Random facts about your stories. (3 Viewers)


Mister Monday
Mar 19, 2006
Berowra Heights
As above person said.. sorry for the massiveness and these questions are fairly cool :p

1. What's the title of your story? - 'Over the Hill'

2. What's the name of one of the main characters? - main character is called Isaac

3.Is/are they guys/girls? - There are both guys AND girls ;O

4. What is one setting/location? - A tavern !

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? probably fantasty

6. Whats the time period? make believe fantasy time

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre. - nope

1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value). - first and third, second is fucking impossible.

2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc. - mixes between serious and humourous

3) Over how many years does your story span? - err quite a few.. ;s

4) How many characters die? - none i don't tihnk

5) What was the previous name for your story? - ..over the hill ;D?

6) How many main characters have you utilised? - mm not sure, must be about five

7) How many sub characters have you utilised? - probably about 7

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? -

9) Does your story take place in both night and day? - it sure does

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. - subtle invisible and gigantic

1) Why does my printer smell like effluent? - no idea, don't know what effluent is

2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how? - yesterday, ask the person sitting to the left of you, they'll tell you how.

3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section. - D:!

What triggered the inspiration for the storyline of your short story?
Not sure, things throughout my life i guess

Would you ever consider doing a short film or screenplay of your short story?
Spose it could be a crappy anime, but nothing good

Does anyone like T.S. Elliot? (irrelevent but I can't think of anymore and I like things in threes)
Them be fightin' words.

1) What stage are you at? - Refining, finally

2) Estimate the % of your story that has changed since its inception. - 70%

3) What is your in-class assessment mark? haven't done all of our assessments, but so far it's something shit.. 19/30? go me

4) State the point your story is trying to make in a single sentence. - There are always choices no matter what you've done.. makes it sound fairly gay actually ;s

5) Name the experimental or unconventional techniques and structures you have utilised in your story. i.e. thought convergence, dual narrative, flashbacks. - annoying flashbacks, omniscienent narrator has a personality.

6) Sex. - none in this story ;(

7) Give a quick summary of your story if everything were made completely opposite and polarised. - um, it wouldn't make sense

8) Setting: Northern hemisphere/Southern hemisphere/Both - never thought about it.. the world can be flat ;D

9) Do you have intertextuality? What real world allusions did you make? - i don't think so

10) Did you use any of these five words in your story: Transcend, sojourn, melancholy, conjugal, insipid. - i don't think so ;o

11) <3 or </3 - <3


Feb 9, 2006
Okay keeping up the proud '07 trend of doing other things when I should be writing my reflection statement, hehe.

1. What's the title of your story? - The Garden

2. What's the name of one of the main characters? - Daniel. Other characters are Katherine and Abigail (Abby).

3.Is/are they guys/girls? - Both my friend

4. What is one setting/location? - A garden, suprise suprise

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? Historical/morality

6. Whats the time period? Victorian

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre. - Can't say I did.

1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value). - Third, I AM the fly on the wall, lol. Or flower bed as the case may be.

2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc. - Serious but there are random ironic bits of humor, which actually worked better than I thought they would when I did my reading the other day to some teachers/students at school

3) Over how many years does your story span? - 1

4) How many characters die? - one, but it's kinda ambiguous, like I don't say "And there was Daniel's carcass" lol. It's hinted at in the end and with a poem

5) What was the previous name for your story? - Pretty much always been the garden.

6) How many main characters have you utilised? - well daniel and then abby and katherine are semi-main

7) How many sub characters have you utilised? - the maid, Rose, and then a couple of people are mentioned (Katherine's husband/Abby's father) but never actually appear.

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? - Plant: "Plump buds" First animal- "Bird song"

9) Does your story take place in both night and day? - Day, garden's are prettier in the daytime, lol.

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. - nup

1) Why does my printer smell like effluent? - because...it does? Wow so insightful, you can tell why I did EE2.

2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how? - That was an intimate moment between the cat and i which I don't intend to explain to you.

3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section. - *head explodes*

What triggered the inspiration for the storyline of your short story?
Poverty/i really really like history

Would you ever consider doing a short film or screenplay of your short story?
OH it's SO an artsy film waiting to happen...lots of pretty cinemetography, lol. It's made to be a movie.

Does anyone like T.S. Elliot? (irrelevent but I can't think of anymore and I like things in threes)
Not sure...but do you like Keats? Oh I love him.

1) What stage are you at? - Just got to write my reflection statement, yaay.

2) Estimate the % of your story that has changed since its inception.- at least 50%

3) What is your in-class assessment mark? 23/25, top, yaaaay :)

4) State the point your story is trying to make in a single sentence. - Don't ignore the poor. Haha man that rhymed. But it's actually like a kind of stylized version of that, symbolic etc etc

5) Name the experimental or unconventional techniques and structures you have utilised in your story. i.e. thought convergence, dual narrative, flashbacks. - Flashbacks, visuals, poetry etc etc IT'S BBTTER THAN IT SOUNDS I PROMISE!!!

6) Sex. - Haha nup.

7) Give a quick summary of your story if everything were made completely opposite and polarised. - Um rich guy utterly hates nature and has no interest in making a father daughter relationship with the well loved daughter of a poor person. In the end you really like rich people a lot. EVERYTHING'S MESSED UP and now my head hurts lol.

8) Setting: Northern hemisphere/Southern hemisphere/Both - Northern

9) Do you have intertextuality? What real world allusions did you make? - Umm references to real events (e.g. first cargo of meat shipped 1880), intertextuality with john keats.

10) Did you use any of these five words in your story: Transcend, sojourn, melancholy, conjugal, insipid. -No siree.

11) <3 or </3 - <3


Dec 5, 2006
1. What's the title of your story?
A. City of Dreams: New York, 1973.

2. What's the name of one of the main characters?
A. Alphonse Luc-Carrare

3.Is/are they guys/girls?
A. guy

4. What is one setting/location?
A. New York

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick?
A. New Journalism

6. Whats the time period?
A. 1973

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre.
A. no none.


New Member
Dec 17, 2005
1. What's the title of your story? Ehhh rather not say

2. What's the name of one of the main characters? Paul

3. Is/are they guys/girls? Main is a girl, but also 2 men

4. What is one setting/location? A terrace house

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? Ehhh perhaps one of those "coming of life" stories (but not so gay)

6. Whats the time period? 1980s

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre. Nope


1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value). Mostly first person, little bit of second, and bit more of third

2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc. I spose kinda sad actually. And lost

3) Over how many years does your story span? Less then one

4) How many characters die? None

5) What was the previous name for your story? Always had the same name. In fact I wrote the story around the title

6) How many main characters have you utilised? One MAIN one foil

7) How many sub characters have you utilised? Two/three

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? zinnia flowers?

9) Does your story take place in both night and day? Yes

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. Nup


Dec 5, 2006
1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? first person, although cus of his mind set its gets a little bit removed and becomes third person

2) What is the general tone of your story? pessimistic, reflective, lyrical.

3) Over how many years does your story span? all takes place between night time and the next morning.

4) How many characters die? none, but a little bit of his soul does :(

5) What was the previous name for your story? L'hotel. changed it about 2 months ago

6) How many main characters have you utilised? one

7) How many sub characters have you utilised? theres a few mentioned by name, and one has a couple lines, but thats it.

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? oak tree

9) Does your story take place in both night and day? night and the next morning

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid? i think subtle and invisible and gigantic.


Dec 5, 2006
8. What stage are you at? final editting

9. Estimate the % of your story that has changed since its inception.

3) What is your in-class assessment mark?
dont want to talk about it. like 80% i think.

4) State the point your story is trying to make in a single sentence.
stories shouldn't try to make a point

5) Name the experimental or unconventional techniques and structures you have utilised in your story. i.e. thought convergence, dual narrative, flashbacks.
^ all of the above.

6) Sex.
nah. theres a hooker in the story, though

7) Give a quick summary of your story if everything were made completely opposite and polarised.
some sober woman would stroll through a tiny village making positive comments about nothing, in the middle of the day

8) Setting: central park, broadway, a hotel, central park again.

9) Do you have intertextuality? What real world allusions did you make?
fuck intertextuality. my story is new journalism, bitches.

10) Did you use any of these five words in your story: Transcend, sojourn, melancholy, conjugal, insipid.
no. shittest word list yet.


New Member
Mar 23, 2007
1. Blood Lines

2. Caden

3.A mixture of both - but it's from a female perspective

4. another dimension where in there are interplanetary wars

5. Modern fantasy

6. changes from the viking era to contemporary times

7. I used audacious to describe one of the guys once.


New Member
Mar 23, 2007
1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? First person from three perspectives2) What is the general tone of your story? Sarcastic, serious3) Over how many years does your story span? just one night, with reference to previous years4) How many characters die? one5) What was the previous name for your story? Random Little work number 16) How many main characters have you utilised? Three main, plus miscellaneous others7) How many sub characters have you utilised? Three8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? birdys9) Does your story take place in both night and day? Sunset to sunrise10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, gorgeous? NO!


New Member
Oct 25, 2006
1. What's the title of your story? Working title: Summer Sun; real title: ??

2. What's the name of one of the main characters? Alex

3.Is/are they guys/girls? The is a mix, but 3 girls and one guy.

4. What is one setting/location? Australia.

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? Soft science fiction.

6. Whats the time period? Futuristic, but no date is set.

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre? I don't think so.. :p


New Member
Aug 15, 2007
1. What's the title of your story?
A. im not going to spoil the title for you

2. What's the name of one of the main characters?
A. Heinerich Steiner

3.Is/are they guys/girls?
A. guy

4. What is one setting/location?
A. Russia: 1942 - Battle of Leningrad

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick?
A. War/philosophy

6. Whats the time period?
A. World War II

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre.
A. none at all.


The Squire of Forest Deep
Oct 15, 2006
1. 'A People United'

2. Chai Ling

3. Main character a chick. The rest are guys.

4. Tiananmen Square

5. Historical Fiction

6. April to June 1989

7. No/no/no/yes/no



Nov 27, 2006
1. She. (but it is made up of three stories called Mali, Ekaterina and Honora)

2. Mali, Ekaterina, Honora

3.girls... god damn feminism

4. vietnam, russia, rome

5.historical fiction

6. Vietnam war, Russian Revolution, Ancient rome

7. i used vivacious.. it is one of my favourite words


Aug 18, 2007
1. What's the title of your story?
A. Walls.

2. What's the name of one of the main characters?
A. Phuong.

3.Is/are they guys/girls?
A. WOMAN. Heh.

4. What is one setting/location?
A. A cemetery.

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick?
A. Autobiographical.

6. Whats the time period?
A. 1997 - 2002.

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre.
A. None, although I used a synonym of stoic as a final description of my central character close to the end of my narrative.


New Member
Aug 21, 2006
1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value).
First and third person narration.

2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc.
serious, sometimes satirical

3) Over how many years does your story span?
a few weeks. LOL!

4) How many characters die?

5) What was the previous name for your story?
My title never changed - Conversations with Nietzsche: A Prelude and a Fugue

6) How many main characters have you utilised?

7) How many sub characters have you utilised?

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story?

9) Does your story take place in both night and day?
Both. Mostly at night, though.

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid.


May 13, 2007
Haha, I don't know which set of questions to answer and I'm bored so I'll do both!

1. What's the title of your story?
In Spite of the Walnut Tree

2. What's the name of one of the main characters?
Er, technically he's nameless but refers to himself as Archimedes.

3.Is/are they guys/girls?

4. What is one setting/location?
A cave.

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick?
Spec Fic, I'd say.

6. Whats the time period?

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre.
no/no/no/no/no, HA!

1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person?
Hahah, give me the money please! (Then the appreciation!) I used first, second and third, but it is all the same voice of the same protagonist.

2) What is the general tone of your story?
Self-satirical, lyrical, dark.

3) Over how many years does your story span?
In theory, it takes place during six watches of one night, but there are links back to the past and the future.

4) How many characters die?
One, and a few animals.

5) What was the previous name for your story?

6) How many main characters have you utilised?

7) How many sub characters have you utilised?
About three, though one is actually the other revisited if that makes any sense whatsoever.

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story?

9) Does your story take place in both night and day?
During six of the eight watches of the night.

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid?
Haha, not those direct words, but I've probably used a few synonyms.
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 14, 2007
just base it on somehting you like.
scifi works the best
if theres a movie/tv series you like, borrow their universe and loosely base it around that and make you own story.
if theres a video game. use that, that work well too. Look at all the fan fiction for cartoons and games just to see some of the things people come up with. Its also a great place to find ideas and inspiration.
Basing it in the future can usually help, because it lets you come up with all amounts of things, and when its already based on a particular thing you already like and know about, your laready half done. All you have to do is come up with a story line and paste all the other bits in.

ofcourse, thats if you like this sort of stuff. Its not going to help much if you dont like scifi or something. But the basic idea is still the same


New Member
Jul 25, 2007
Seems like a while since anyones posted here, but i feel like answering some questions, so here goes:

1. What's the title of your story?
Resonance (thats the title of my collection - not sure about individual stories)

2. What's the name of one of the main characters?

3.Is/are they guys/girls?
He's a guy - a young guy in one story, an old man in another.

4. What is one setting/location?
A pub in an unnamed town.

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick?
Oooh, I dunno....

6. Whats the time period?
1975 - 2008. (Although there are flashbacks from the 60's in the earlier story)

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre.
Not yet, but they sound interesting - i'll have to try.

1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person?
So far, first and third (in different stories), but second person could be interesting. I think it could work very nicely with my concepts.

2) What is the general tone of your story?
Gah... reflective, sombre, uplifting (hopefully).

3) Over how many years does your story span?
1975 - 2008, so... 33 years (this is why I'm doing Ext English and not Ext Maths, haha)

4) How many characters die?
One, but she isn't a main character and she doesn't die in the actual story. But her death is very important.

5) What was the previous name for your story?
Um... "Untitled"?

6) How many main characters have you utilised?
There will be four.

7) How many sub characters have you utilised?
A handful, can't be bothered working out how many exactly (I'm not very cooperative in answering these, am I?)

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story?
Gumtrees (yep, it's an Australian story)

9) Does your story take place in both night and day?

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid?
I don't think so... hmm, I may have used subtle... again, will try to include them.


May 23, 2007
oh i'll post =D

1. What's the title of your story?
none yet

2. What's the name of one of the main characters?

3.Is/are they guys/girls?
a girl

4. What is one setting/location?
an apartment in the city?

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick?
uhrm...not sure. self-realisation? is that a genre?

6. Whats the time period?

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre.
er maybe...no probably not yet

1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person?
so far third, or second. um. what's second again? lol

2) What is the general tone of your story?
um...dark but not...and sort of...iono like looking at people through a glazed window...then you wipe away the smoke. i cant explain!

3) Over how many years does your story span?
like...a few. 3?

4) How many characters die?
none as of now

5) What was the previous name for your story?
er...yeah nothing.

6) How many main characters have you utilised?
two in the beginning, but one will leave and be replaced

7) How many sub characters have you utilised?
about...3 atm

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story?

9) Does your story take place in both night and day?

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid?


May 28, 2007
1. What's the title of your story?

2. What's the name of one of the main characters?

3. Is/are they guys/girls?
2xfemale, 1xmale narrators, 1xother main male character.

4. What is one setting/location?
A hospital.

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick?
Ummmm. Drama, prolly :/

6. Whats the time period?

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre.
I don't think so. Not yet, at least.


1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value).
First, all the way ;D

2) What is the general tone of your story?
Probably dark. Bittersweet, I hope.

3) Over how many years does your story span?
3 days... xD

4) How many characters die?

5) What was the previous name for your story?
None, just "Untitled" previously.

6) How many main characters have you utilised?
Ummm. Three, I suppose.

7) How many sub characters have you utilised?

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story?
Coca plant xD

9) Does your story take place in both night and day?

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid.
Morbid maybe? :/


New Member
Dec 10, 2007
dungog, nsw.
1. What's the title of your story? At the moment it's just got a working title of "Suitcase Memory", but I'd like to put a lot more thought into the final title.

2. What's the name of one of the main characters? Miranda Copeland.

3. Is/are they guys/girls? The main character is a girl, but her life is very based around the male relationships she has throughout the story.

4. What is one setting/location? For the most part is is set in the main character's grandparent's suburban family home - but much of the setting is imaginary or dream-like.

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? It's still not at a stage where I think I can give it a full-blown genre - but loosely it fits into a contemporary young people's fiction sort of area.

6. Whats the time period?
Contemporary, but not necessarily constrained to a specific time period.

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre? Not yet, but perhaps I should :)

8. Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person?
At the moment mainly in first person, but it at times darts of into just dialogue sections, or simple descriptive sections without a particular voice.

9. What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc.
It has a serious tone to it (pertaining to death), but it is generally told from a naive, teenage voice with humourous and sarcastic elements. It's intended to have serious sections and more light-hearted sections.

10. Over how many years does your story span? At it's present state it only spans over a period of one week, but I'm thinking of including sections that delve further into my characters' past and future.

11. How many characters die? One, in the opening paragraph.

12. What was the previous name for your story? Like I said, it still has it's working title.

13. How many main characters have you utilised? One main protagonist, but the story revolves around a family, so there are many background characters.

14. How many sub characters have you utilised?
Only a handful.

15. What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? My main character feeds her fish at some point early on.

16. Does your story take place in both night and day? Yes, and at points in places that have an absence of time.

17. Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid? Not yet :)

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