Technically not 100+ in some recent years
Top 100 more like it.
Those Year 12 ranks are legit like 99.7+ more like it LOL
That consistency in Chemistry has me quite impressed... (and your other subs too

Haha Macquarie Fields has been in the top 100 twice in the last 7 years from memory. Once at 96 (when I was in year 7) and 90th in year 9/10 I think. The principals couldn't stop bragging about it...
Haha thanks Rivalry of Troll. You knew me from year 7, you could probably confirm that I was a pretty dumb kid... haha.
For everyone out there that was asking and/or admiring my story, I'm currently doing my HSC (like literally now is the HSC exam period). I feel as if... having motivation, an aim and a competitive environment really helped.
back in my junior school, I didn't have an aim. I was just doing whatever I felt like, really. In year 9 I joined my current tutoring and its a bit sad, but it has made a life changing difference. Previously I had no regard for studying whatsoever but I felt as if the competitive environment of tutoring propelled me forth. that was the first real "change" in my HSC pathway.
my tutor was the one who urged me to try for other schools (I did try for ruse and got a reserve yeah yeah). But coming to my current school had to be the best decision ever. My school has a nice balance of "slack" and "studying" and once its almost exam time you can feel the pressure to study, to do good. its amazing.
My third thing - I really had no aim prior to year 11. tbh, I was thinking of chemical engineering back then but in year 11 a few friends dragged me to some med seminar. Somehow that made up my mind I wanted to do med, and we all know med is pretty much top of the game. Working towards my aim of 99.7+ ATAR really helped because then I knew what I wanted, needed and what had to be done.
I don't mean to say this so bluntly, but the HSC is a bit like a game of cards. you need to play you cards well, and a bit of luck is required on top of skill. Choose your subjects wisely, make sure you leave yourself in a good position in terms of rank and just know what you want (and knowing why helps).
Hope that helps for everyone.