contributing had some idea as to what your agenda, sam04u. Is there anything in particular that you are trying to prove, or are you just exploring what you consider to be the 'rise of atheism'?
Ditto. Can you please expand on what you want this data for sam04u?


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
ujuphleg said:
He teaches Mathematics.

Ditto. Can you please expand on what you want this data for sam04u?
His profile indicates English/History. Which considering one of his favourite books is the bible is quite iffy, the prose in that possibly only beats the works of Dan Brown.


Aug 15, 2005
the bible is a pretty great boook (coming from an athiest)


gerhard said:
the bible is a pretty great boook (coming from an athiest)
I'd say it is pretty mixed in quality. I mean, the guy who wrote the "begats" kinda lacked the flair of whoever wrote Genesis and the writers of the Psalms.


Jun 15, 2003
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

I'd like to consider myself a Roman Catholic. I've had the Sacraments and been raised with the (true) Catholic ethos. My views sometimes don't follow that of the Church, however.

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

I believe it's okay for people to have sex at whatever age the law specifies is legal. So long as the age is reasonable (I don't think any less than sixteen is reasonable), and both parties are consenting.

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

I do think it's okay. I do, however strongly feel that if you're not in a long lasting monogamous relationship, you should be using protection.

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

Genesis is simply a story. Earth as we know it was not created in seven days. I feel we need to follow science's proven discoveries.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Not really. I think it's more a matter of faith. There's no physical evidence proving his existence rather than us being here.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Once or twice. I grew a set and got over it, though. :)

Question 7: (almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Sometimes I think legalisation of certain drugs would promote safer usage.

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)


Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Yep. I don't see a problem with it at all.

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

I can't think of any. I guess not.

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? Seriously?

Nope. Maybe I've been conditioned too well. :S
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