Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
No, not of any kind
Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)
No, its hard to understand your feelings at a young age
Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)
No way
Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?
Evolution all the way
Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.
If the evidence fits in
Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?
Yes - a failed attempt
Question 7

almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?
some drugs
Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)
Yes, it should be re introduced
Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?
Yes it is their choice
Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)
Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?